Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

University of Graz,
Post date: September 13, 2023
Professor of Political Philosophy
Deadline: October 25, 2023

At the Department of Philosophy at the Humanities Faculty, the University of Graz is seeking to appoint a

Professor of Political Philosophy (40 hours per week; selection procedure in accordance with Section 99 (1) of the Universities Act (UG); fixed-term employment for 5 years according to the Salaried Employees Act (AngG); expected starting date March 1st 2024)

The new professor will teach and undertake research in the area of Political Philosophy. He/she will have expertise in the following research areas: Justice, Human Rights, Legitimacy and Theory of Democracy, including trans- and international aspects. An interest in questions of applied political philosophy and the ability to connect to empirical questions are required. Expertise in the history of political philosophy is desirable. Thus, by cooperating across faculties with members of the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences or the Faculty of Law, he/she will make a significant contribution to the shaping of a Field of Excellence (e.g. “Climate Change Graz” and “Smart Regulation”) or the Cluster of Excellence “Knowledge in Crisis”. In addition to the University’s existing cooperation partnerships, the successful candidate will maintain, deepen and expand both local and international cooperation partnerships for the purpose of research. The professorship is expected to contribute to science communication with the public. In teaching, the professorship is expected to contribute to the existing study programmes, in particular to the master’s programme “Political, Economic and Legal Philosophy” and the teaching subject “Ethics” within the framework of the teacher training programme.)

Employment requirements:
• Austrian or equivalent foreign higher education degree corresponding with the position (doctorate/PhD)
• Habilitation or equivalent qualification in practical or political philosophy
• Outstanding academic qualifications in research and teaching in the relevant discipline (commensurate with stage of academic career)
• Skills in higher education didactics and online teaching
• Gender mainstreaming skills
• Skills in attracting subject-specific project grants
• Professional experience abroad during academic career
• Very good knowledge of English and good knowledge of German
• In addition, we expect a research focus in the field of “Political Philosophy”, with special consideration of the above-mentioned research areas in combination with questions of applied philosophy and consideration of empirical questions; international publication and lecture activities; relevant teaching experience; ability to collaborate across disciplines, especially in the humanities, social sciences, and economics; experience in the conception and implementation of interdisciplinary research projects and in the acquisition of third-party funding; and willingness to teach courses in German and English in the fields of political philosophy and ethics.

The successful candidate will be highly motivated, aiming for academic excellence and integrity in research and teaching. He/she will have demonstrated ability to collaborate constructively in a responsible manner and inspire colleagues and students in an interdisciplinary, internationally oriented context.
We offer a diverse, challenging, team-oriented working environment and a high degree of personal responsibility. Working hours are flexible and there are many options for further education and personal development.

Salary scheme of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff (Universitäten-KV): A1

Minimum salary
The minimum remuneration as stated in the Collective Bargaining Agreement is EUR 81.571,00 gross per year. Salary subject to negotiation.

Application deadline: October 25th 2023
Reference number: VV/10/99 ex 2022/23

The University of Graz is committed to increasing the proportion of female employees, especially in leadership roles. We therefore encourage qualified female colleagues in particular to apply for this position. In case of equal qualifications, women will receive priority consideration.

Please submit your application documents (in German or English) in accordance with the general application guidelines (which can be found at before the stated deadline. Your application documents should include the reference number of the position and be sent by email to:
bewerbung [dot] professur [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at

For further information please contact Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Meyer at lukas [dot] meyer [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at or +43 (0) 316 / 380 - 2300.

Institute of Philosophy,
Czech Republic
Post date: September 11, 2023
PhD Level Research Position in environmental and/or technology ethics To be combined with PhD study at a Czech university Up to 4 years, half-time, with an added doctoral stipend
Deadline: November 30, 2023

Do you want to study and work in a vibrant international academic environment at the heart of Europe, in one of the world’s most charming cities? Are you interested in exploring philosophical and ethical questions concerning environment and/or new technologies? Apply for a PhD Level Research Position in the EU funded Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P), to be combined with PhD study at one of Czech universities of your choice.

CETE-P – a newly created research center based at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, established in collaboration with the ERA Chair Holder prof. Mark Coeckelbergh – is seeking to appoint a graduate in philosophy or neighboring disciplines to a PhD Level Research Position with focus on environmental ethics and/or technology ethics. Since the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Science is a research institution with no PhD program of its own, the position is to be combined with PhD study at a Czech university under supervision of a CETE-P research team member.

The successful candidate is expected (1) to study a PhD program at one of Czech universities of their choice, with a PhD project supervised by a CETE-P research team member, and (2) participate in the research activities of CETE-P in collaboration with the supervisor, the CETE-P research team leader and prof. Mark Coeckelbergh. The successful candidate will be provided CETE-P team’s full support and assistance in the choice and application for a PhD study at a Czech university.

Qualification requirements
 MA in philosophy, ethics or neighboring disciplines with a clear connection to philosophy
 PhD research project in environmental ethics and/or technology ethics.
 Readiness to relocate to Czech Republic and study a PhD program at one of Czech universities
 Fluent oral and written academic English
 Excellent communication skills

Criteria to be explicitly addressed in the evaluation process
 Originality and innovativeness of the PhD project
 Potential to contribute to the development of the academic and research environment at CETE-P
 Personal suitability and motivation for the position – good team player and versatile at all levels
 Skills within popular dissemination and public outreach
 Ability to create and contribute to a positive environment for collaboration
 Capability of multidisciplinary co-operation

We offer
 Half-time research position with no teaching and low administrative obligations
 Contract for up to 4-years, with a 3-month probation period
 Salary approximately CZK 250.000 per annum (gross, halftime), to be combined with a doctoral stipend paid from a university
 A professionally stimulating working environment
 Attractive welfare benefits
 Office space located in the historical center of Prague
 Professional administrative and academic support
 Assistance with the application process for a PhD study at one of Czech universities
 Relocation assistance

The successful candidate for this post will commence duties preferably on 1 September 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter.

How to apply
The application must include:
- Statement of motivation
- PhD project proposal (max. 2 pages of content)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Complete list of publications or other relevant academic activities
- 1 sample of published work or conference paper (if applicable)
- List of reference persons: 2–3 references (name, position, relation to candidate, e-mail and phone number)
- Please note that all documents should be in English

The application with attachments must be delivered via email by 30 November 2023 to Petra Zakostelecka at zakostelecka [__at__] flu [dot] cas [dot] cz.

About the selection procedure
As the first step, Selection Committee will assess all applications and invite the most qualified applicants to online interviews taking place in February or March 2024.

Equal opportunity
The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences conducts an equal opportunities policy and encourages everyone to apply. Applications from the currently underrepresented groups in philosophy are especially welcome.

Contact information
To explore the post further or for any queries you may have about CETE-P, please contact Dr. Petr Urban, CETE-P Project Coordinator, at urban [__at__] flu [dot] cas [dot] cz. For questions about how to apply and the application process, please contact HR Officer Petra Zakostelecka at zakostelecka [__at__] flu [dot] cas [dot] cz.

About CETE-P/ Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
CETE-P is a new research unit at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, conducting research on the nexus between environmental and technology ethics. It is being established due to the EU funded Horizon Europe project Nr. 101086898 led by prof. Mark Coeckelbergh. For more information about the project:

The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a publicly funded non-university research institution, conducting research in key areas of philosophy and related humanities. It is the largest humanities institute affiliated with the Czech Academy of Sciences. The Institute has a vibrant international research community and hosts prestigious research projects supported by European funding schemes such as ERC, Horizon Europe or COST. The Institute is located at the very heart of the historical center of Prague. For more information about the Institute:

Institute of Philosophy,
Czech Republic
Post date: September 11, 2023
Research Team Leader in Environmental and/or Technology Ethics – Permanent Research Position, Full-time

The Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P) – based at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences and funded by the EU Horizon Europe programme ERA Chairs – is seeking to appoint an established scholar of international standing to a permanent research position in environmental ethics and/or technology ethics (with preference for a person who can combine both)

Qualified candidates must have research competence at the level of associate professor within one of these fields and be willing to relocate to Prague (Czechia). This is an exciting opportunity for leadership in a vibrant and collegial community of active researchers and PhD candidates at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, in one of the world’s most charming cities.

The successful candidate is expected to establish and lead the CETE-P research team in collaboration with the ERA Chair Holder Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh, initiate and conduct high-quality research, acquire external research funding, supervise PhD candidates, and carry out administrative duties in accordance with CETE-P’s needs.

Qualification requirements
 PhD or equivalent academic qualifications within the CETE-P’s disciplines: philosophy and/or ethics
 Continuous, high-quality research activity pertaining to environmental and/or technology ethics
 Proven track record in one of the fields
 Documented potential for project acquisition and experience in leading research projects
 Documented experience with and ability to build international networks
 Excellent organisational experience and skills
 Fluent oral and written communication skills in English

Criteria to be explicitly addressed in the evaluation process
 Academic production pertaining to environmental and/or technology ethics – originality and innovative thinking will be weighted more heavily than quantity
 Academic leadership capacities and potential to contribute to the long-term development of the academic and research environment at CETE-P
 Capacity to acquire research funding and lead big international projects
 Personal suitability and motivation for the position
 Good team player and versatile at all levels
 Skills within popular dissemination, public outreach and innovation
 Documented results from teaching and supervision, and ability to inspire students
 Interest and ability in leadership and administration
 Ability to create and contribute to a positive environment for collaboration
 Capability of multidisciplinary co-operation

We offer
 Full-time research position with no teaching and low administrative obligations
 Permanent contract, with a 6-month probation period
 Salary approximately CZK 1mil per annum (gross) – room for negotiations and increase
 A professionally stimulating working environment
 Attractive welfare benefits
 Office space located in the historical centre of Prague
 Professional administrative and academic support
 Relocation assistance

The successful candidate for this permanent post will commence duties preferably on 1 June 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter.

How to apply
The application must include:
- Application letter (statement of motivation, summarising scientific work, research interest and personal research plan)
- Curriculum Vitae (list of education, positions, pedagogical experience, administrative experience, project acquisition and coordination experience, and other relevant qualifications)
- Complete list of publications
- Proposal of research priorities for CETE-P
- List of reference persons: 2–3 references (name, position, relation to candidate, e-mail and phone number)
- Please note that all documents should be in English
- Applicants are required to describe and document the entire range of qualifications and criteria described in the announcement of the post with concrete examples

The application with attachments must be delivered via email by 30 November 2023 to Petra Zakostelecka at zakostelecka [__at__] flu [dot] cas [dot] cz.

About the selection procedure
As the first step, Selection Committee will assess all applications and invite the most qualified applicants to online interviews taking place in January 2024. Finally, the most highly ranked candidates will be invited for an in person interview and a trial lecture organized in Prague in March 2024.

Equal opportunities
The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences conducts an equal opportunities policy and encourages everyone to apply. Applications from the currently underrepresented groups in philosophy are especially welcome.

Contact information
To explore the post further or for any queries you may have about CETE-P, please contact CETE-P Project Coordinator Dr. Petr Urban at urban [__at__] flu [dot] cas [dot] cz. For questions about how to apply and the application process, please contact HR Officer Petra Zakostelecka at zakostelecka [__at__] flu [dot] cas [dot] cz.

About CETE-P/ Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
CETE-P is a new research unit at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, conducting research on the nexus between environmental and technology ethics. It is being established due to the EU funded Horizon Europe project Nr. 101086898 led by prof. Mark Coeckelbergh. For more information about the project:

The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a publicly funded non-university research institution, conducting research in key areas of philosophy and related humanities. It is the largest humanities institute affiliated with the Czech Academy of Sciences. The Institute has a vibrant international research community and hosts prestigious research projects supported by European funding schemes such as ERC, Horizon Europe or COST. It is located at the very heart of the historical centre of Prague. For more information about the Institute:

University of Graz,
Post date: September 6, 2023
Deadline: September 27, 2023

• Application link:
• Salary Category: B1 mit Doktorat
• Salary per Year: € 60,926.60
• Employment Start: As soon as possible
• Hours per week: 40.00 h/w
• Duration of Contract: Temporary employment
• Temporary Employment: 6 years

Your Responsibilities
▪ Active research in the area of Moral and Political Philosophy
▪ Independent Teaching
▪ Supervision of students
▪ Participation in existing research projects and developing new research projects
▪ Administrative responsibilities at the Department of Philosophy and the University

Your Profile
▪ Doctorate (or PhD) in Philosophy
▪ Relevant teaching experience
▪ International experience
▪ Commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration (e.g., on issues of climate justice, historical justice, nature ethics, animal ethics, international justice and legitimacy)
▪ Fluency in English
▪ Good knowledge of German (desirable) or at least willingness to learn German
▪ Communication, and organizational and teamwork skills
▪ Enjoyment of teaching and student supervision

We offer an annual gross salary of at least € 60,926.60 for a fulltime position. An overpayment based on qualification and experience is possible.

We Offer
▪ Meaning: We offer meaningful work for the world of tomorrow.
▪ Our internal continuing education program is as colorful as the university itself.
▪ Collaboration: With us, you'll find interdisciplinary, cross-professional opportunities to work together.
▪ Benefits: Of course, there are all the usual benefits, from A "access to healthcare services" to Z "Zero emission goal".
▪ Diversity: Besides our various scientific fields and their related issius, we offer a working environment in which diversity is lived.
▪ Flexibility: We demonstrate flexibility not only with the various working time models but also trough the offers for the compatibility of family and career.

About us
At the University of Graz, 4700 employees work together on future questions and solutions for the world of tomorrow. Our students and researchers face the great challenges of society and carry the knowledge out. We work for tomorrow. Become part of it!

Please include a letter of motivation, an academic CV, two writing samples and a list of three references with their e-mail addresses.
For further information please contact Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Meyer at lukas [dot] meyer [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at and +43(0)316/380-2300.


The University of Graz strives to increase the proportion of women in particular in management and faculty positions and therefore encourages qualified women to apply. In the event of underrepresentation, women with equal qualifications are generally given priority for admission. Especially with regard to academic staff, we welcome applications from persons with disabilities who meet the requirements of the advertised position.

University of Graz,
Post date: August 30, 2023
Deadline: September 27, 2023

• Application link:
• Salary Category: B1 mit Doktorat
• Salary per Year: € 60,926.60
• Employment Start: March 2024
• Hours per week: 40.00 h/w
• Duration of Contract: Temporary employment with option for permanent position
• Temporary Employment: 6 years with objective agreement

Your Responsibilities
▪ Independent research in the field of moral and political philosophy, in particular climate ethics and interdisciplinary climate research
▪ Participation in existing research projects and development of new research projects in the field of moral and political philosophy, especially climate ethics and interdisciplinary climate research
▪ Solicitation of and participation in the acquisition of third-party funds
▪ Independent teaching to the extent stipulated in the collective agreement, especially in the field of moral and political philosophy
▪ Assistance in examinations
▪ Supervision of students
▪ Participation in organisational and administrative tasks and evaluation measures
▪ Willingness to engage in research collaborations on technological aspects of dealing with the climate crisis and the societal transformation is desired
▪ Willingness to participate in curriculum development and instructional planning is desired

Your Profile
▪ Completed doctorate/Ph.D. programme in philosophy
▪ Long-term experience in the required job specifications, especially in the acquisition and implementation of national and international research projects
▪ Peer-reviewed publications in the field of moral and political philosophy, especially climate ethics
▪ Ability for independent critical assessment of scholarly problems
▪ University level teaching experience (including online teaching)
▪ Experience in higher education administration and organisation, especially in curricula development and planning of teaching, desired
▪ Excellent knowledge of German and English, both in writing and speaking
▪ Self-reliable and independent way of working
▪ Resilience, ability to work in teams and flexibility
We offer an annual gross salary of at least € 60,926.60 for a fulltime position. An overpayment based on qualification and experience is possible.

We Offer
▪ Meaning: We offer meaningful work for the world of tomorrow.
▪ Our internal continuing education program is as colorful as the university itself.
▪ Collaboration: With us, you'll find interdisciplinary, cross-professional opportunities to work together.
▪ Benefits: Of course, there are all the usual benefits, from A "access to healthcare services" to Z "Zero emission goal".
▪ Diversity: Besides our various scientific fields and their related issius, we offer a working environment in which diversity is lived.
▪ Flexibility: We demonstrate flexibility not only with the various working time models but also trough the offers for the compatibility of family and career.

About us
At the University of Graz, 4700 employees work together on future questions and solutions for the world of tomorrow. Our students and researchers face the great challenges of society and carry the knowledge out. We work for tomorrow. Become part of it!

Univ.-Prof. Lukas Meyer, lukas [dot] meyer [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at

The University of Graz strives to increase the proportion of women in particular in management and faculty positions and therefore encourages qualified women to apply. In the event of underrepresentation, women with equal qualifications are generally given priority for admission. Especially with regard to academic staff, we welcome applications from persons with disabilities who meet the requirements of the advertised position.

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management gGmbH,
Frankfurt am Main,
Post date: July 28, 2023
Professor of Philosophy (open rank)
Deadline: September 25, 2023

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is one of Europe’s leading business schools, accredited by AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA. We invite applications for a faculty position as Professor of Philosophy (open rank).

We are looking for candidates with a strong international track record of excellent research and teaching in analytic philosophy. Candidates specialising in the field of metaethics are strongly encouraged to apply.
The successful candidate will join our Computational Science & Philosophy Department, which seeks to further expand its strong research focus in metaethics. Given the Department’s interdisciplinary profile, research interests in the philosophy and ethics of AI and data science will be an advantage.

Besides demonstrating excellence in research, the successful candidate will be able to teach to the highest professional standards, offering courses within our B.Sc. in Management, Philosophy & Economics as well as other Master and B.Sc. degrees at the Frankfurt School. We expect candidates to display a strong willingness to contribute actively to the further development of our Department, metaethics group, and Management, Philosophy & Economics degree programme.

We welcome applicants at assistant (tenure-track), associate and full professor level, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Candidates at assistant (tenure-track) and associate (tenured) professor level are strongly encouraged to apply. Completion of a PhD in philosophy by the date of the appointment is required. We explicitly welcome international applications. German language skills are not required.

Frankfurt School offers a state-of-the-art campus and stimulating research environment, with attractive research funding and all the opportunities of a vibrant private business school. The city of Frankfurt is ranked 7th worldwide in the latest Mercer “Quality of Living” ranking and appears in the top 20 of the Economist’s 2023 Global Livability Index. We value diversity and seek talented students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds. The Frankfurt School is an equal opportunities employer.

The deadline for applications is September 25th, 2023. Please submit your application including a cover letter, CV, research statement, teaching record (taught courses and sample evaluations), three research papers (published or unpublished), and either three reference letters (for the assistant level) or contact information for three referees (all others) on Interfolio,

For enquiries about the position, please contact Christine Tiefensee, Professor of Philosophy, by email: c [dot] tiefensee [__at__] fs [dot] de.

Carl von Ossietzky University,
Post date: July 20, 2023
Junior Professorship in Ethics of Digitalisation (tenure track)
Deadline: August 30, 2023

The Institute of Philosophy at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences seeks applications for a

Junior Professorship in Ethics of Digitalisation
salary scale W1 with tenure track (m/f/x)

The professorship is to be filled as soon as possible.

It is funded by the Tenure Track Programme of the German Federal Government and the Federal States, supporting junior scientists. Pending fulfilment of the applicable employment laws, the fixed-term contract granting temporary civil servant status will initially be limited to a period of three years and may be extended by a further three years, subject to a positive evaluation. At the end of this period, appointment to a tenured professorship at W2 level is intended in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions. Candidates should be in the early stages of their career.

The core task of the professorship is to detect and philosophically reflect the ethical problems that are connected, in society as a whole, with the rising digital technologies. It thereby strengthens the profile of the University of Oldenburg within the scope of digitalisation. Both knowledge of the normative theories to be critically applied and knowledge of the technologies to which these theories are applied are required. Theories include not only those developed with an eye toward digital technologies but also fundamental moral theories (deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics) as well as philosophical theories of society, democracy and justice. Technologies include, for example, AI-based automation processes, which are already in the focus of research in Oldenburg (in the areas of locomotion, health and energy).

Moreover, an above-average scientific university degree and an above-average PhD are required, with at least one of these degrees being obtained in philosophy or a related discipline (e.g., Philosophy, Politics and Economics; Media, Technology and Society). Scientific excellence has to be demonstrated, inter alia, by publications in international peer-reviewed journals. Relevant teaching experience and raising of third-party funds are desired.

The University of Oldenburg offers the successful candidate a variety of scientific cooperation partners on site and at the nearby Universities of Bremen, Osnabrück and Hannover. Within the University of Oldenburg, partners are to be found in the Research Centre ‘Human-Cyber-Physical Systems’ and the PhD Programme ‘Shaping the Future. Transformation of the Present through Scenarios of Digitalisation’.

The successful candidate has to provide teachings for the practical-philosophy modules of the BA, MA and MEd courses of study in Philosophy and Values and Norms, the latter being a school subject in Lower Saxony. Furthermore, the successful candidate is to contribute, in cooperation with the social sciences and computer sciences, to the establishment of an MA and a BA course of studies and to support these courses with teachings. As the University of Oldenburg and the University of Bremen are bound by a cooperation agreement, active participation in the cooperation is expected.

Prerequisites for employment are specified in section 30 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG). The University aims to increase its proportion of female professors and strongly encourages female scientists to apply. Equally qualified female candidates will be considered preferentially. In case of equal aptitude, applicants with disabilities will be given priority in hiring decisions. The position is suitable for part-time employment.

Applications include a full curriculum vitae, certificates, lists of publications, talks and courses, an account of present and previous third-party funded research activities, research and teaching concepts and a selection of publications. The selection of publications should include a monograph and three articles. Furthermore, the following documents are necessary: ‘Profile Sheet W1’ and ‘Query on examination and supervision phases W1’ ( Preferably, applications are submitted in electronic version by 30.08.2023 to Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Fakultät IV, Dekanin Prof. Dr. Dagmar Freist, berufungen-fk4 [__at__] uol [dot] de.

University of Oldenburg,
Post date: July 18, 2023
Junior Professorship (m/f/x) in Ethics of Digitalisation (salary scale W1 with tenure track)
Deadline: August 30, 2023

The Institute of Philosophy at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences seeks applications for a

Junior Professorship (m/f/x) in Ethics of Digitalisation (salary scale W1 with tenure track)

The professorship is to be filled as soon as possible. It is funded by the Tenure Track Programme of the German Federal Government and the Federal States, supporting junior scientists. Pending fulfilment of the applicable employment laws, the fixed- term contract granting temporary civil servant status will initially be limited to a period of three years and may be extended by a further three years, subject to a positive evaluation. At the end of this period, appointment to a tenured professorship at W2 level is intended in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions. Candidates should be in the early stages of their career.

The core task of the professorship is to detect and philosophically reflect the ethical problems that are connected, in society as a whole, with the rising digital technologies. It thereby strengthens the profile of the University of Oldenburg within the scope of digitalisation. Both knowledge of the normative theories to be critically applied and knowledge of the technologies to which these theories are applied are required. Theories include not only those developed with an eye toward digital technologies but also fundamental moral theories (deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics) as well as philosophical theories of society, democracy and justice. Technologies include, for example, AI-based automation processes, which are already in the focus of research in Oldenburg (in the areas of locomotion, health and energy).

Moreover, an above-average scientific university degree and an above-average PhD are required, with at least one of these degrees being obtained in philosophy or a related discipline (e.g., Philosophy, Politics and Economics; Media, Technology and Society). Scientific excellence has to be demonstrated, inter alia, by publications in international peer-reviewed journals. Relevant teaching experience and raising of third-party funds are desired.

The University of Oldenburg offers the successful candidate a variety of scientific cooperation partners on site and at the nearby Universities of Bremen, Osnabrück and Hannover. Within the University of Oldenburg, partners are to be found in the Research Centre ‘Human-Cyber-Physical Systems’ and the PhD Programme ‘Shaping the Future. Transformation of the Present through Scenarios of Digitalisation’.

The successful candidate has to provide teachings for the practical-philosophy modules of the BA, MA and MEd courses of study in Philosophy and Values and Norms, the latter being a school subject in Lower Saxony. Furthermore, the successful candidate is to contribute, in cooperation with the social sciences and computer sciences, to the establishment of an MA and a BA course of studies and to support these courses with teachings. As the University of Oldenburg and the University of Bremen are bound by a cooperation agreement, active participation in the cooperation is expected.

Prerequisites for employment are specified in section 30 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG). The University aims to increase its proportion of female professors and strongly encourages female scientists to apply. Equally qualified female candidates will be considered preferentially. In case of equal aptitude, applicants with disabilities will be given priority in hiring decisions. The position is suitable for part-time employment.

Applications include a full curriculum vitae, certificates, lists of publications, talks and courses, an account of present and previous third-party funded research activities, research and teaching concepts and a selection of publications. The selection of publications should include a monograph and three articles. Furthermore, the following documents are necessary: ‘Profile Sheet W1’ and ‘Query on examination and supervision phases W1’ ( Preferably, applications are submitted in electronic version by 30.08.2023 to Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Fakultät IV, Dekanin Prof. Dr. Dagmar Freist, berufungen-fk4 [__at__] uol [dot] de.

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Post date: June 15, 2023
6 Positions - Centre for Philosophy and AI Research (PAIR), Erlangen
Deadline: July 7, 2023

At the Centre for Philosophy and AI Research (PAIR) we offer 6 new positions in Philosophy & Ethics of AI. Please spread the news!

Director of Research

Research Fellow

PhD-Students (4) - please RT

Technical University Delft,
Post date: April 17, 2023
Postdoc "The potential of living labs for the ethics of technology: developing new empirical and philosophical methods"
Deadline: May 15, 2023

You investigate how living labs can contribute to the philosophical and empirical study of value experiences of stakeholders in the phase of prototyping and (small-scale) experimentation with new technologies. This phase has received relatively scant attention in approaches at the intersection of ethics and engineering. You develop and deploy new empirical and philosophical approaches and methods to collect and reflect upon stakeholders’ value experiences. Scrutinizing and philosophically interpreting such value experiences is crucial for developing more responsible technologies.
Value experiences involve perceptions and emotions, but they also have a reflective and interpretative component. Relevant philosophical research on value experiences includes research on moral emotions and moral perception, as well as research on “transformative experiences”, research on situated, enacted, and embodied cognition, and research involving the pragmatist notion of “experiments in living”. Value experiences are crucial for (1) validating if a proposed design (prototype) is aligned with the values it claims to respect, (2) discovering new ethical issues that were not anticipated beforehand, and (3) tracing potential disruptive effects of new technologies on existing values and moral concepts (which might require rethinking these concepts).

The prime focus of the project is on the methodological question how to empirically collect and interpret value experiences (e.g., through interviews, participant observation, ethnographic methods, experiments, etc.). This requires taking a stance on the philosophical question as to what exactly value experiences are, how they differ from other experiences, or desires and preferences, and under what conditions they are normatively reliable. We do not expect you to develop a new philosophical account of value experiences, but rather to investigate how value experiences can be empirically researched in the context of technological development.

You will contribute to practical methods that can be employed in an engineering or design context. To do this, you collaborate with the Responsible Sensing Lab (RSL) of the city of Amsterdam. The envisaged output includes prototypes of responsible smart urban technologies that are relevant to the city of Amsterdam. You will use these prototypes in experiments to try out some of the possible methods for collecting value experiences of users and stakeholders. You will also explore possible collaborations with other partners, such as the Design Lab (UT), the Green Village (TU Delft), de Waag (Amsterdam), existing living labs at the TU/e, and the ELSA AI Labs funded by NWO.

This postdoc position will be part of the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies programme, an international research programme of seven academic institutions in the Netherlands that has started in January 2020. The programme has the aim of achieving breakthrough research in at the intersection of ethics, philosophy, technology and social sciences, and to position its consortium at the top of its field internationally. A key objective is to investigate how new technologies challenge moral values and ontological concepts (like “nature”, “human being” and “community”), and how these challenges necessitate a revision of these concepts. The project is embedded in the Human Condition research line and the STEM track of the ESDiT programme. Further information can be obtained from the ESDiT website: ESDIT

You will be employed at the section Ethics and Philosophy of Technology of the Department Values, Technology and Innovation Technology, Policy and Management of Tu Delft. More information can be found at Values Technology and Innovation

- You have, or are about to receive, a PhD in Philosophy, Science and Technology Studies (STS), design research, ethnography or a related discipline.

- You have demonstrated affinity with, and expertise in philosophy (in case you do not have a degree in philosophy).

- You have affinity with technology, design and empirical research.

- You are proficient in English.

- You are able to do independent research and have excellent writing and publication skills.

- Experience with transdisciplinary work, qualitative research methods and design methods and practices is an asset.

You are expected to perform high quality and internationally visible research with publications in peer-reviewed journals. You will be supervised by Prof. dr. ir. Ibo van de Poel (Technical University Delft), Dr. Julia Hermann (Philosophy Section, University of Twente) and Dr. Matthew Dennis (Philosophy & Ethics group, Eindhoven University of Technology).

Your work location is Delft. We expect that you will move to the Netherlands, to the region where the university is located or to a region from which a daily commute is feasible.

Conditions of employment
We offer a three-year fulltime postdoc position, preferably starting September 1, 2023.
- Salary: 2.960,00 - 4.670,00 Euro gross/month

- We provide excellent mentorship and a stimulating research environment.

- We encourage a high degree of responsibility and independence, while collaborating with close colleagues, researchers and other university staff, as well as with other partners within the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies consortium.

- We offer generous (conference) travel budgets.

Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, a discount on health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged.

For international applicants we offer the Coming to Delft Service and Partner Career Advice to assist you with your relocation. An International Children's Centre offers childcare and there is an international primary school.

Application procedure
Are you interested in this vacancy? Please apply before 15 May 2023 via the application button on the TU Delft website ( and upload your documents:

A motivation letter
A Curriculum Vitae
A research proposal (approx. 2 pages)
A writing sample (an article of a chapter of your dissertation
Please note:

You can apply online. We will not process applications sent by email and/or post.

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

A pre-employment screening can be part of the selection procedure.

Please do not contact us for unsolicited services.

You find more information on this position here: