PhD on project “Towards an intercultural ethics of existential risks"

Job List: 
Name of institution: 
TU Delft
Job Description: 

TU Delft is looking for a PhD candidate to work on the project “Towards an intercultural ethics of existential risks” embedded in the ESDiT ( programme.
The primary goal of the project is to study existential risks as part of a broader conceptual cluster disrupted by socio-technological developments through the lens of general intercultural philosophy or a specific non-Western ethical framework. The resulting approach of ‘intercultural ethics of existential risks’ would be operationalized to explore whether and how insights and perspectives from under-represented philosophical traditions bear upon understanding existential risks (and related concepts), and subsequently, normative and practical questions associated with why their mitigation matters, for whom, and so on. The full research proposal is provided below.

Deadline for Applications: 
August 30, 2024
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