Jobs in Philosophy in europe
Tenure Track Position in Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy and/or Philosophy of Culture (Rosalind Franklin Fellowship)
In order to raise the presence of women at the highest levels of the institution, the University of Groningen has initiated the prestigious Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programme. Female academics who aim for a career towards full professorship in a European top research university, are invited to apply for a tenure track position.
The Faculty of Philosophy is looking for candidates in the field of social philosophy, political philosophy and/or philosophy of culture.
For more detailed information about the fellowship, the requirements and the application procedure, see
Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative centre of higher education offering high-quality teaching and research. The Faculty of Philosophy is a rich and vibrant community with an excellent record both in teaching and in research. It consists of four departments: History of Philosophy, Ethics, Practical Philosophy and Theoretical Philosophy. There are about 400 students and 35 staff members.
The Section of Philosophy and Ethics of the Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has a vacancy for a PhD in Philosophy and Ethics of Technology (1.0 fte) within the NWO-project: ‘Persuasive Technology, Allocation of Control, and Social Values – Ethical Aspects of Persuasive Technologies’.
The position is part of a larger research grant in the “Socially Responsible Innovation” program of NWO (Dutch Scientific Council) and will include researchers from psychology, philosophy and mechanical engineering.
Project description
The ethical part of the project addresses moral issues that arise when using persuasive technology. Persuasive Technologies are technologies that are intentionally designed to change the attitude and or behavior of individuals. These types of technologies raise various ethical questions, many of which have to do with a conflict between the individual values of human agents and the social values that these technologies aim to promote. The philosophical part of our research will study the ethical issues of technological ‘persuasion’. The main research question is: What are morally acceptable means of technological ‘persuasion’?
The ethical questions we consider are prompted by the technological case study, which concerns energy-saving in truck-driving. However, most of these ethical issues are of a general nature. The ethical project thus starts from the level of the concrete technological case and moves on to the level of general ethical principles and design guidelines. This will be specifically relevant for the social, political and legal aspects of persuasive technology and for the public debate about it.
Another important dimension of the project is creating and conceptualizing relationships between psychological research, philosophy and design. For this reason, candidates with an interest in philosophy of psychology or empirical philosophy are encouraged to apply.
The PhD student is expected to do both supervised and unsupervised research, write a PhD thesis and research papers on ethical issues regarding persuasive technologies, and participate in activities of the 3TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology. A small part of the position may involve teaching in courses offered by the section. Active cooperation in the interdisciplinary setting of the project (which involves research in psychology and mechanical engineering) is required.
• Your prior studies and current interests prepare you to do research on and write a thesis on ethical issues related to development and usage of persuasive technologies.
• In particular, you have a Master degree in philosophy, with a proven interest in ethics and technology, or a Master degree in engineering science, with a proven interest in ethical issues.
• You aspire to further academic development, you possess excellent analytical skills and you know how to make contact outside your immediate working environment.
• You must have sufficient knowledge of the English language.
Appointment and salary
We offer:
• a full-time temporary appointment for a period of 4 years;
• a gross monthly salary of € 2042 during the first year up to € 2612 during the fourth year of the appointment;
• a holiday allowance of 8% of the yearly salary and an end year allowance of 8.3% of the yearly salary;
• a PhD program of 1,000 course hours, suited to the specific needs of the candidate;
• Additional information about this position can be obtained from Dr. Andreas Spahn (a [dot] spahn [__at__] tue [dot] nl). Further general information: Mrs. Caren van Overdijk (pz [dot] ieis [__at__] tue [dot] nl). More information about the MVI program and the research done at the Section Philosophy and Ethics of Technology may be found at:
• More information on the research at the 3TUCentre for Ethics and Technology may be found at:
Applications should be received by 21st October 2010.
You can apply online (see URL). Please upload your application letter with motivation for application, a recent, detailed Curriculum Vitae, names and contact details of (at least) two referees, and a sample of written work.
Interviews will be held on 29th October 2010 (expected date). As part of an equal opportunity scheme, women are explicitly requested to apply.
Lectureship in Philosophy
University of Southampton - School of Humanities
£29,853 - £33,600 per annum
Following our recent appointments of two new Lecturers, we seek to appoint a third Lecturer in Philosophy, to join a lively, committed group of researchers and teachers. Southampton has distinctive research strengths in several areas of the subject, including philosophical aesthetics and 19th Century German philosophy, and an ability to complement one of these may be an advantage, although it is not essential.
You will show outstanding potential as a philosopher, be enthusiastic and flexible in contributing to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and be able to produce published work of a high quality in preparation for future research assessments and to apply for external funding. In addition you should also be keen to participate fully in the intellectual and academic activities of a group which prizes collegiality and breadth of interest very highly.
Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Aaron Ridley (amr3 [__at__] soton [dot] ac [dot] uk).
It is hoped that the successful candidate will be able to take up the post in January 2011.
The closing date for applications is 16 September 2010 at 12.00 noon.
It is anticipated that interviews will take place during the week beginning 04 October 2010.
For more information on this position or to apply online please visit Alternatively please call 023 80 592750.
Please quote reference number 4795-10-H in all correspondence.
The Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN) is an interdisciplinary institution
at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, funded by the German Excellence Initiative programme.
It is supported by the faculties of mathematics and natural science, medicine and philosophy, the Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, the
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, and partners in industry. The CIN
strives to advance our understanding of how the brain generates function and how brain diseases
impair these functions. It makes use of newly acquired insights to help people with brain disorders and
to launch new mind- and brain-inspired applications in many areas of engineering and computer
The CIN offers a junior group leader (JRG) position (equivalent to Assistant Professorship) with a
tenure track option for up-and-coming young scientists with a promising track record in the field of
Neurophilosophy. The successful candidate is expected to join the planned Research Training
Group (“Graduiertenkolleg”) Grounding Self and Agency
The duration of the position will be for 5 years initially. Subject positive evaluation during this time, the
JRG leader can enter a process that may ultimately lead to a professorship at the University of
Tübingen. Start-up funds as well as funds for two doctoral student fellowships and running costs will
be available. Appointees will be full members of and active participants in the CIN, which will also
provide laboratory and/or office space. The JRG leader will be provided with opportunities to
contribute to research oriented training within the framework of the CIN Graduate Training Centre and
the faculties associated with the CIN. If desired, the university will provide opportunities to do a
German “Habilitation” (second book) according to established rules,.
According to German law, severely disabled persons with equal occupational aptitude will be given
preferential consideration. The University of Tübingen strives to promote equal opportunities in
science and is committed to increasing the percentage of female scientists in teaching and research.
Qualified female candidates are thus strongly encouraged to apply.
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, pdf files of up to 5 key publications, statements of
research achievements and future directions (not to exceed 3 pages) as well as the names and
addresses of at least three referees. All documents should be submitted electronically (pdf) to the
Acting Director of the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience Tübingen, Prof. Dr. Peter
Thier, at cin [__at__] uni-tuebingen [dot] de. Deadline for applications is August 13, 2010. A selection symposion
will take place early in Sept 2010. For further information on the CIN see:
Im Fachbereich 1 der Universität Siegen, Fach Philosophie, ist zum 1. Oktober
2010 in einem von der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung geförderten Projekt die Stelle
einer wissenschaftliches Mitarbeiterin /eines wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters
(Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)
mit der Hälfte der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit befristet für zwei Jahre zu
Das Forschungsprojekt Die große Revolution: Kant als Kopernikus, Kepler, Newton
will die wirkungsgeschichtlich ungemein einflussreiche Rede von der
„Kopernikanischen Wende“ als einer „Revolution der Denkart“ bei Kant
analysieren. Diese berühmte Analogie geht zurück auf zwei Stellen in der
Vorrede zur zweiten Auflage der Kritik der reinen Vernunft (B XVI, B XXII
Anm.), in denen Kant sich ausdrücklich auf Kopernikus bezieht. Diese beiden
Stellen und ihre Kontexte sollen einer kommentarischen Interpretation
unterzogen werden; zugleich soll eine Rezeptionsgeschichte dieser Analogie in
der Kant-Forschung und darüber hinaus in der allgemeinen Ideengeschichte
geschrieben werden.
Das Projekt ist eingebettet in die Arbeit des Zentrums für Kommentarische
Interpretation zu Kant (
an der Universität Siegen. Das ZetKIK fördert philosophiehistorische
Forschungen, die dem Prinzip der detaillierten Textnähe und der kooperativen
Forschung verpflichtet sind.
Ihr Profil:
• Sehr guter Universitätsabschluss (Magister, Master) in Philosophie, ggfs.
• Gute Kenntnisse der Philosophie Kants
• Bereitschaft zur Einarbeitung in die Methode der kommentarischen
• Bereitschaft zur Einarbeitung in astronomische Zusammenhänge (Kopernikus,
Kepler, Newton)
• Fähigkeit zum selbstständigen Arbeiten
• Gute Fremdsprachenkenntnisse
• Teamfähigkeit, Freude an der gemeinsamen Interpretation
Es handelt sich um eine Stelle zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterqualifikation
(Promotion oder Habilitation). Hierzu wird im Rahmen der Dienstaufgaben
Gelegenheit gegeben.
Die Universität Siegen strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen an.
Entsprechend qualifizierte Frauen werden um ihre Bewerbung gebeten. Die
Universität Siegen bietet gute Möglichkeiten, Beruf und Familie zu vereinbaren.
Bewerbungen geeigneter Schwerbehinderter sind erwünscht.
Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Zeugnisse, Lebenslauf, Liste der
Veröffentlichungen; ggfs. eine ausgewählte Zeitschriftenpublikation) richten
Sie bitte bis zum
14. August 2010 (Poststempel) an Herrn Universitätsprofessor Dr. Dieter
Schönecker, Fachbereich 1, Universität Siegen, 57068 Siegen. Später eingehende
Bewerbungen werden noch berücksichtigt, sofern die Stellen noch nicht besetzt
Fragen richten Sie bitte an: dieter [dot] schoenecker [__at__] uni-siegen [dot] de oder 0271-740 4477
Informationen über die Universität Siegen finden Sie auf unserer Homepage
Beginning April 1, 2011. 4 courses/semester (8/year), undergraduate and graduate (amounts to 9 hours teaching per week). Usual (German) non-teaching duties. AOS: Theoretical Philosophy (ie Kant and German Idealism). "Habilitation" (Second Book) or equivalent qualification prior to application. The University of Tuebingen is an equal opportunity employer and tries to increase the number of women in research and teaching. The university encourages disabled persons to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified. Salary competitive. For further information, contact: sabine [dot] doering [__at__] philosophie [dot] uni-tuebingen [dot] de. Send complete dossier (CV, list of publications, list of courses taught, copies of degrees) to: Prof. Dr. Sabine Doering, Geschäftsführende Direktorin des Philosophischen Seminars, Philosophisches Seminar, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tuebingen, 72070 Tuebingen, Germany.
Beginning April 1, 2011. 4 courses/semester (8/year), undergraduate and graduate (amounts to 9 hours teaching per week). Usual (German) non-teaching duties. AOS: Theoretical Philosophy (ie Kant and German Idealism). "Habilitation" (Second Book) or equivalent qualification prior to application. The University of Tuebingen is an equal opportunity employer and tries to increase the number of women in research and teaching. The university encourages disabled persons to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified. Salary competitive. For further information, contact: sabine [dot] doering [__at__] philosophie [dot] uni-tuebingen [dot] de. Send complete dossier (CV, list of publications, list of courses taught, copies of degrees) to: Prof. Dr. Sabine Doering, Geschäftsführende Direktorin des Philosophischen Seminars, Philosophisches Seminar, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tuebingen, 72070 Tuebingen, Germany.
Das Projekt zielt auf die kreative Neubelebung eines in zeigenössischer Philosophie fast verschwundenen Grundzugs aller bedeutsamen Philosophie von Epikur bis Nietzsche: Die Begründung der Imperative des Glücks, der Freude und fröhlicher Wissenschaft als Voraussetzung für alle menschlichen Tätigkeiten und Verhältnisse, welche zugleich menschengerecht und naturbewahrend sein sollen.
„Des menschlichen Lebens letztes Ziel ist: Glückseligkeit.“ (Thomas von Aquin)
"Die Untersuchung des glücklichen Lebens ist der einzige Gegenstand, den sich die Philosophie zum Zweck und Ziel setzen muss." (Cicero)
Bewerbungen mit kreativer Darstellung von Werdegang und Motivation bitte an:
PD Dr. Maik Hosang
Institut für integrierte Sozialökologie
LebensGut Pommritz 1
D-02627 Hochkirch
Email: ifis [__at__] gmx [dot] net
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to work on a project that is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, and jointly hosted by the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics and the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics (both of which are within the Faculty of Philosophy). The project is entitled Emotion and Intuition in Moral Decision‐Making: Empirical Evidence and Ethical Implications.
Protocol reference number: HUM/09100F/E
Salary Grade 7: £28,983 ‐ £35,646 per annum at 1 October 2009.
The fellowship is for two years from the date of appointment. The Research Fellow will be based at the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, which is located at Littlegate House in central Oxford, where the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics is also based.
The Research Fellow’s primary role will be to conduct research for the project, by studying the philosophical and ethical implications of scientific accounts of morality, and will also be an integral part of the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics. In addition to research responsibilities, s/he will be expected to contribute in other ways which may include, for example, involvement in conference or other event organisation and editing a collected volume.
The successful candidate will have a strong academic background in one or more of the following: (1) moral philosophy or a branch of ethics (2) philosophy of mind/psychology/neuroscience, (3) empirical research on moral decision‐making; and an outstanding research record. By the date of appointment, applicants will be expected to have received (or submitted their thesis for) the degree of PhD (or equivalent).
Further particulars, including details about how to apply are available from the following websites:
or directly from Nicholas Iles, Suite 8, Littlegate House, Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, University of Oxford, Littlegate House 16 – 17 St Ebbes Street, Oxford, OX1 1PT
(telephone: +44 1865 286279; fax: +44 1865 286886)
As a result of continued growth and development the IB is seeking to make the following senior examining appointment. Applicants for chief examiner positions should have a degree or equivalent in the appropriate subject, recent teaching experience at university entrance level, and experience of external examining or knowledge of assessment procedures. International experience and knowledge of Spanish and/or French would be an advantage. Applications are sought from university academics. The appointments will take effect from September 2010 and, for most positions, will be expected to last five years provided an initial term of two years is successfully completed. Examination sessions are held in May and November each year.
Philosophy Chief examiner
A chief examiner is generally expected to lead a team of senior examiners, some of whom will be practising IB teachers. Please note, although much of the work may be done from home, the above posts involve participation in meetings held in Cardiff, and occasionally elsewhere, a few times a year. Examiners are not regarded as employees of the IB.
Applications are invited from around the world. Further information about the IB can be found at our web site, For further details and an application form please contact:
Mr. Richard Thomas
International Baccalaureate
Peterson House, Malthouse Avenue
Cardiff Gate, Cardiff, Wales, CF23 8GL, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 29 2054 7777 Fax: +44 29 2054 7778 E-mail: seniorexamrecruit [__at__] ibo [dot] org
The closing date for applications is 20th August 2010 Successful applicants will be notified by the end of November 2010.