Call for Expressions of Interest for 2024 Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship applications

Job List: 
Name of institution: 
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Philosophy
United Kingdom
Job Description: 

Expressions of interest are invited from potential applicants for Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships, based at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge.

Matched funding for the scheme at Cambridge is provided by the Isaac Newton Trust. There is a pre-selection competition for candidates intending to apply for the Leverhulme Trust awards, which takes place in advance of the Leverhulme Trust's deadline of Friday 17th November 2023.

The Faculty of Philosophy can submit up to 2 applications to the Isaac Newton Trust matching funding competition.

Applicants should identify 2 referees (at least one of which must be external to Cambridge) who would be prepared to provide a reference by Monday 13th November 2023, if required and requested by the Faculty of Philosophy.

Expressions of interest should be emailed to philref [__at__] phil [dot] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk by midday on Thursday 26th October 2023. The subject line for all emailed expressions of interests should include the applicant's last name. The email must include names and email addresses for their 2 referees, and the following documents must be attached to the email:

1) a completed INT Internal Competition cover sheet (this can be found on the following webpage:
2) a curriculum vitae
3) a list of your major publications
4) a statement of current research (approx 250 words)
5) a statement of proposed research (no more two sides of A4)

Applicants are advised to refer to the Leverhulme Trust website details about the Scheme, and to check that they meet the eligibility conditions before submitting expressions of interest to the Faculty of Philosophy. See

A shortlist of applications will be agreed within the Faculty before submission to the Newton Trust for consideration. Selection at both stages will be made on the basis of application materials. No interviews will be held. Applicants shortlisted for Newton Trust consideration will be informed by Friday 17th November 2023. The Newton Trust will inform recipients of offers for matched funding by the end of December 2023.

The Faculty is committed to equality and diversity, and we would particularly welcome applications from members of underrepresented groups.

Details of some of the family-friendly policies operated by the University are at:

In recognition of its efforts to advance gender equality, the Faculty of Philosophy holds an 'Athena-SWAN' bronze award.

Deadline for Applications: 
October 26, 2023
philref [__at__] phil [dot] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk
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