PhD on The Role of Moral Creativity in Responsible Technology Development

Job List: 
Name of institution: 
TU Delft
Job Description: 

TU Delft is looking for a PhD candidate to work on the project “The Role of Moral Creativity in Responsible Technology Development” embedded in the ESDiT (
This project investigates the role of creativity (including artistic creativity) in moral decision-making, especially in connection with the innovation of technologies. The envisaged outcomes of this project include a theory of the role of creativity in the responsible development and anticipation of new technologies and the establishment of methodological tools for transdisciplinary collaborations, including artists, philosophers, and technology developers. The PhD project will investigate these questions by combining philosophical reasoning with participation in transdisciplinary collaborations involving artists who work at the intersection of art, technology and society. To make this possible, we have established a collaboration with Waag Futurelab, which has experience with the exercise of moral creativity in artistic practice surrounding technologies.

Deadline for Applications: 
August 30, 2024
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