Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

University of Leiden,
Post date: June 19, 2024
PhD candidate, Compliance by Design: Technical Challenges of EU AI Act Requirements and Their Ethical Implications
Deadline: July 15, 2024

AI Compliance by Design: Technical Challenges of EU AI Act's Requirements and Their Ethical Implications. As artificial intelligence technologies are increasingly subject to regulation, complex questions are arising regarding both technical feasibility of assessing compliance and the wider ethical implications thereof. This PhD project aims to critically evaluate the European Union's Artificial Intelligence Act as an instance of this. The project will approach the technical challenges of promoting and monitoring compliance from several standpoints, focusing on the feasibility of translating its requirements into tangible technological solutions for assessing AI compliance. The project integrates ethical and technical dimensions, aiming to understand both how the AI Act’s ethical requirements can be translated into technical specifications and how the corresponding design choices (and their implications) can be evaluated in light of broader ethical principles. The project explores the design, development, and assessment of algorithms and systems that embody the Act's mandates, thus ensuring that AI applications meet both ethical guidelines and technical standards. In addition, the project will explore more general principles that flow for this case for other attempts at “compliance by design” in the domain of rapidly developing AI technologies.

This PhD position is a part of the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDiT) programme, a new ten-year long international research programme of seven academic institutions in the Netherlands that has started in January 2020. This programme has a combined budget of € 27 million and is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research in the Gravitation funding scheme for excellent research, with the matching funds from the participating institutions. The programme has the aim of achieving breakthrough research in at the intersection of ethics, philosophy, technology / engineering and social sciences, and to position its consortium at the top of its field internationally. A key objective is to investigate how new technologies challenge moral values and ontological concepts (like “nature”, “human being” and “community”), and how these challenges necessitate a revision of these concepts. The programme includes four research lines, “Nature, life and human intervention”, “The future of a free and fair society”, “The human condition” and “Synthesis: Ethics of Technology, Practical Philosophy, and Modern Technology-Driven Societies”. This position belongs to research track STEM. A fuller description of the project as a whole, can be pointed to through the ESDiT website:

Please note that there are other vacancies in the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies programme at different participating universities. Applicants are encouraged to apply for more than one ESDiT position simultaneously in case of several positions are of interest to the applicant.

Key responsibilities

assess technical feasibility of implementing the EU AI Act’s requirements in practical AI systems, identifying technical methodologies for compliance assessment, against the background of critical review of existing efforts;
examine how the AI Act's guidelines can be translated into technically feasible implementations, focusing on the integration of considerations into technical research and development processes, from the early stages, in a transdisciplinary fashion;
identify insights from relevant previous attempts to integrate considerations regarding the feasibility of compliance into the design specification of the new technology;
design and implement algorithms that meet the EU AI Act's requirements, demonstrating technical possibilities and limitations, with an eye to developing 'best practices' of algorithmic design in accordance with the AI Act;
develop methodologies for evaluating the risk levels of AI applications, aligned with the Act's classifications and assessing systems' adherence to ethical and legal standards;
formulate more general recommendations regarding how regulatory guidelines can be designed in a way that optimises the technical feasibility of compliance (and compliance monitoring);
be actively involved in the project including following courses in ethics of technology (20 ECTS);
assist in relevant teaching activities within LIACS;
Selection Criteria
The successful applicant should be a motivated university graduate who is a top performer among his/her peers and has an excellent education and/or research track record proven by relevant experience, publications, etc. The applicant is expected to have:

MSc degree in Artificial Intelligence, Data science, Applied Mathematics, Computer science, or related field;
Strong interest in ethics;
Good programming skills in, e.g., Python;
Credible experience with Machine Learning and/or Data science;
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English, Dutch proficiency or willingness to learn is a plus;
Ability to work with diverse stakeholders, along with an affinity for connecting work in Computer Science to other relevant disciplines and societal challenges.
Research at our faculty
The Faculty of Science is a world-class faculty where staff and students work together in a dynamic international environment. It is a faculty where personal and academic development are top priorities. Our people are committed to expand fundamental knowledge by curiosity and to look beyond the borders of their own discipline; their aim is to benefit science, and to contribute to addressing the major societal challenges of the future.

The research carried out at the Faculty of Science is very diverse, ranging from mathematics, information science, astronomy, physics, chemistry and bio-pharmaceutical sciences to biology and environmental sciences. The research activities are organised in eight institutes. These institutes offer eight bachelor’s and twelve master’s programmes. The faculty has grown strongly in recent years and now has more than 2.300 staff and almost 5,000 students. We are located at the heart of Leiden’s Bio Science Park, one of Europe’s biggest science parks, where university and business life come together. For more information, see and

The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) is the Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Institute in the Faculty of Science of Leiden University. We offer courses at the Bachelor and Master of Science level in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, ICT in Business, Media Technology, and Bioinformatics. According to an independent research visitation, we are one of the foremost computer science departments of the Netherlands. We strive for excellence in a caring institute, where excellence, fun, and diversity go hand in hand. We offer a clear and inviting career path to young and talented scientists with the ambition to grow. For more information about LIACS, see

Terms and conditions
We offer a full-time position for one year initially. After a positive evaluation of the progress of the thesis, personal capabilities and compatibility, the appointment will be extended by further three years. Salary ranges from € 2.770,- to € 3.539,- gross per month (pay scale P in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities). Preferred starting date for this position is October 1, 2024 or soon thereafter. Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3%), training and career development and sabbatical leave. Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.

All our PhD students are embedded in the Leiden University Graduate School of Science Our graduate school offers several PhD training courses at three levels: professional courses, skills training and personal effectiveness. In addition, advanced courses to deepen scientific knowledge are offered by the research school.

Within this project, PhD students are encouraged to spend a semester abroad, and a budget is available to cover their expenses. Moreover, generous (conference) travel budgets are available for the position.

D&I statement
Diversity and inclusion are core values of Leiden University. Leiden University is committed to becoming an inclusive community which enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected and to develop their full potential. Diversity in experiences and perspectives enriches our teaching and strengthens our research. High quality teaching and research is inclusive.

Enquiries can be made to Dr Anna Kononova, a [dot] kononova [__at__] liacs [dot] leidenuniv [dot] nl. If you have any questions about the procedure, please send an email to jobs [__at__] liacs [dot] leidenuniv [dot] nl.

Please submit online your application via the blue button in the vacancy. Please ensure that you upload the following additional documents quoting the vacancy number:

Motivation letter
Curriculum vitae
Academic transcript of the MSc degree
Names of 2-3 references if applicable
Only applications received before July 15, 2024 can be considered. Selected candidates will be invited for an interview in early August 2024.

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e),
Eindhoven ,
Post date: June 18, 2024
PhD on how AI technologies could be used to improve ethics methodology
Deadline: August 31, 2024

Can and should philosophers employ large language models or other artificial intelligence tools in the course of doing ethics? Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), in collaboration with the inter-university research consortium, "Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDiT)," seeks to hire a PhD student for a four-year project on whether (and if so, how) philosophers can use AI technologies to improve ethics methodology.

Job Description

In the last few decades, philosophers have speculated about how AI systems could support or enhance individual moral reasoning, deliberation, and other moral functioning. Following recent developments in AI research, philosophers may well ask what role AI can play within ethics as a discipline. Can AI technologies be used to improve the methods of ethics, including the methods that ethicists of technology use for responding to socially disruptive technologies?

Socially disruptive technologies pose new types of ethical challenges. AI could conceivably help us respond to those challenges by facilitating better ethical theorizing and decision-making. For instance, philosophers might attempt to incorporate AI technologies into processes of conceptual analysis, conceptual engineering, reflective equilibrium, development of new ethical principles and theories, generation of possible arguments and objections, generation of counterexamples to theories, preliminary identification of morally significant risks and benefits in scenarios, and so on. One way to approach such an ambition would be by using finetuning and special prompting to create large language model-based systems to perform or assist with some of these tasks. Philosophers might also try using AI systems to support exploratory anticipation and prospection activities—developing AI systems that help generate technomoral scenarios with a range of salient features, for human discussion and reflection. To facilitate group deliberation, philosophers might incorporate AI into systems for more frequently and efficiently eliciting, analyzing, and aggregating beliefs and preferences within groups, identifying and characterizing points of overlap and disagreement, and helping humans communicate with other humans about what their values are, what norms they endorse, their reasons for their moral views, etc. Insofar as decisions about technology design, implementation, maintenance, modification, etc., should be informed by the values and preferences of stakeholders, researchers might use AI systems to more effectively request and synthesize inputs from ordinary people about how various designs are falling short in ethically-significant dimensions. Alternately, philosophers may want to develop AI agents for engaging in dialogue or negotiating on behalf of individuals or interest groups.

The project is not committed from the outset to the idea that AI systems should be incorporated into ethics methodology any time soon or even ever. There are many potential objections to incorporating AI into ethics—e.g. that human individuals bear special duties to perform certain aspects of ethical reasoning or discernment for themselves, that use of AI within certain ethics tasks would reduce the value of those tasks, or that the opaqueness of the AI systems involved mean that humans cannot rely on AI systems for certain purposes.

In this PhD project, the student will characterize some ways in which AI might conceivably be used to improve ethics methodology and they will develop and defend a position on whether humans should or should not attempt to incorporate AI into ethical methodology in those ways.

This PhD position will be part of the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDiT) programme, a ten-year international research programme of seven academic institutions in the Netherlands that started in January 2020. This programme has a combined budget of €27 million and is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in the Gravitation funding scheme for excellent research, and by matching funds from the participating institutions. The duration of the programme is from January 2020 to December 2029. The programme has the aim of achieving breakthrough research in at the intersection of ethics, philosophy, technology/engineering and social sciences, and to position its consortium at the top of its field internationally. A key objective is to investigate how new technologies challenge moral values and ontological concepts (like “nature”, “human being” and “community”), and how these challenges necessitate a revision of these concepts. The programme includes four research lines, “Nature, Life and Human Intervention”, “The Future of a Free and Fair Society”, “The Human Condition,” and “Foundations & Synthesis”.

This PhD position will be situated within the Foundations & Synthesis research line, and it will contribute to the ESDiT research objective on “New approaches for ethical assessment and guidance of SDTs”. A fuller description of the Foundations & Synthesis research line, as well as the programme as a whole, can be found through the ESDiT website:

You will be embedded within the Philosophy & Ethics group in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences at TU/e. Philosophy & Ethics at TU/e is a vibrant international community, consisting of around 30 members with research interests ranging from philosophy of science and technology to ethics and the philosophy of AI. We have strong cooperation with other departments and the new Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI). TU/e is part of the 4TU Ethics consortium ( ), (comprised of TU/e, Delft, Twente, and Wageningen), where we cooperate closely on research and education of students.

The project will be supervised by Elizabeth O’Neill and Philip Nickel.

Please note that there are other vacancies in the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies programme at different participating universities. In case several are of interest to you, we encourage you to apply to them simultaneously.

Job requirements

We are looking for a PhD candidate who has:

A completed master’s degree in philosophy, preferably in normative ethics, applied ethics, metaethics, ethics of technology, or philosophy of technology.
Excellent speaking and writing skills in English.
An aptitude for independent work.
A background in computer science, especially machine learning, is a plus.
Conditions of employment

A meaningful job in a dynamic and ambitious university, in an interdisciplinary setting and within an international network. You will work on a beautiful, green campus within walking distance of the central train station. In addition, we offer you:

Full-time employment for four years, with an intermediate evaluation (go/no-go) after nine months. You will spend 10% of your employment on teaching tasks.
Salary and benefits (such as a pension scheme, paid pregnancy and maternity leave, partially paid parental leave) in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, scale P (min. €2,770 max. €3,539).
A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
High-quality training programs and other support to grow into a self-aware, autonomous scientific researcher. At TU/e we challenge you to take charge of your own learning process.
An excellent technical infrastructure, on-campus children's day care and sports facilities.
An allowance for commuting, working from home and internet costs.
A Staff Immigration Team and a tax compensation scheme (the 30% facility) for international candidates.
ESDiT PhD students are encouraged to spend a semester abroad, for which a budget is available to cover expenses; a generous conference travel budget is also available for the position.

Everyone deserves to feel at home at our university. TU/e as well as the larger ESDiT research program encourage applications from women, scholars with disabilities, scholars from minority backgrounds, and other persons from groups that are currently underrepresented in philosophy.

Information and application

About us

Eindhoven University of Technology is an internationally top-ranking university in the Netherlands that combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on attitude. Our spirit of collaboration translates into an open culture and a top-five position in collaborating with advanced industries. Fundamental knowledge enables us to design solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow.

Curious to hear more about what it’s like as a PhD candidate at TU/e? Please view the video.


Do you recognize yourself in this profile and would you like to know more?
Please contact dr. Elizabeth O’Neill, e [dot] r [dot] h [dot] oneill [__at__] tue [dot] nl.

Visit our website for more information about the application process or the conditions of employment. You can also contact HRServices [dot] IEIS [__at__] tue [dot] nl.

Are you inspired and would like to know more about working at TU/e? Please visit our career page.


We invite you to submit a complete application by using the apply button.
The application should include a:

Cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position
Curriculum vitae and the contact information of three references
Brief description of your master’s thesis
One-page statement elaborating on your ideas for this project
Writing sample
We look forward to receiving your application and will screen it as soon as possible. The vacancy will remain open until the position is filled.

Desired start date (negotiable): Dec. 1, 2024

Thomas-Institut, University of Cologne,
Post date: June 13, 2024
Visiting fellowships 2024/25 (1–3 months)
Deadline: September 1, 2024

The project Averroes Edition is dedicated to the edition and study of the works on Natural Philosophy by the Andalusian philosopher Ibn Rušd (1126–1198) in Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin, as well as related texts and materials. It further promotes the study of the reception of Ibn Rušd’s writings in these three language traditions.

The project is hosted by the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts for a period of 25 years from 2016 to 2040. The project is carried out at the Thomas-Institut, University of Cologne, under the supervision of Andreas Speer and David Wirmer. The research team comprises three editors, a digital humanist, a post-doctoral position, and a group of student assistants.

We welcome applications for visiting fellowships tenable in Cologne for a period of one to three months between 1 October 2024 and 20 September 2025. There are three fellowships available for this academic year.

We invite both senior scholars and post-docs to apply.

The fellowships amount to EUR 3000 per month, they are not liable to taxation in Germany and do not include health insurance or social benefits.

Fellows will be offered office facilities at the Thomas-Institut, togetherwith the research team, and are expected to work in Cologne most of the time. They will have access to all research resources of the project, including the digital tools developed by the edition project and the specialised library of the institute.

Fellows are expected to do research in an area relevant to the project and to share their experience and insights with the other members of the research team. They are welcome to present their work in the institute’s research colloquium.

Due to the current focus of the Averroes Edition we are particularly interested in applications relating to Aristotle’s Physics, the Arabic commentary tradition on it, and the latter’s reception in Hebrew and Latin.

Applications should be sent in German, French, or English to Corrado la Martire by email (info-averroes [__at__] uni-koeln [dot] de) before September 1st, 2024. Applications should include a complete CV with a list of publications and a research proposal of no more than 500 words. Applicants are asked to state in their research proposal the preferred duration of the fellowship and to propose a starting date.

University of Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Post date: June 7, 2024
Two Post-Doctoral Positions in Philosophy & Ethics of AI
Deadline: June 16, 2024

Centre for Philosophy and AI Research (PAIR), Erlangen, Germany

Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
Post date: June 6, 2024
Postdoc Fellowship in Philosophy of Mind
Deadline: July 14, 2024

Postdoc Fellowship in Philosophy of Mind
Grant available at the Institute of Philosophy II
Ruhr-University Bochum
Call for applications
Thematic Frameworks are preferably the following three topics: “Philosophy of the self: self-consciousness, self-knowledge, self-deception”, “Philosophy of AI or Social Robots” or “A comparative perspective on humans and nonhuman animals”

We offer a fellowship for a postdoc at the Institute of Philosophy II at the Ruhr-University in Bochum in the area of philosophy of mind and cognition in the research group of Prof. Albert Newen. The fellowship will be offered for 24 months. Candidates should be ideally working out a project in one of the three areas: “Philosophy of the self: self-consciousness, self-knowledge, self-deception”, “Philosophy of AI or Social Robots” or “A comparative perspective on humans and nonhuman animals”. Project suggestions are expected (max. 1 page without references).

In principle the call if open for other research topics in the group of Prof. Newen: 1. Theories of Understanding Others; 2 Theories of Emotion; 3. Philosophy of Neurosciences and their Explanations; 4. Theories of Perception and Cognition; 5. Situated Cognition

Requirements: Candidates should have an outstanding PhD in philosophy. Their PhD should have been achieved within the last 4 years before the application date. An additional degree in psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, psychiatry or neurosciences is much appreciated. Some substantial expertise in at least one of these areas will be expected. Furthermore, the candidate must have (at least three) papers published or accepted by peer-reviewed journals.

For this program there are special demands: Applicants are either no German nationals or have lived abroad for at least ten years. Furthermore, they are not allowed to have made a postdoc in Germany (of more than 3 months).

The applicant need not speak German at the time of application, but they should be willing to learn German to be able to engage in everyday conversations. The language for scientific conversation is English. Candidates should be prepared to participate in weekly meetings of the research group of Prof. Newen in Bochum. Thus, the fellowship presupposes regular presence at Ruhr-University Bochum since the project should be worked out in close interaction with the group of Prof. Newen.

Deadline for the application is the 14th of July 2024. The fellowship is available from 1st of November 2024 onwards. The postdoc fellowship is 2.670 Euro (can be higher in special cases, e.g., marriage) per month. The funding is available for a period of two years.

Application documents (we only accept electronic applications): Please send your application to center-mindcognition [__at__] rub [dot] de

Your application should consist of max. three PDF files. The first one is to include your personal documents: an outline of your own planned research project of 1 page max excluding references, CV, copies of certificates and records, complete list of your publications, talks, conferences you attended and courses you held; names of two potential referees (sequence irrelevant). The other PDF file(s) to be attached should be a list of two selected key publications, as well as these selected key publications (must have been published or accepted, if accepted but not published add the letter of acceptance of the journal).

Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
Post date: May 29, 2024
Postdoc Fellowship in Philosophy of Mind
Deadline: July 14, 2024

Thematic Frameworks are preferably the following three topics: “Philosophy of the self: self-consciousness, self-knowledge, self-deception”, “Philosophy of AI or Social Robots” or “A comparative perspective on humans and nonhuman animals”

We offer a fellowship for a postdoc at the Institute of Philosophy II at the Ruhr-University in Bochum in the area of philosophy of mind and cognition in the research group of Prof. Albert Newen. The fellowship will be offered for 24 months. Candidates should be ideally working out a project in one of the three areas: “Philosophy of the self: self-consciousness, self-knowledge, self-deception”, “Philosophy of AI or Social Robots” or “A comparative perspective on humans and nonhuman animals”. Project suggestions are expected (max. 1 page without references).

In principle the call if open for other research topics in the group of Prof. Newen: 1. Theories of Understanding Others; 2 Theories of Emotion; 3. Philosophy of Neurosciences and their Explanations; 4. Theories of Perception and Cognition; 5. Situated Cognition

Requirements: Candidates should have an outstanding PhD in philosophy. Their PhD should have been achieved within the last 4 years before the application date. An additional degree in psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, psychiatry or neurosciences is much appreciated. Some substantial expertise in at least one of these areas will be expected. Furthermore, the candidate must have (at least three) papers published or accepted by peer-reviewed journals.

For this program there are special demands: Applicants are either no German nationals or have lived abroad for at least ten years. Furthermore, they are not allowed to have made a postdoc in Germany (of more than 3 months).

The applicant need not speak German at the time of application, but they should be willing to learn German to be able to engage in everyday conversations. The language for scientific conversation is English. Candidates should be prepared to participate in weekly meetings of the research group of Prof. Newen in Bochum. Thus, the fellowship presupposes regular presence at Ruhr-University Bochum since the project should be worked out in close interaction with the group of Prof. Newen.

Deadline for the application is the 14th of July 2024. The fellowship is available from 1st of November 2025 onwards. The postdoc fellowship is 2.670 Euro (can be higher in special cases, e.g., marriage) per month. The funding is available for a period of two years.
Application documents (we only accept electronic applications): Please send your application to center-mindcognition [__at__] rub [dot] de

Your application should consist of max. three PDF files. The first one is to include your personal documents: an outline of your own planned research project of 1 page max excluding references, CV, copies of certificates and records, complete list of your publications, talks, conferences you attended and courses you held; names of two potential referees (sequence irrelevant). The other PDF file(s) to be attached should be a list of two selected key publications, as well as these selected key publications (must have been published or accepted, if accepted but not published add the letter of acceptance of the journal).

Utrecht University,
Post date: May 13, 2024
PhD in Ethics on Disrupting ageing: Personhood, meaning, and vulnerability across the lifespan
Deadline: June 7, 2024

The Ethics Institute of Utrecht University’s department of Philosophy and Religious Studies seeks a researcher for a four-year, full-time PhD project “Disrupting ageing: Personhood, meaning, and vulnerability across the lifespan”, as part of the ESDiT – Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies – Research Programme (

About the role
The ageing of societies is one of the 21st century’s most disruptive demographic trends. Simultaneously, age-related technologies challenge the ‘naturalness’ of ageing and draw into focus ambiguities in the concept of ageing itself. Since ageing is a phenomenon infused with normativity, with normative expectations corresponding to phases in the human life cycle, the conceptual cleavage of ageing invites innovation in related moral concepts. This PhD project examines ways in which technologies that bear on ageing disrupt biological, socio-cultural, and normative understandings of ageing. It considers how these disruptions generate fruitful possibilities for reconceptualisation of ageing itself, as well as intertwined normative ideas of personhood, meaning, and vulnerability. In doing so, the project will investigate non-western and non-canonical ideas that might reinvigorate core moral concepts implicated by ageing.

- Master’s degree or equivalent degree in Philosophy, Ethics, or Political Philosophy/Theory. Other Master’s degrees will also be considered if you have a demonstrable expertise in analytical/conceptual problems and approaches to normative justification, in close connection with the themes of the research project.
- Interest in moral and political philosophy, applied ethics, and normative issues related to technology;
- Knowledge in a more specialised field relevant to the project (e.g. solidarity, ethics of technology, conceptual disruption, etc.) is welcome.
- Especially welcome are approaches to this project that engage with traditions and perspectives that are currently marginalised within Western philosophy.

- a position for a period of 18 months - in case of good performance and a positive evaluation, the contract will be extended for the remaining period of 30 months (4 years in total);
- a working week of 38 hours and a gross monthly salary between €2,770 and €3,539 in the case of full-time employment
You have an excellent track record and research skills, relative to experience, and excellent academic writing and presentation skills.

The expected starting date is 1 October 2024.
For more information, please contact Christopher Wareham external link via c [dot] s [dot] wareham [__at__] uu [dot] nl

Utrecht University,
Post date: May 13, 2024
PhD: Reconceptualising Solidarity for Technologically Disrupted Contexts
Deadline: June 7, 2024

The Ethics Institute of Utrecht University’s Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies seeks a researcher for a four-year, full-time PhD project “Reconceptualising Solidarity for Technologically Disrupted Contexts”, as part of the ESDiT – Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies – Research Programme (

About the role
This PhD project is an ethical and philosophical study of how technology might (re)shape communal practices and the concepts to describe such practices, notably the concept of solidarity.

- a Master’s degree or equivalent degree in Philosophy, Ethics, or Political Philosophy/Theory. Other Master’s degrees will also be considered if you have a demonstrable expertise in analytical/conceptual problems and approaches to normative justification, in close connection with the themes of the research project.
- A broad interest in moral and political philosophy, applied ethics, and normative issues related to technology.
- Knowledge in a more specialised field relevant to the project (e.g. solidarity, ethics of technology, conceptual disruption, etc.) is welcome.
- Especially welcome are approaches to this project that engage with traditions and perspectives that are currently marginalised within Western philosophy.

The Offer
- a position for a period of 18 months - in case of good performance and a positive evaluation, the contract will be extended for the remaining period of 30 months (4 years in total);
- a working week of 38 hours and a gross monthly salary between €2,770 and €3,539 in the case of full-time employment.

The expected starting date is 1 October 2024.
For more information, please contact Juri Viehoff external link at j [dot] viehoff [__at__] uu [dot] nl

University of Twente,
Post date: May 13, 2024
PhD candidate on Human Capabilities, Diversity and Technological Disruptions: A New Ethical Approach
Deadline: June 11, 2024

The Philosophy section of the University of Twente is looking for a highly motivated and excellent researcher for a 4-year, full-time PhD project on Human Capabilities, Diversity and Technological Disruptions: A New Ethical Approach.

About the role
The research project is part of the ESDiT – Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies – Research Programme (, and will be supervised by Dr. Naomi Jacobs and Dr. Janna van Grunsven. The project aims at developing an approach for ethically assessing the disruptive impact of technologies on individuals.

- a Master’s degree or equivalent in Philosophy, (Applied) Ethics, or Science and Technology Studies;
- Affinity and/or experience in ethics or philosophy of technology, experience with empirical research is welcome but not required ;
- An excellent track record and research skills, relative to experience.

The Offer:
- a fulltime 4-year PhD position with a qualifier in the first year;
- Gross monthly salary of € 2.770 in the first year, increasing each year up to € 3.539 in the fourth year;
- Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%, and a solid pension scheme.

Application deadline: 11 June 2024.
The preferred starting date is 1 October 2024.
Additional information can be acquired via email from dr. Naomi Jacobs (n [dot] jacobs [__at__] utwente [dot] nl).

University of Twente,
Post date: May 13, 2024
PhD candidate on "Reconceiving Rights, Duties, and Wellbeing amidst technological and ecological challenges"
Deadline: June 6, 2024

The University of Twente is looking for a highly motivated and curious PhD candidate to work on the project "Reconceiving Rights, Duties, and Wellbeing amidst technological and ecological challenges."

About the role
Grounded in moral philosophy, the wide-ranging project is part of the ESDiT – Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies – Research Programme (, and will be supervised by Dominic Lenzi and James Hutton. It may involve the examination of alternative value systems that emphasise communitarian values, relational conceptions of wellbeing and sustainability, the value of non-human nature, while possibly drawing on both intercultural perspectives and philosophical foundations of scientific approaches on human wellbeing.

- A Master’s degree or equivalent in Philosophy with a specialization in moral philosophy;
- Affinity and/or experience in environmental philosophy, intercultural philosophy, the philosophy of well-being and/or philosophy of technology
- A good team spirit and like to work in an interdisciplinary and internationally oriented environment;
- Able to do independent research and willing to develop writing and publication skills.

The Offer:
- a fulltime 4-year PhD position with a qualifier in the first year;
- Gross monthly salary of € 2.770 in the first year, increasing each year up to € 3.539 in the fourth year;
- Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%, and a solid pension scheme.

Deadline for applications: 6 June 2024
Preferred starting date: 1 October 2024

Additional information about this position can be acquired from dr. Dominic Lenzi (d [dot] s [dot] lenzi [__at__] utwente [dot] nl).