Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science,
Post date: January 8, 2010
PhD position in Philosophy of Science
Deadline: April 15, 2010

The Department of Philosophy and the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) invite applications for a three-year full-time PhD position, commencing September 1, 2010. The successful candidate is expected to work on a topic from the philosophy science (including general philosophy of science, formal philosophy of science, philosophy of economics, and philosophy of psychology) and complete a PhD thesis within three years. The salary for a full-time employment agreement increases from 2.042 Euro gross a month in the first year to 2.492 Euro gross a month in the last year. The position is open to candidates with a master’s degree or equivalent in philosophy and an interest in working in a very active international and interdisciplinary research environment. Candidates are invited to submit a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, a research proposal of 1000 to 2000 words, certificates, a transcript of courses taken (including grades), and two letters of recommendation. Please send your application package to PhD Position Search Committee, c/o P & O, Department of Philosophy, Tilburg University, Warandelaan 2, P.O. 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands, or email to solliciterenfdl [__at__] uvt [dot] nl. The deadline for applications is April 15, 2010. Please mention the vacancy number 500.10.01 in your letter. Informal enquiries may be directed to Professor Stephan Hartmann (email: S.Hartmann “at”

Radboud University Nijmegen,
Post date: December 31, 2009
Junior Researcher (PhD position) in the history of philosophy and/or science
Deadline: February 15, 2010

The Center for the History of Philosophy and Science of the Faculty of Philosophy of Radboud University Nijmegen seeks an outstanding junior researcher for a project in the history of philosophy and/or science. Applicants are invited to submit a project proposal (max. 2000 words), which should attempt to fit into the Center’s overall programme. The junior position will involve the writing of a doctoral (PhD) dissertation, participation in the activities of the Center and (possibly) teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy. You have an MA (or equivalent) in the history of philosophy and/or science, and possess the language skills necessary to study the primary sources in the original language and to read the relevant secondary literature. Knowledge of Dutch is no prerequisite. Initial contract duration is 1,5 years. Your performance will be evaluated after 15 months. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2 years (without teaching duties) or by 2,5 years (with teaching duties). Preferable commencement date: 1 April 2010. Employment: 1,0 fte. Starting salary at € 2,042 gross/month, the salary will increase to € 2,612 gross/month in the fourth year. For additional information, please contact Prof.dr.P.J.J.M. Bakker (pbakker [__at__] phil [dot] ru [dot] nl) or Prof.dr. C.H. Lüthy (luethy [__at__] phil [dot] ru [dot] nl).

Department of philosophy, University of Geneva ,
Geneva ,
Post date: December 22, 2009
lectureship in jewish philosophy
Deadline: February 15, 2010

The Department of philosophy, Faculty of Letters, University of Geneva, opens a
Lectureship in Jewish philosophy (2 hours of teaching, 3 years: renewable)
The requirements are possession of a doctorate or of an equivalent title, a solid experience of academic research and teaching in the field and a record of international publications.
The successful candidate will give a teaching in the history of Jewish thought, focusing, depending on his or her specialisation, on the history of this tradition of thought or on its contemporary aspects. An interaction with research within other fields taught the department, in particular medieval philosophy, is hoped for. Teaching is normally done in French.
Starting date: August 1, 2010.
Salary :CHF 37’652.-- per year (class 23/12).

Application conditions: Candidates are invited to join to their letter of application:

- 10 copies of their curriculum vitae and of their list of publications
- 1 certified photocopy of their highest degree or an attestation of the institute where it was granted.
To be sent to :
Secrétariat du Département de philosophie
Faculté des lettres
5, rue de Candolle
1211 Genève 4
Before february 15, 2010
More details to be seen on the web site of the department of philosophy

Ghent University,
Post date: December 16, 2009
PhD position in early modern philosophy/science
Deadline: January 15, 2010

One PhD scholarship is available at the Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences and the Centre for History of Science ( at Ghent University, on the research project “Experiment and observation in seventeenth-century meteorology and natural philosophy. A comparative study of Descartes's Météores and Fromondus's Meteorologicorum Libri Sex” funded by the Science Foundation Flanders, and led by Maarten Van Dyck and Sven Dupré.

The candidate is expected to have a strong background in philosophy and/or history, and a proven interest in history of philosophy and/or science, with excellent reading knowledge of Latin, fluency in English, and preferably, reading knowledge of French. S/he is expected to work on the topics identified in the project (respectively “the role of observations and experiments in the generation of new knowledge” and “the natural philosophical status of meteorological phenomena”), and to publish in international specialist journals. Interested candidates can receive a detailed description of the project on request.

Salary: approx. 1700 euro/month (net).
Length: 4 years.
Starting date: between March 1st and October 1st 2010.
Required degree: Master’s (or equivalent) in philosophy, history, classics or any other field relevant to the project.

Applications should be received no later than January 15th, and should contain: (1) a letter of interest, (2) a CV, detailing courses taken that are relevant for the project, and possibly including a list of talks and publications, (3) any further documents (such as pieces of writings) that might be relevant for the application.
Email to: maarten [dot] vandyck [__at__] ugent [dot] be

University of Sheffield,
United Kingdom
Post date: December 14, 2009
Deadline: January 25, 2010

This is a permanent post in political philosophy, at grade 8 on the UK lecturer scale (£36,532 to £43,622 per annum, with potential to progress to £49,096). We are looking for someone to start in September 2010. Candidates should have, or be close to completing, a PhD in political philosophy or a cognate specialism, and must be able to demonstrate potential for excellence in teaching and research. Further details, including how to apply are available from the link below.

The closing date is Monday January 25th 2010.

Lincoln College, University of Oxford,
United Kingdom
Post date: December 11, 2009
Tutorial Fellowship and University Lecturership (CUF) in Philosophy at Lincoln College, University of Oxford
Deadline: December 17, 2009

Lincoln College and the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, propose to make a joint appointment in Philosophy from 1 October 2010. The postholder will be a Tutorial Fellow of Lincoln College and a University Lecturer (CUF) in the Faculty of Philosophy.

The successful candidate will be expected to provide undergraduate tuition for Lincoln College on a range of Philosophy subjects at both introductory and advanced level. The Faculty currently has urgent teaching needs in political philosophy and it is expected that the successful candidate will be able to teach in this area at graduate as well as undergraduate level. The Faculty also has teaching needs in the areas of aesthetics, philosophy of social science, and Kant, and would welcome applications from candidates able to teach in one or more of these areas, in addition to political philosophy. Teaching experience at university level is a requirement.

By 1 October 2010, the successful candidate must have received the degree of PhD (or equivalent), or attained a comparable level of publications.

The combined College and University salary will be on a scale from £42,350 to £56,917 per annum. Additional College allowances are available as set out in the further particulars.

Further particulars and an application form may be downloaded here (PDF), or obtained from, or from the Academic Administrator, Lincoln College, Oxford, OX1 3DR, Tel: 01865 279801, Fax: 01865 279802, email jemma [dot] underdown [__at__] lincoln [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk, to whom applications should be submitted by 12 noon, Thursday 17th December 2009. Applications submitted by email are welcome. Candidates should ask their referees to write directly to The Academic Administrator by the same date and should supply each referee with a copy of these Further Particulars. Referees may submit their references by email.

Post date: December 8, 2009
PhD position in Political Philosophy
Deadline: January 4, 2010

The Centre for Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy at the K.U.Leuven Institute of Philosophy has a vacancy for a four-year doctoral research position as part of the FWO research project “The Transparency of Governance and the Invisibility of Power. An Inquiry into the Deficiencies of Democratic Representation in Transnational Institutions” ( The candidate will conduct his or her research as a member of the Research Group on Social and Political Philosophy (RGSPP). Over the years, the RGSPP has conducted its research within the framework of a joint research program. This program aims at uncovering transformations of modern democracy’s foundational concepts as a result of the globalization processes. At present, the group consists of four senior researchers, two post-doctoral researchers, and about fourteen doctoral students from K.U.Leuven and abroad, which testifies to its distinct international profile. The RGSPP focuses on contemporary political philosophy while encouraging the dialogue between continental and analytical approaches.

Supervisor: to be specified among the staff of the RGSPP
Starting date: March 1st, 2010
Period: four years.
Salary: approx. 1650 EUR/month (net)
Profile of the candidate:
- MA in Philosophy (preferably with a thesis in Political Philosophy) or MA in Political Theory (preferably with a major in Political Philosophy)
- independent spirit, yet co-operative as a team member of the research group
- good writing skills
- a high level of proficiency in English

Task of the researcher:
The conducted research has to result in a doctoral dissertation (to be written either in Dutch or in English).
The researcher will present the results of his or her research activities both at national and international meetings and conferences. S/he will be expected to publish regularly in international, refereed journals.
The researcher is expected to participate in the joint research activities of the research group, for instance by attending its weekly seminars and by assisting in the organization of workshops or conferences. S/he is also expected to spend some of his/her research time with experts at universities abroad.
S/he will be charged with minor teaching responsibilities both at undergraduate and graduate level (max. 2 hours/week during the academic year).

If you are interested in this doctoral research position, please apply according to the instructions given at
The deadline for applications is Monday, January 4th, 2010. Interviews are scheduled for the second half of January.
For any further information, please contact A. Braeckman (toon.braeckman@kuleuven-kortrijk or by phone: +32 (0)56/24.61.62 or +32 (0)9/329.69.03)

Department of Philosophy, University of Essex,
United Kingdom
Post date: December 8, 2009
Post-doctoral Research Officer
Deadline: December 31, 2009

Ref RE951
Salary: pro rata to £29,704 per annum (approx £23,763 gross pa)
Closing date: 31/12/09

We are looking to make an appointment of a Research Officer to work on the research project Deciding for Oneself: Autonomous Judgement in History, Theory and Practice based in the Department of Philosophy. The postholder will have a research background in applied ethics, social and political philosophy, and/or theory of agency. It is our expectation that the successful candidate will have a PhD prior to taking up the post; consideration will be given, however, to candidates for whom completion of the PhD is imminent. The successful candidate will have to be an effective communicator with commitment to fostering interdisciplinary dialogue.

The AHRC funded project Deciding for Oneself is part of the Essex Autonomy Project -- a collaborative, interdisciplinary research initiative of the Philosophy Department at the University of Essex. Its aim is to investigate the ideal of self-determination in human affairs. The AHRC grant is co-directed by Prof. Wayne Martin and Dr. Fabian Freyenhagen and overseen by a distinguished international and interdisciplinary Advisory Committee. For more information see:

The appointee will participate in all aspects of the research, provide research assistance to the investigators, and pursue independent research related to the project. They will have special responsibility for cultivating the Knowledge Transfer dimension of the project. He or she will coordinate interdisciplinary research bearing on medical-legal issues, while also being centrally involved in planning and routine running of the project, including organising and overseeing events, and taking partial editorial responsibility for resulting publications.

Appointment to this post will be on a part-time (0.8 FTE) basis, fixed term for the three year duration of the project and coincide with its start on 1 April 2010.

Additional opportunities would include teaching at the department (for extra pay) and/or a part-time (20%) administrative post connected tot he AHRC project.

Georg-August-University Goettingen, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development as well as Goettingen Graduate School of Social Sciences, Germany,
Post date: December 1, 2009
20 study places and within this 10 Lichtenberg PhD scholarships for the PhD programe "Biodiversity and Society" at Goettingen University, Germany
Deadline: January 15, 2010

The Land of Lower Saxony sponsors excellent young PhD students in the course of their work
towards a doctoral degree. These funds support the PhD programme “Biodiversity and Society –
social dimensions of the protection and use of biological diversity” directed by the Göttingen
Graduate School for Social Sciences (GGG), which will begin in April 2010 under the auspices of
Prof. Dr. Rainer Marggraf from the Department for Agricultural Economics and Rural
Development. Additionally, the programme is generously endowed with Lichtenberg scholarships
(1.365 Euro per month plus 135 Euro material costs and if applicable allowances for families or
studies abroad) for three years per scholar.
In the PhD course, researchers from the following areas cooperate with the objective of developing
an interdisciplinary perspective on protecting and sustainably using biological diversity:
Agricultural Sciences (Environmental and Resource Economics, Agro-Ecology, Rural
Management, Crop Sciences), Economic Sciences (Environmental and Institutional Economics,
Production and Logistics), Social Sciences (cooperative behaviour of economic, state and social
actors), Biology (Didactics of biology, Social and Communication Psychology), Legal Studies
(International Business and Environmental Law) as well as Philosophy (Applied Philosophy and
Ethical Studies).
For further information on the core topic areas as well as on the participating scientists and scholars
please go to You can also find information on
the documents required there.
Application is asked to be send until 15. January 2010.
Please send the application in one single file (pdf) to: eschroe1 [__at__] gwdg [dot] de
For further information please contact Elke Schröder (0049 (0) 551 39-5537) and go to

London School of Economics and Political Science - Department of Philosophy,
United Kingdom
Post date: November 18, 2009
Three-year LSE Fellowship in Philosophy
Deadline: January 8, 2010

Logic and Scientific Method and Forum for European Philosophy

1 September 2010 to 31 August 2013

Salary: £31,711 to £38,391 per annum inclusive (pay award pending)

You will work half-time for the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method and half-time for the Forum for European Philosophy, assisting the Director.

In the former role, you will teach and conduct research in the Department. In the latter role, you will be responsible for promoting the Forum's vision of philosophy as a meeting place for different disciplines, through the organisation of public events and the initiation and pursuit of interdisciplinary research projects.

You should have a PhD by the time of appointment and a record of excellence in teaching and research in philosophy, as well as an aptitude for event organisation. We are particularly interested in candidates with research interests in philosophy of psychology, biology, social sciences and/or cognitive sciences.

Full application details can be obtained at If you cannot download the forms, email hr [dot] recruit [dot] lec [__at__] lse [dot] ac [dot] uk or call 020 7955 7859 quoting reference TF/09/01.

For more information, please contact Professor Luc Bovens at l [dot] bovens [__at__] lse [dot] ac [dot] uk.

Applications must be received by 5:30pm on 8 January 2010. Regrettably, we are unable to accept any late applications.

We value diversity and wish to promote equality at all levels
