Post Doc Fellowship in Climate and Environmental Ethics

Job List: 
Name of institution: 
University of Graz
Job Description: 

The Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz is offering 5 post-doctoral fellowships at the University of Graz, Austria, for 3 months. Dates for stays can start as early as June 2024 or latest in March 2025, but ideally run from October to December 2024, to encourage collaboration among the fellows. The fellowship will cover costs of travel, housing, and subsistence up to € 8,000 in total. The University of Graz will cover liability and accident insurance, while health insurance needs to be covered by fellows (is typically covered by existing EU plans, or through affordable travel insurance options). Note, however, that fellows will not be employed by the University of Graz, and will also need to organize any residence permits or visas needed for the duration of the fellowship ahead of time. The program will assist in finding suitable housing close to the university.

The program is designed for PostDoc researchers (up to 6 years after receiving their Ph.D.; applicants after their submission of their Ph.D. thesis can be considered as well) from all academic fields working on climate change who wish to collaborate with one (or more) of the research groups of the Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz. External candidates are strongly encouraged.

Participants will work under the direct mentorship of an experienced Uni Graz scientist in a unique inter- and transdisciplinary research environment. The research stay should be focused on a specific project, e.g. a joint research program, paper, or grant proposal. Fellows will have the opportunity to build up contacts for future collaboration within the Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz's international network.
While the call is open for all topics of climate change – including improved understanding of the processes of climate change, observed impacts and projected risks for natural and human systems, questions of mitigation, adaptation and resilience, or related ethical and legal dimensions – we are particularly interested in contributions to the following interdisciplinary research fields, among others:

• Intertemporal Dimensions in Climate Litigation; see Research Group Research Center ClimLaw: Graz and the Climate and Environmental Ethics Research Field (

• Epistemology of Climate Models and Realistic Possibilities in Climate Risk Assessment; see Regional Climate Research Group and the Climate and Environmental Ethics Research Field

• Interdisciplinary Approaches for Assessing the Fair Allocation of Benefits and Burdens of the Transformation to Climate Neutrality; see Research Group Economics of Climate and Global Change and the Climate and Environmental Ethics Research Field

Applicants can choose to work with two research groups and should indicate their preferred host. We encourage contacting the research group representative(s) who you would like to choose as your host before submitting your application.
All fellows will need to be present at the University of Graz, Austria (i.e. no working remotely) for the full duration of the fellowship.

Previous fellows in Climate and Environmental Ethics include Dr. Jeroen Hopster and Dr. Ross Mittiga.

The University of Graz strives to increase the proportion of women in scientific positions and therefore encourages qualified women to apply.

Applications process
Applicants are required to submit a 2-page research proposal for the work they intend to conduct during their fellowship. In addition, a short motivation letter (stating your preferred host and an indication of interdisciplinary linkage you want to deepen) and a CV with a complete list of publications are required. Please provide contact information for three people who could give recommendations, but do not include reference letters in the application as these will not be considered.

Applications to the 2024 program are possible until 30th April 2024 by sending their application material to martina [dot] rath [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at (midnight CEST). Online interviews with the most suitable candidates will be held by an interdisciplinary selection committee in late April and beginning of May, so that the decision is available in mid May 2024.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Meyer (Climate and Environmental Ethics), lukas [dot] meyer [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at, +43 316 380 -2300
Mag. Martina Rath (Administration Fields of Excellence), martina [dot] rath [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at, +43 316 380 - 1298

Deadline for Applications: 
April 30, 2024
lukas [dot] meyer [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at
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