PhD candidate on "Reconceiving Rights, Duties, and Wellbeing amidst technological and ecological challenges"

Job List: 
Name of institution: 
University of Twente
Job Description: 

The University of Twente is looking for a highly motivated and curious PhD candidate to work on the project "Reconceiving Rights, Duties, and Wellbeing amidst technological and ecological challenges."

About the role
Grounded in moral philosophy, the wide-ranging project is part of the ESDiT – Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies – Research Programme (, and will be supervised by Dominic Lenzi and James Hutton. It may involve the examination of alternative value systems that emphasise communitarian values, relational conceptions of wellbeing and sustainability, the value of non-human nature, while possibly drawing on both intercultural perspectives and philosophical foundations of scientific approaches on human wellbeing.

- A Master’s degree or equivalent in Philosophy with a specialization in moral philosophy;
- Affinity and/or experience in environmental philosophy, intercultural philosophy, the philosophy of well-being and/or philosophy of technology
- A good team spirit and like to work in an interdisciplinary and internationally oriented environment;
- Able to do independent research and willing to develop writing and publication skills.

The Offer:
- a fulltime 4-year PhD position with a qualifier in the first year;
- Gross monthly salary of € 2.770 in the first year, increasing each year up to € 3.539 in the fourth year;
- Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%, and a solid pension scheme.

Deadline for applications: 6 June 2024
Preferred starting date: 1 October 2024

Additional information about this position can be acquired from dr. Dominic Lenzi (d [dot] s [dot] lenzi [__at__] utwente [dot] nl).

Deadline for Applications: 
June 6, 2024
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