Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Universität Paderborn,
Post date: November 27, 2017
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in
Deadline: January 15, 2018

Mit über 20.000 Studierenden ist die Universität Paderborn eine innovative und interdisziplinär ausgerichtete Campus-Universität mit vielseitigen Studienangeboten für junge Menschen aus dem In- und Ausland. In der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften ist im Fach Philosophie im Bereich Didaktik der Philosophie/Praktischen Philosophie zum nächstmöglichen Termin eine Stelle als

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
(Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)
im Umfang von 100 % der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit zu besetzen. Es handelt sich um eine Qualifizierungsstelle im Sinne des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes (WissZeitVG), die zur Förderung eines Promotionsverfahrens im Bereich der Philosophiedidaktik dient. Die Stelle ist befristet für die Dauer des Promotionsverfahrens, i. d. R. auf 3 Jahre.

Durchführung fachdidaktischer Lehrveranstaltungen (4 SWS) mit einem Schwerpunkt im Bereich des Lehramtes an Haupt-, Real-, Sekundar- und Gesamtschulen und Betreuung der Studierenden für den Bereich „Didaktik der Philosophie“ im Rahmen der eigenen Lehrveranstaltungen, Mitwirkung bei der Durchführung von Prüfungen, Begleitung von Praktika im Fach Philosophie, Mitarbeit in der universitären Selbstverwaltung.
Erwartet wird ein überdurchschnittlicher Abschluss eines Hochschulstudiums der Philosophie (Erstes Staatsexamen, Masterabschluss). Erwünscht sind ein Zweites Staatsexamen und praktische Erfahrungen im Schulunterricht in der Sekundarstufe I, sehr gute Kenntnisse der Philosophiegeschichte und ein systematischer Schwerpunkt in der Philosophie.

Bewerbungen von Frauen sind ausdrücklich erwünscht und werden gem. LGG bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung bevorzugt berücksichtigt, sofern nicht in der Person eines Mitbewerbers liegende Gründe überwiegen. Teilzeitbeschäftigung ist grundsätzlich möglich. Ebenso ist die Bewerbung geeigneter Schwerbehinderter und Gleichgestellter im Sinne des Sozialgesetzbuches Neuntes Buch (SGB IX) erwünscht.

Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich an Petra Große Holling: petra [dot] grosse [dot] holling [__at__] upb [dot] de.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur elektronisch (pdf-Dateien) eingereichte Bewerbungen angenommen werden können. Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, ca. dreiseitiges Exposé zum Promotionsvorhaben in der Philosophiedidaktik, ggf. Publikationen/Arbeitsproben) werden unter der Kennziffer 3179 bis zum 15.01.2018 erbeten an:
Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber z. H. Petra Große Holling Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften Universität Paderborn petra [dot] grosse [dot] holling [__at__] upb [dot] de

University of Exeter,
United Kingdom
Post date: November 9, 2017
Lecturers in Philosophy
Deadline: December 11, 2017

College of Social Sciences and International Studies - Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology

The salary will be £34,520 - £42,418 per annum on Grade F for Lecturers subject to knowledge, skills and experience.

We are recruiting three lecturers with expertise in any area of philosophy, although special consideration will be given to candidates whose research interests complement those of the Department, including culture, consciousness, mind, ethics, the arts, science and technology. It is expected that you will play leading roles in the development and delivery of the Department’s Philosophy curriculum across core and optional modules.

SPA is a vibrant interdisciplinary unit with a well-established track record in internationally leading research. It was ranked 4th in REF 2104 (when power is taken into account; 100% of research staff were submitted). It is host to the Exeter Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences (EGENIS), a world-renowned centre for the philosophy, history and social studies of biology, biomedicine, data science and cognitive science.

You will hold a PhD in Philosophy and have an independent, internationally-recognised research programme in an active field of Philosophy research. You will be able to demonstrate: a strong programme of research that has international recognition; a record in attracting research funding, or a potential to attract funding; an ability to work within an inter-disciplinary department and to develop research links across specialisms; a willingness to engage in continuous professional development; the ability to develop and use a variety of strategies to promote and assess learning; a commitment to delivering the Department’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes; and enthusiasm for the supervision of research students.

These are full-time posts and it is expected that they will be available from 1 September 2018 on a permanent basis.

What we can offer you
-Freedom (and the support) to pursue your intellectual interests and to work creatively across disciplines to produce internationally exciting research;
-Support teams that understand the University wide research and teaching goals and partner with our academics accordingly
-An Innovation, Impact and Business directorate that works closely with our academics providing specialist support for external engagement and development
-Our Exeter Academic initiative supporting high performing academics to achieve their potential and develop their career
-A beautiful campus set in the heart of stunning Devon.

The University of Exeter is a Russell Group university that combines world-class research with very high levels of student satisfaction. Exeter has over 21,000 students from more than 130 different countries and is in the top 1% of universities in the world with 98% of its research rated as being of international quality. Our research focuses on some of the most fundamental issues facing humankind today.

For further information please contact Professor Sabina Leonelli: S [dot] Leonelli [__at__] exeter [dot] ac [dot] uk

The closing date for applications is 11th December 2017.

The University of Exeter is an equal opportunity employer which is 'Positive about Disabled People'. Whilst all applicants will be judged on merit alone, we particularly welcome applications from groups currently underrepresented in the workforce.

University of Neuchâtel,
Post date: October 27, 2017
Full Professor of General Philosophy
Deadline: December 15, 2017

Job description: The successful candidate will teach various courses at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences. The teaching commitment amounts to 7 periods of 45 minutes per week each semester. She/he will conduct high-level international research in philosophy and supervise Master’s and PhD theses.

Requirements: Applicants must hold a doctorate in philosophy and have strong teaching skills. Courses will be taught in French. Non-French speakers are expected to teach in French after a two-year period.

Institute: The professor will belong to the Institute of Philosophy at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences.

Administration: Participation to the administration of the Institute of Philosophy, of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences and to others tasks at the level of the faculty.

Assistant: A full-time assistant can be hired by the successful candidate.

Secretary: Access to secretary services.

Appointment: The successful candidate is initially appointed for a period of four years, which may eventually be extended by two years. After this time, the confirmation of the nomination for an indeterminate time can be obtained on the basis of an evaluation. The full professor is further subjected to an evaluation procedure every six years during his career.

Salary : See website UniNE,

Starting date: August 1st, 2018, or upon agreement.

Application : The applications should be uploaded onto (ref. FLSH-PhiloGén) in the form of a single pdf file including a motivation letter, a detailed CV, a list of publications, copies of diplomas, and a list of experts able to assess the competence of the candidate. The candidate is also invited to present a statement (three pages max.) of teaching and research interests, his/her scientific vision in the domain and projects that he/she anticipates developing in Neuchâtel. Please do not send publications; candidates who are successful in the first round will be asked to provide writing samples.

Information: Further information may be obtained by contacting the Head of the Hiring Committee prof. D. Schulthess (daniel [dot] schulthess [__at__] unine [dot] ch) or the Dean of the Faculty , (doyen [dot] lettres [__at__] unine [dot] ch), as well as by visiting the Faculty website at

The University of Neuchâtel is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Durham University,
United Kingdom
Post date: October 11, 2017
Assistant Professor in Philosophy (Social Science and/or Ethics)
Deadline: November 15, 2017

The Role

With an outstanding reputation for excellence in teaching, research and the employability of our students, the Department of Philosophy is one of the UK’s best. Our distinctive research environment encourages a diversity of interests and approaches - from Anglo-American, to ‘Continental’, to non-Western philosophy - and benefits from an exceptionally high level of funding and collaboration. An impressive philosopher with demonstrable interests in the philosophy of social science, you will enjoy an exciting opportunity to make a major contribution to the further development of outstanding research and excellent, research-led teaching.

You’ll Need:

• A good first-degree, complemented by a PhD in Philosophy (either completed, or currently in progress).
• The ability to produce world-class research in the field of the philosophy of social science, including a research plan which supports the activities of the department.
• Proof that you have contributed to research groups, mentoring early career researchers.
• The confidence to supervise PhD students.
• To be willing to develop successful research project proposals, with the scope to secure funding or generate income.
• Experience of delivering high-quality teaching in lectures and smaller study groups, with the ability to attain fellowship of the HEA.
• Confident leadership and communication skills, with the willingness to work collaboratively as part of a team.

If you haven’t specifically met the above criteria but have recently completed or are concluding your PhD and feel you have the skills needed to do so, then you are invited to apply for the role at grade 7.

How to Apply

We value and promote an inclusive and diverse working environment at Durham and we welcome applications from all individuals.

We prefer to receive applications online. For this role we are working with our partner organisation TMP (UK) Limited and your application will initially be submitted to TMP (UK) Limited via our website.

Please carefully read the full job description for this post, via the web link below, which outlines the documents which you will be required to submit, information about referees, contact details should you require further information and next steps including an indication of when interviews will take place. PLEASE NOTE THAT APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MIDDAY ON THE DATE SPECIFIED.

Durham University,
United Kingdom
Post date: October 11, 2017
Assistant Professor in Philosophy (Post Kantian European Philosophy)
Deadline: November 8, 2017

The Role

With an outstanding reputation for excellence in teaching, research and the employability of our students, the Department of Philosophy is one of the UK’s best. Our distinctive research environment encourages a diversity of interests and approaches - from Anglo-American, to ‘Continental’, to non-Western philosophy - and benefits from an exceptionally high level of funding and collaboration. In this role, to complement and enhance our existing strengths, we are seeking an impressive philosopher with demonstrable interests in post-Kantian European philosophy and/or feminist philosophy. Here, you will enjoy an exciting opportunity to make a major contribution to the further development of outstanding research and excellent, research-led teaching.

You’ll Need:

• A good first-degree, complemented by a PhD in Philosophy (either completed, or currently in progress).
• The ability to produce world-class research in the field of post-Kantian European philosophy and/or feminist philosophy, including a research plan which supports the activities of the department.
• Proof that you have contributed to research groups, mentoring early career researchers.
• The confidence to supervise PhD students.
• To be willing to develop successful research project proposals, with the scope to secure funding or generate income.
• Experience of delivering high-quality teaching in lectures and smaller study groups, with the ability to attain fellowship of the HEA.
• Confident leadership and communication skills, with the willingness to work collaboratively as part of a team.

If you haven’t specifically met the above criteria but have recently completed or are concluding your PhD and feel you have the skills needed to do so, then you are invited to apply for the role at grade 7.

How to Apply

We value and promote an inclusive and diverse working environment at Durham and we welcome applications from all individuals.

We prefer to receive applications online. For this role we are working with our partner organisation TMP (UK) Limited and your application will initially be submitted to TMP (UK) Limited via our website.

Please carefully read the job description for this post, via the web link below, which outlines the documents which you will be required to submit, information about referees, contact details should you require further information and next steps including an indication of when interviews will take place. PLEASE NOTE THAT APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MIDDAY ON THE DATE SPECIFIED.

Durham University,
United Kingdom
Post date: October 11, 2017
Assistant Professor in Philosophy (Philosophy of the Mind)
Deadline: November 22, 2017

The Role

With an outstanding reputation for excellence in teaching, research and the employability of our students, the Department of Philosophy is one of the UK’s best. Our distinctive research environment encourages a diversity of interests and approaches - from Anglo-American, to ‘Continental’, to non-Western philosophy - and benefits from an exceptionally high level of funding and collaboration. You may bring to the role interests in any area of philosophy of the mind, including the philosophy of psychiatry. What matters most is your determination to make a major contribution to the further development of outstanding research and excellent teaching. An impressive philosopher, your research (and research-led teaching) will complement and enhance the activities of our ‘Mind, Language and Metaphysics’ cluster.

You’ll Need:

• A good first-degree, complemented by a PhD in Philosophy (either completed, or currently in progress).
• The ability to produce world-class research in the field of philosophy of the mind, including a research plan which supports the activities of the department.
• Proof that you have contributed to research groups, mentoring early career researchers.
• The confidence to supervise PhD students.
• To be willing to develop successful research project proposals, with the scope to secure funding or generate income.
• Experience of delivering high-quality teaching in lectures and smaller study groups, with the ability to attain fellowship of the HEA.
• Confident leadership and communication skills, with the willingness to work collaboratively as part of a team.

If you haven’t specifically met the above criteria but have recently completed or are concluding your PhD and feel you have the skills needed to do so, then you are invited to apply for the role at grade 7.

How to Apply

We value and promote an inclusive and diverse working environment at Durham and we welcome applications from all individuals.

We prefer to receive applications online. For this role we are working with our partner organisation TMP (UK) Limited and your application will initially be submitted to TMP (UK) Limited via our website.

Please carefully read the full job description for this post, via the web link below, which outlines the documents which you will be required to submit, information about referees, contact details should you require further information and next steps including an indication of when interviews will take place.

Durham University,
United Kingdom
Post date: October 11, 2017
Assistant Professor in Philosophy (Business/Applied Ethics)
Deadline: December 6, 2017

The Role

With an outstanding reputation for excellence in teaching, research and the employability of our students, the Department of Philosophy is one of the UK’s best. Our distinctive research environment encourages a diversity of interests and approaches - spanning Anglo-American, ‘Continental’, and non-Western philosophy - and benefits from an exceptionally high level of funding and collaboration. With interests in applied and professional ethics, you will enjoy an exciting opportunity to make a major contribution to the further development of outstanding research and excellent teaching. An impressive philosopher, your research (and research-led teaching) will complement and enhance the activities of our ‘Aesthetics, Ethics and Politics’ cluster.

You’ll Need:

• A good first-degree, complemented by a PhD in Philosophy (either completed, or currently in progress).
• The ability to produce world-class research, including a research plan which supports the activities of the department.
• Proof that you have contributed to research groups, mentoring early career researchers.
• The confidence to supervise PhD students.
• To be willing to develop successful research project proposals, with the scope to secure funding or generate income.
• Experience of delivering high-quality teaching in lectures and smaller study groups, with the ability to attain fellowship of the HEA.
• Confident leadership and communication skills, with the willingness to work collaboratively as part of a team.

If you haven’t specifically met the above criteria but have recently completed or are concluding your PhD and feel you have the skills needed to do so, then you are invited to apply for the role at grade 7.

How to Apply

We value and promote an inclusive and diverse working environment at Durham and we welcome applications from all individuals.

We prefer to receive applications online. For this role we are working with our partner organisation TMP (UK) Limited and your application will initially be submitted to TMP (UK) Limited via our website.

Please carefully read the job description for this post, via the web link below, which outlines the documents which you will be required to submit, information about referees, contact details should you require further information and next steps including an indication of when interviews will take place. PLEASE NOTE THAT APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MIDDAY ON THE DATE SPECIFIED.

Durham University,
United Kingdom
Post date: October 11, 2017
Assistant Professor in Philosophy (Ethics)
Deadline: November 29, 2017

The Role

With an outstanding reputation for excellence in teaching, research and the employability of our students, the Department of Philosophy is one of the UK’s best. Our distinctive research environment encourages a diversity of interests and approaches - from Anglo-American, to ‘Continental’, to non-Western philosophy - and benefits from an exceptionally high level of funding and collaboration. You may bring to the role interests in any area of ethics, including bioethics. What matters most is your determination to make a major contribution to the further development of outstanding research and excellent teaching. An impressive philosopher, your research (and research-led teaching) will complement and enhance the activities of our ‘Aesthetics, Ethics and Politics’ cluster.

You’ll Need:

• A good first-degree, complemented by a PhD in Philosophy (either completed, or currently in progress).
• The ability to produce world-class research in the field of ethics, including a research plan which supports the activities of the department.
• Proof that you have contributed to research groups, mentoring early career researchers.
• The confidence to supervise PhD students.
• To be willing to develop successful research project proposals, with the scope to secure funding or generate income.
• Experience of delivering high-quality teaching in lectures and smaller study groups, with the ability to attain fellowship of the HEA.
• Confident leadership and communication skills, with the willingness to work collaboratively as part of a team.

How to Apply

We value and promote an inclusive and diverse working environment at Durham and we welcome applications from all individuals.

We prefer to receive applications online. For this role we are working with our partner organisation TMP (UK) Limited and your application will initially be submitted to TMP (UK) Limited via our website.

Please carefully read the full job description for this post, via the web link below, which outlines the documents which you will be required to submit, information about referees, contact details should you require further information and next steps including an indication of when interviews will take place. PLEASE NOTE THAT APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MIDDAY ON THE DATE SPECIFIED.

Duisburg-Essen University,
Post date: August 2, 2017
Postdoc position (‘wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin’, comparable to an assistant professorship)
Deadline: August 28, 2017

The Institute for Philosophy at the University of Duisburg-Essen invites applications for a postdoctoral position (‘wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin’, comparable to an assistant professorship).

Job description: You will be required to develop and submit to the German Research Foundation a proposal for the funding of a research project. The project should be in one of the following areas: action theory, theory of self-control, theory of emotions, philosophical psychology. During term, your teaching duties will comprise 3 x 45 minutes per week.

Your profile: Candidates should have both a BA and a very good PhD in philosophy, and excellent command of the English language. A further prerequisite for consideration is detailed knowledge of the philosophical field within which the project will be situated and a preliminary outline of the project. Familiarity with relevant work in empirical psychology would be desirable, as would publications in refereed journals and experience in the writing of research proposals.

Starting date: 1st October 2017

Contract duration: 18 months

Position type: 75%; salary bracket 13 TV-L. The precise salary will depend on your previous academic employment.

Application deadline: 28.8.2017

How to apply: Please send a CV, a list of courses taught, a short preliminary outline of the project, lists of publications and courses taught, copies of your transcripts and degree certificates, and a writing sample (all in one PDF) by email to helga [dot] bachert [__at__] uni-due [dot] de. Please mention the reference number 380-17 in the mail’s subject line. If you have any questions about the position, contact Neil Roughley (neil [dot] roughley [__at__] uni-due [dot] de).

More information concerning our research group can be found at:

University of Leeds,
United Kingdom
Post date: June 15, 2017
Teaching Fellow and Consultant in Applied Ethics
Deadline: July 2, 2017

Do you have a strong grounding in ethics, with a PhD in ethics/practical philosophy or comparable expertise in a related subject? Do you have experience of teaching in a range of formats including face to face and online? Have you some experience of working in a business/professional context? Do you want to foster the development of ethical reasoning skills, both inside and outside academia, working both within the University and at the interface between higher education and the professional world?

The Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (IDEA CETL) offers an exciting role engaging in inter-disciplinary ethics teaching across the University and in ethics consultancy within the professional world. It provides the opportunity to contribute to the development and delivery of its teaching portfolio, including: MA programmes (in Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics and in Applied and Professional Ethics), both online and campus based; blended learning within a range of disciplines across the University; and the Centre’s wide ranging external training and consultancy projects in professional ethics.

With a PhD in ethics/practical philosophy (or a PhD close to submission in this area), or comparable expertise in related subjects, you will have experience of teaching ethics or applied ethics and of developing and delivering online and blended learning. Experience of working in a business/professional environment is also essential.

To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact:

Professor Chris Megone, Director of the IDEA CETL, tel: +44 (0)113 343 7888, email: c [dot] b [dot] megone [__at__] leeds [dot] ac [dot] uk

Location: Leeds - Main Campus
Faculty/Service: Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Cultures
School/Institute: Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied
Category: Teaching
Grade: Grade 7
Salary: £32,004 to £38,183 p.a.
Working Time: 100%
Post Type: Full Time
Closing Date: Sunday 02 July 2017
Reference: AHCIE1003