2-3 years predoc position in philosophy and economics

Job List: 
Name of institution: 
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Job Description: 

Job posting
2-3 years predoc position in philosophy and economics (30h per week)

The OeNB's Anniversary Fund project "Carl Menger as a Central Banker? From the Origin to the Future of Money" (PI Alexander Linsbichler) at the Institute of Philosophy and Scientific Method (Johannes Kepler University Linz) seeks candidates for one 2-3 years predoc position.

Deadline for applications: 30.09.2024
Applications will be possible as of 05.09.2024 at the job portal of Johannes Kepler University Linz: https://karriere.jku.at/hcm/jobexchange/showJobOfferList.do

Start date: 01.01.2025 (or as soon as possible after that)
End date: 31.12.2026
Possible extension to 31.12.2027 (with 30-40 hours per week)

More information about the project: https://www.jku.at/en/institute-of-philosophy-and-scientific-method/rese...

Job Duties:
• Conduct research and write a doctoral thesis in the context of the OeNB project “Carl Menger as a Central Banker?”
• Participate in the project’s and the institute’s administrative tasks
• Teaching option in the third year

Your Qualifications:
• The successful candidate must hold a Diploma/Master’s degree in Philosophy & Economics, Philosophy, HPS, PPE, Economics, or another relevant discipline by the time employment starts
• Good knowledge or willingness to quickly acquire good knowledge of as many of the themes of the project as possible: philosophy of economics, Mengerian economics and methodology, different monetary theories and their critics (MMT, chartalism, Austrian, Eigentumsökonomik, …), cryptocurrencies, how-possibly-explanations, the fact-value-dichotomy and barriers to entailment, explication and rational reconstructions, economic modelling, philosophy of disagreement
• Strong command of English (B2 minimum)
• Strong command of German (reading C1) is an asset but not necessary
• Strong team player
• Intellectual curiosity regarding the themes of the project and beyond

What we offer:
• On the basis of full-time employment (40 hours/week) the minimum salary in accordance with the collective agreement is € 3,578.80 gross per month (14 x per year, CA Job Grade: B1)
• Dynamic and internationally well-connected research environment
• Stable employer
• Attractive campus environment with good public transportation connections
• Broad range of on-campus dining services / healthy meals (organic food at the cafeteria)
• Exercise and sports classes (USI)
• … and much more

Application documents:
• Cover letter [optional]
• CV
• Reading sample (seminar paper, MA thesis, published paper, review essay, …) [5000-50000 words]
• Outline of your previous involvement with themes relevant to the project and/or sketch of ideas for your research in the project [500-5000 words]
• Transcript and/or diploma
• Other documents [optional]
Contact: alexander.linsbichler(at)jku.at
Subject to change.

Deadline for Applications: 
September 30, 2024
alexander [dot] linsbichler [__at__] jku [dot] at
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