PhD: Reconceptualising Solidarity for Technologically Disrupted Contexts

Job List: 
Name of institution: 
Utrecht University
Job Description: 

The Ethics Institute of Utrecht University’s Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies seeks a researcher for a four-year, full-time PhD project “Reconceptualising Solidarity for Technologically Disrupted Contexts”, as part of the ESDiT – Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies – Research Programme (

About the role
This PhD project is an ethical and philosophical study of how technology might (re)shape communal practices and the concepts to describe such practices, notably the concept of solidarity.

- a Master’s degree or equivalent degree in Philosophy, Ethics, or Political Philosophy/Theory. Other Master’s degrees will also be considered if you have a demonstrable expertise in analytical/conceptual problems and approaches to normative justification, in close connection with the themes of the research project.
- A broad interest in moral and political philosophy, applied ethics, and normative issues related to technology.
- Knowledge in a more specialised field relevant to the project (e.g. solidarity, ethics of technology, conceptual disruption, etc.) is welcome.
- Especially welcome are approaches to this project that engage with traditions and perspectives that are currently marginalised within Western philosophy.

The Offer
- a position for a period of 18 months - in case of good performance and a positive evaluation, the contract will be extended for the remaining period of 30 months (4 years in total);
- a working week of 38 hours and a gross monthly salary between €2,770 and €3,539 in the case of full-time employment.

The expected starting date is 1 October 2024.
For more information, please contact Juri Viehoff external link at j [dot] viehoff [__at__] uu [dot] nl

Deadline for Applications: 
June 7, 2024
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