Jobs In Philosophy


Job advertisements in philosophy world-wide, postings in any language.

Europe | Americas | Asia/Africa/Australasia

The idea of these pages is to spread information about philosophy jobs as widely as possible. You can contribute in two ways:

  • Make sure your institution advertises its vacancies here, or else post a job on these pages (in any language): [posting form]. You do not need to formally represent the institution offering the job.
  • Make the contents of these pages accessible to anyone who may be interested: make links to this page, e-mail links, etc. etc.

Thank you for your help! It is your contribution that makes this service work.

We can make no guarantee of the accuracy of the information given here.

This service is brought to you by Vincent C. Müller


This site was hosted since for 13 years (1996-2009) at a server of the University of Hamburg, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences under In the meantime, it became increasingly difficult to access the server, so I eventually decided to move the site and to use this opportunity for a technical overhaul.

The new version of the site goes online on a new domain with a current CMS (Drupal), kindly set up by Ilias Nitsos. Thank you! We hope that the new site provides the known functionality, supplemented with some new features.

The concept of posting jobs in philosophy online, accessible to all, was new in 1996, and has become more common in the meantime - but there still is a demand for a site that provides this service, independent, free, and world-wide. I hope it is of use to you and to the discipline as a whole.

Archives (before 11/2009)