Jobs in Philosophy in europe

Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
Post date: May 29, 2024
Postdoc Fellowship in Philosophy of Mind
Deadline: July 14, 2024

Thematic Frameworks are preferably the following three topics: “Philosophy of the self: self-consciousness, self-knowledge, self-deception”, “Philosophy of AI or Social Robots” or “A comparative perspective on humans and nonhuman animals”

We offer a fellowship for a postdoc at the Institute of Philosophy II at the Ruhr-University in Bochum in the area of philosophy of mind and cognition in the research group of Prof. Albert Newen. The fellowship will be offered for 24 months. Candidates should be ideally working out a project in one of the three areas: “Philosophy of the self: self-consciousness, self-knowledge, self-deception”, “Philosophy of AI or Social Robots” or “A comparative perspective on humans and nonhuman animals”. Project suggestions are expected (max. 1 page without references).

In principle the call if open for other research topics in the group of Prof. Newen: 1. Theories of Understanding Others; 2 Theories of Emotion; 3. Philosophy of Neurosciences and their Explanations; 4. Theories of Perception and Cognition; 5. Situated Cognition

Requirements: Candidates should have an outstanding PhD in philosophy. Their PhD should have been achieved within the last 4 years before the application date. An additional degree in psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, psychiatry or neurosciences is much appreciated. Some substantial expertise in at least one of these areas will be expected. Furthermore, the candidate must have (at least three) papers published or accepted by peer-reviewed journals.

For this program there are special demands: Applicants are either no German nationals or have lived abroad for at least ten years. Furthermore, they are not allowed to have made a postdoc in Germany (of more than 3 months).

The applicant need not speak German at the time of application, but they should be willing to learn German to be able to engage in everyday conversations. The language for scientific conversation is English. Candidates should be prepared to participate in weekly meetings of the research group of Prof. Newen in Bochum. Thus, the fellowship presupposes regular presence at Ruhr-University Bochum since the project should be worked out in close interaction with the group of Prof. Newen.

Deadline for the application is the 14th of July 2024. The fellowship is available from 1st of November 2025 onwards. The postdoc fellowship is 2.670 Euro (can be higher in special cases, e.g., marriage) per month. The funding is available for a period of two years.
Application documents (we only accept electronic applications): Please send your application to center-mindcognition [__at__] rub [dot] de

Your application should consist of max. three PDF files. The first one is to include your personal documents: an outline of your own planned research project of 1 page max excluding references, CV, copies of certificates and records, complete list of your publications, talks, conferences you attended and courses you held; names of two potential referees (sequence irrelevant). The other PDF file(s) to be attached should be a list of two selected key publications, as well as these selected key publications (must have been published or accepted, if accepted but not published add the letter of acceptance of the journal).

Utrecht University,
Post date: May 13, 2024
PhD in Ethics on Disrupting ageing: Personhood, meaning, and vulnerability across the lifespan
Deadline: June 7, 2024

The Ethics Institute of Utrecht University’s department of Philosophy and Religious Studies seeks a researcher for a four-year, full-time PhD project “Disrupting ageing: Personhood, meaning, and vulnerability across the lifespan”, as part of the ESDiT – Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies – Research Programme (

About the role
The ageing of societies is one of the 21st century’s most disruptive demographic trends. Simultaneously, age-related technologies challenge the ‘naturalness’ of ageing and draw into focus ambiguities in the concept of ageing itself. Since ageing is a phenomenon infused with normativity, with normative expectations corresponding to phases in the human life cycle, the conceptual cleavage of ageing invites innovation in related moral concepts. This PhD project examines ways in which technologies that bear on ageing disrupt biological, socio-cultural, and normative understandings of ageing. It considers how these disruptions generate fruitful possibilities for reconceptualisation of ageing itself, as well as intertwined normative ideas of personhood, meaning, and vulnerability. In doing so, the project will investigate non-western and non-canonical ideas that might reinvigorate core moral concepts implicated by ageing.

- Master’s degree or equivalent degree in Philosophy, Ethics, or Political Philosophy/Theory. Other Master’s degrees will also be considered if you have a demonstrable expertise in analytical/conceptual problems and approaches to normative justification, in close connection with the themes of the research project.
- Interest in moral and political philosophy, applied ethics, and normative issues related to technology;
- Knowledge in a more specialised field relevant to the project (e.g. solidarity, ethics of technology, conceptual disruption, etc.) is welcome.
- Especially welcome are approaches to this project that engage with traditions and perspectives that are currently marginalised within Western philosophy.

- a position for a period of 18 months - in case of good performance and a positive evaluation, the contract will be extended for the remaining period of 30 months (4 years in total);
- a working week of 38 hours and a gross monthly salary between €2,770 and €3,539 in the case of full-time employment
You have an excellent track record and research skills, relative to experience, and excellent academic writing and presentation skills.

The expected starting date is 1 October 2024.
For more information, please contact Christopher Wareham external link via c [dot] s [dot] wareham [__at__] uu [dot] nl

Utrecht University,
Post date: May 13, 2024
PhD: Reconceptualising Solidarity for Technologically Disrupted Contexts
Deadline: June 7, 2024

The Ethics Institute of Utrecht University’s Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies seeks a researcher for a four-year, full-time PhD project “Reconceptualising Solidarity for Technologically Disrupted Contexts”, as part of the ESDiT – Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies – Research Programme (

About the role
This PhD project is an ethical and philosophical study of how technology might (re)shape communal practices and the concepts to describe such practices, notably the concept of solidarity.

- a Master’s degree or equivalent degree in Philosophy, Ethics, or Political Philosophy/Theory. Other Master’s degrees will also be considered if you have a demonstrable expertise in analytical/conceptual problems and approaches to normative justification, in close connection with the themes of the research project.
- A broad interest in moral and political philosophy, applied ethics, and normative issues related to technology.
- Knowledge in a more specialised field relevant to the project (e.g. solidarity, ethics of technology, conceptual disruption, etc.) is welcome.
- Especially welcome are approaches to this project that engage with traditions and perspectives that are currently marginalised within Western philosophy.

The Offer
- a position for a period of 18 months - in case of good performance and a positive evaluation, the contract will be extended for the remaining period of 30 months (4 years in total);
- a working week of 38 hours and a gross monthly salary between €2,770 and €3,539 in the case of full-time employment.

The expected starting date is 1 October 2024.
For more information, please contact Juri Viehoff external link at j [dot] viehoff [__at__] uu [dot] nl

University of Twente,
Post date: May 13, 2024
PhD candidate on Human Capabilities, Diversity and Technological Disruptions: A New Ethical Approach
Deadline: June 11, 2024

The Philosophy section of the University of Twente is looking for a highly motivated and excellent researcher for a 4-year, full-time PhD project on Human Capabilities, Diversity and Technological Disruptions: A New Ethical Approach.

About the role
The research project is part of the ESDiT – Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies – Research Programme (, and will be supervised by Dr. Naomi Jacobs and Dr. Janna van Grunsven. The project aims at developing an approach for ethically assessing the disruptive impact of technologies on individuals.

- a Master’s degree or equivalent in Philosophy, (Applied) Ethics, or Science and Technology Studies;
- Affinity and/or experience in ethics or philosophy of technology, experience with empirical research is welcome but not required ;
- An excellent track record and research skills, relative to experience.

The Offer:
- a fulltime 4-year PhD position with a qualifier in the first year;
- Gross monthly salary of € 2.770 in the first year, increasing each year up to € 3.539 in the fourth year;
- Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%, and a solid pension scheme.

Application deadline: 11 June 2024.
The preferred starting date is 1 October 2024.
Additional information can be acquired via email from dr. Naomi Jacobs (n [dot] jacobs [__at__] utwente [dot] nl).

University of Twente,
Post date: May 13, 2024
PhD candidate on "Reconceiving Rights, Duties, and Wellbeing amidst technological and ecological challenges"
Deadline: June 6, 2024

The University of Twente is looking for a highly motivated and curious PhD candidate to work on the project "Reconceiving Rights, Duties, and Wellbeing amidst technological and ecological challenges."

About the role
Grounded in moral philosophy, the wide-ranging project is part of the ESDiT – Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies – Research Programme (, and will be supervised by Dominic Lenzi and James Hutton. It may involve the examination of alternative value systems that emphasise communitarian values, relational conceptions of wellbeing and sustainability, the value of non-human nature, while possibly drawing on both intercultural perspectives and philosophical foundations of scientific approaches on human wellbeing.

- A Master’s degree or equivalent in Philosophy with a specialization in moral philosophy;
- Affinity and/or experience in environmental philosophy, intercultural philosophy, the philosophy of well-being and/or philosophy of technology
- A good team spirit and like to work in an interdisciplinary and internationally oriented environment;
- Able to do independent research and willing to develop writing and publication skills.

The Offer:
- a fulltime 4-year PhD position with a qualifier in the first year;
- Gross monthly salary of € 2.770 in the first year, increasing each year up to € 3.539 in the fourth year;
- Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%, and a solid pension scheme.

Deadline for applications: 6 June 2024
Preferred starting date: 1 October 2024

Additional information about this position can be acquired from dr. Dominic Lenzi (d [dot] s [dot] lenzi [__at__] utwente [dot] nl).

Utrecht University,
Post date: May 8, 2024
Postdoc: Mutual Justification and Disruptive Technology
Deadline: May 31, 2024

The Ethics Institute of Utrecht University’s Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies seeks a researcher for a 3-year, full-time postdoctoral project “Mutual Justification and Disruptive Technology”, as part of the inter-university Gravitation consortium Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technology – ESDiT (

About the role
We are looking for a philosopher with expertise in normative ethics, metaethics, or methodologies of applied ethics who is interested in pursuing independent research and other activities related to the following project, based at Utrecht University, as part of the multi-university research consortium, "Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies".
A key part of what makes the emergence of new technologies particularly disruptive is the moral disorientation and uncertainty that they often produce. Socially disruptive technologies can challenge the applicability of established principles to changed circumstances, the foreseeability of future consequences, and even the viability of key ethical concepts, leading to uncertainty, instability, and ambiguity about ethical judgments and intuitions.

- You have completed, prior to appointment, a PhD in philosophy, with demonstrated expertise in normative ethics, metaethics, or methodologies of applied ethics.
- You have a record (appropriate to career stage) of publications that demonstrates the ability to conduct research which is internationally recognized as contributing to the field.
- You have an affinity for ethical issues related to technology and have an open-minded research disposition, especially regarding established traditions in applied ethics and ethics of technology.
- You have an active interest in interdisciplinary work which connects philosophical analysis to other relevant disciplines and societal challenges.
- You have the ability to work both independently and collaboratively, with good organisational and communication skills.
- You have a willingness and aptitude for teaching in ethics or a related field of philosophy.
- You are proficient in spoken and written English.

The offer:
- a job for 12 months. After a positive evaluation the contract will be extended for another 24 months (3 years in total);
- a working week of 38 hours and a gross monthly salary between € 4,036 and €4,332 in the case of full-time employment (salary scale 10.5 - 10.7 under the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU));
- 8% holiday pay and 8.3% year-end bonus;
- a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave and flexible terms of employment based on the CAO NU.

Interviews will be held in June. Starting date: 1 September 2024.

More information
For more information, please contact Joel Anderson at j [dot] h [dot] anderson [__at__] uu [dot] nl.

University of Twente ,
Post date: May 8, 2024
Research Programme Manager for the ESDiT Programme
Deadline: May 7, 2024

There's an open position for a Research Programme Manager for the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies – ESDiT (, based at the University of Twente (NL). The research Programme Manager will be responsible for the day to day management of the research programme.

Tasks include the following:
- Overall coordination of the programme’s research activities: providing adequate coordination and support for the staffing and functioning of research lines and interactions between them, including coordination of major research meetings, workshops and events.
- Administrative & financial management, including financial planning (together with the financial controller appointed for the programme), the collection and organization of up-to-date information and coordination and the writing of (annual) reports and other programme texts.
- Providing policy advice to the programme leader and Management Board, coordinating and preparing the meetings of the Management Board.
- Implementing strategic decisions and policies of the Management Board and ensuring these are followed. For instance on hiring, open access publishing, diversity, co-authorship, etc.
- Managing external communications with the programme’s funders (NWO), the Scientific Advisory Board, the Consortium Council, participating institutions and external partners.

The tasks above will be carried in collaboration with relevant offices and officers at UT and the other participating universities, including the financial controller, HR departments, knowledge utilisation officers and others.

- relevant (project) management or coordination experience, preferably in an academic context.
- excellent social and organizational skills, professional disposition, responsible, accurate and independent.
- at least a master’s degree. In philosophy, management, engineering, or any other relevant field.
- an interest in ethical, social and philosophical issues relating to technology and engineering.
- ability to communicate effectively in English. An ability to communicate in Dutch, or willingness to learn, is a plus.

The Offer:
- a part-time position (0.6-0.8 fte) for an initial one year period with the possibility to extend for the project period at least for three years.
- starting fulltime salary between € 4.332 to € 5.929 gross per month based on your experience (scale 11 CAO NU)

The position is to start preferably on 1 September 2024.

Wageningen University & Research,
Wageningen ,
Post date: May 1, 2024
PhD in Philosophy of digital technologies and the disruption of the lifeworld
Deadline: May 27, 2024

Do you want to follow your passion for philosophy of (digital) technology in a PhD study in our Philosophy group? Are you an openminded thinker who likes to collaborate with other researchers in an ambitious research program on the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies? The Philosophy Group at Wageningen University seeks a talented PhD candidate for a PhD on World constituting technics: Digital technologies and the disruption of the Lifeword.
This PhD position will be part of the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies programme ( and embedded in the Philosophy Group at Wageningen University and part of the research group of prof.dr. Vincent Blok and dr. Bernice Bovenkerk.

- a MSc degree in Philosophy with affinity with fundamental philosophy, philosophy of technology and digital technologies;
- an excellent English language proficiency (a minimum of CEFR C1 level).

You are:
- an enthusiastic, dedicated and engaged thinker who is well capable to work in interdisciplinary contexts and willing to collaborate with technical scientists/engineers and designers, as well as a broad range of stakeholders.

The offer:
The gross salary for the first year is € 2.770 - per month rising to € 3.539,- in the fourth year in according to the Collective Labour Agreements for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU). This is based on a full-time working week of 38 hours. We offer a temporary contract for 18 months which will be extended for the duration of the project if you perform well.

The position is to start preferably on the 1 September 2024.

For more information about this position, please contact Prof.dr. Vincent Blok, Vincent [dot] blok [__at__] wur [dot] nl. For more information about the procedure, please contact Noorien Abbas, corporate recruiter via email recruitment [dot] ssg [__at__] wur [dot] nl.

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Post date: April 27, 2024
Research Fellowship: Philosophical Aspects of Sensory Engineering
Deadline: April 30, 2024

PostDoc at on philosophy of AI

University of Graz,
Post date: March 9, 2024
Post Doc Fellowship in Climate and Environmental Ethics
Deadline: April 30, 2024

The Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz is offering 5 post-doctoral fellowships at the University of Graz, Austria, for 3 months. Dates for stays can start as early as June 2024 or latest in March 2025, but ideally run from October to December 2024, to encourage collaboration among the fellows. The fellowship will cover costs of travel, housing, and subsistence up to € 8,000 in total. The University of Graz will cover liability and accident insurance, while health insurance needs to be covered by fellows (is typically covered by existing EU plans, or through affordable travel insurance options). Note, however, that fellows will not be employed by the University of Graz, and will also need to organize any residence permits or visas needed for the duration of the fellowship ahead of time. The program will assist in finding suitable housing close to the university.

The program is designed for PostDoc researchers (up to 6 years after receiving their Ph.D.; applicants after their submission of their Ph.D. thesis can be considered as well) from all academic fields working on climate change who wish to collaborate with one (or more) of the research groups of the Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz. External candidates are strongly encouraged.

Participants will work under the direct mentorship of an experienced Uni Graz scientist in a unique inter- and transdisciplinary research environment. The research stay should be focused on a specific project, e.g. a joint research program, paper, or grant proposal. Fellows will have the opportunity to build up contacts for future collaboration within the Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz's international network.
While the call is open for all topics of climate change – including improved understanding of the processes of climate change, observed impacts and projected risks for natural and human systems, questions of mitigation, adaptation and resilience, or related ethical and legal dimensions – we are particularly interested in contributions to the following interdisciplinary research fields, among others:

• Intertemporal Dimensions in Climate Litigation; see Research Group Research Center ClimLaw: Graz and the Climate and Environmental Ethics Research Field (

• Epistemology of Climate Models and Realistic Possibilities in Climate Risk Assessment; see Regional Climate Research Group and the Climate and Environmental Ethics Research Field

• Interdisciplinary Approaches for Assessing the Fair Allocation of Benefits and Burdens of the Transformation to Climate Neutrality; see Research Group Economics of Climate and Global Change and the Climate and Environmental Ethics Research Field

Applicants can choose to work with two research groups and should indicate their preferred host. We encourage contacting the research group representative(s) who you would like to choose as your host before submitting your application.
All fellows will need to be present at the University of Graz, Austria (i.e. no working remotely) for the full duration of the fellowship.

Previous fellows in Climate and Environmental Ethics include Dr. Jeroen Hopster and Dr. Ross Mittiga.

The University of Graz strives to increase the proportion of women in scientific positions and therefore encourages qualified women to apply.

Applications process
Applicants are required to submit a 2-page research proposal for the work they intend to conduct during their fellowship. In addition, a short motivation letter (stating your preferred host and an indication of interdisciplinary linkage you want to deepen) and a CV with a complete list of publications are required. Please provide contact information for three people who could give recommendations, but do not include reference letters in the application as these will not be considered.

Applications to the 2024 program are possible until 30th April 2024 by sending their application material to martina [dot] rath [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at (midnight CEST). Online interviews with the most suitable candidates will be held by an interdisciplinary selection committee in late April and beginning of May, so that the decision is available in mid May 2024.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Meyer (Climate and Environmental Ethics), lukas [dot] meyer [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at, +43 316 380 -2300
Mag. Martina Rath (Administration Fields of Excellence), martina [dot] rath [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at, +43 316 380 - 1298