Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Institut für integrierte Sozialökologie,
Post date: July 15, 2010
Assistent(In) für Forschungsprojekt "Philosophie des Glücks"
Deadline: October 1, 2010

Das Projekt zielt auf die kreative Neubelebung eines in zeigenössischer Philosophie fast verschwundenen Grundzugs aller bedeutsamen Philosophie von Epikur bis Nietzsche: Die Begründung der Imperative des Glücks, der Freude und fröhlicher Wissenschaft als Voraussetzung für alle menschlichen Tätigkeiten und Verhältnisse, welche zugleich menschengerecht und naturbewahrend sein sollen.

„Des menschlichen Lebens letztes Ziel ist: Glückseligkeit.“ (Thomas von Aquin)
"Die Untersuchung des glücklichen Lebens ist der einzige Gegenstand, den sich die Philosophie zum Zweck und Ziel setzen muss." (Cicero)

Bewerbungen mit kreativer Darstellung von Werdegang und Motivation bitte an:

PD Dr. Maik Hosang
Institut für integrierte Sozialökologie
LebensGut Pommritz 1
D-02627 Hochkirch
Email: ifis [__at__] gmx [dot] net

University of Oxford,
United Kingdom
Post date: July 14, 2010
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Moral Cognition
Deadline: August 6, 2010

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to work on a project that is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, and jointly hosted by the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics and the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics (both of which are within the Faculty of Philosophy). The project is entitled Emotion and Intuition in Moral Decision‐Making: Empirical Evidence and Ethical Implications.

Protocol reference number: HUM/09100F/E

Salary Grade 7: £28,983 ‐ £35,646 per annum at 1 October 2009.

The fellowship is for two years from the date of appointment. The Research Fellow will be based at the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, which is located at Littlegate House in central Oxford, where the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics is also based.

The Research Fellow’s primary role will be to conduct research for the project, by studying the philosophical and ethical implications of scientific accounts of morality, and will also be an integral part of the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics. In addition to research responsibilities, s/he will be expected to contribute in other ways which may include, for example, involvement in conference or other event organisation and editing a collected volume.

The successful candidate will have a strong academic background in one or more of the following: (1) moral philosophy or a branch of ethics (2) philosophy of mind/psychology/neuroscience, (3) empirical research on moral decision‐making; and an outstanding research record. By the date of appointment, applicants will be expected to have received (or submitted their thesis for) the degree of PhD (or equivalent).

Further particulars, including details about how to apply are available from the following websites:

or directly from Nicholas Iles, Suite 8, Littlegate House, Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, University of Oxford, Littlegate House 16 – 17 St Ebbes Street, Oxford, OX1 1PT
(telephone: +44 1865 286279; fax: +44 1865 286886)

International Baccalaureate,
United Kingdom
Post date: June 15, 2010
Philosophy Chief Examiner
Deadline: August 20, 2010

As a result of continued growth and development the IB is seeking to make the following senior examining appointment. Applicants for chief examiner positions should have a degree or equivalent in the appropriate subject, recent teaching experience at university entrance level, and experience of external examining or knowledge of assessment procedures. International experience and knowledge of Spanish and/or French would be an advantage. Applications are sought from university academics. The appointments will take effect from September 2010 and, for most positions, will be expected to last five years provided an initial term of two years is successfully completed. Examination sessions are held in May and November each year.


Philosophy Chief examiner

A chief examiner is generally expected to lead a team of senior examiners, some of whom will be practising IB teachers. Please note, although much of the work may be done from home, the above posts involve participation in meetings held in Cardiff, and occasionally elsewhere, a few times a year. Examiners are not regarded as employees of the IB.

Applications are invited from around the world. Further information about the IB can be found at our web site, For further details and an application form please contact:

Mr. Richard Thomas
International Baccalaureate
Peterson House, Malthouse Avenue
Cardiff Gate, Cardiff, Wales, CF23 8GL, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 29 2054 7777 Fax: +44 29 2054 7778 E-mail: seniorexamrecruit [__at__] ibo [dot] org
The closing date for applications is 20th August 2010 Successful applicants will be notified by the end of November 2010.

University of Nottingham,
United Kingdom
Post date: June 14, 2010
Lecturer in philosophy
Deadline: June 17, 2010

A full-time, permanent Lectureship in Philosophy is available, starting in September 2010. Candidates should be able to demonstrate excellence in teaching and research in Philosophy. This post is in addition to the Lecturer post filled in March 2010.

The area of specialisation is open, but the successful candidate’s expertise will supplement the Department’s existing strengths. An ability to contribute to MA teaching and research supervision in the area of Philosophy of Mind may be an advantage. Candidates should be able to contribute to the Department’s undergraduate teaching in analytic philosophy in a variety of areas, including at least one of the following: Philosophy of Mind, Formal Logic, History of Modern Philosophy.
The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching undergraduate and postgraduate modules, for supervising postgraduate research, and for contributing to Departmental administration.
Salary: £32,620 – £43,840 per annum
Closing date: 17 June 2010
For details of duties, essential and desirable criteria, and application procedure, see
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr P Mackie, tel: 0115 846 7570 or Email: Penelope [dot] Mackie [__at__] Nottingham [dot] ac [dot] uk. Please note that applications sent directly to this Email address will not be accepted.
Information about the Department of Philosophy may be found at:

A full-time, permanent Lectureship in Philosophy is available, starting in September 2010. Candidates should be able to demonstrate excellence in teaching and research in Philosophy. This post is in addition to the Lecturer post filled in March 2010.

The area of specialisation is open, but the successful candidate’s expertise will supplement the Department’s existing strengths. An ability to contribute to MA teaching and research supervision in the area of Philosophy of Mind may be an advantage. Candidates should be able to contribute to the Department’s undergraduate teaching in analytic philosophy in a variety of areas, including at least one of the following: Philosophy of Mind, Formal Logic, History of Modern Philosophy.
The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching undergraduate and postgraduate modules, for supervising postgraduate research, and for contributing to Departmental administration.
Salary: £32,620 – £43,840 per annum
Closing date: 17 June 2010
For details of duties, essential and desirable criteria, and application procedure, see
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr P Mackie, tel: 0115 846 7570 or Email: Penelope [dot] Mackie [__at__] Nottingham [dot] ac [dot] uk. Please note that applications sent directly to this Email address will not be accepted.
Information about the Department of Philosophy may be found at:

University of Oslo,
Oslo (Copenhagen/Helsinki),
Post date: June 4, 2010
PhD Fellowship, Contemporary philosophy of science/philosophy of biology
Deadline: July 15, 2010

DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP (SKO/post code 1017) in contemporary philosophy of science within the project Philosophical Foundations for Systems Biology (PSBio) is available at The Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo. The position is available for a period of three years.

See full announcement:

For more information about the project, see: PSBio’s homepage

Refer also to the Department’s home page

PSBiO is a Nordic four-year research project funded by NOS-HS, NORDCORP, and hosted by Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Arts and Ideas (IFIKK), University of Oslo. The other Nordic participants are situated at the University of Copenhagen and University of Helsinki. The main goal of PSBio is, by investigating central questions within contemporary philosophy of science in the light of new developments in biology, to contribute to the development of philosophical foundations for the currently expanding discipline of systems biology. PSBio focuses on three main topics:

(1) Systems; causal and explanatory issues: reduction, emergence, mechanisms, downward causation, genetic causation, and the relations between levels and/or domains.

(2) The nature of biological systems: the ontology of systems, the role of genes in relation to other system parts, functional organization, and robustness.

(3) Methods and epistemological issues: philosophical aspects of systems biology modelling, simulations, and “in silico” testing, and epistemological issues of causal reasoning

The research lies at the interface of philosophy of science, philosophy of biology, metaphysics, and empirical biology.

Gry Oftedal
IFIKK, University of Oslo
CPNSS, University of Copenhagen

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität,
Post date: May 10, 2010
Deadline: June 15, 2010

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
Beginn: 01.07.2010
Bewerbungsschluss: 15.06.2010

Die DFG-geförderte Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe „Form und Emotion. Affektive Strukturen in der französischen Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts und ihre soziale Geltung“ ist an das Kunstgeschichtliche Institut der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz angegliedert. Die Nachwuchsgruppe bietet zum 1. Juli 2010

3 Doktorand/-innenstellen

für Promovierende an, die mit einem Projekt zu dem Forschungsthema beitragen. Die Stellen werden vergütet nach BAT IIa (50%)/E 13 (50%), die Laufzeit beträgt 3 Jahre.

Die Bewerbung richtet sich an Graduierte, die einen Doktorabschluss (Dr. phil.) anstreben und die über einen ausgezeichneten Magister bzw. M.A.-Abschluss in Kunstgeschichte oder einer verwandten geisteswissenschaftlichen Disziplin verfügen. Sie sollten eine besondere Befähigung zum eigenständigen, interdisziplinären wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und eine hohe Motivation für die Arbeit in einer Forschergruppe aufweisen. Die Teilnahme am wissenschaftlichen Programm der Gruppe und dessen aktive Mitgestaltung wird vorausgesetzt.

Mögliche Forschungsthemen sind Untersuchungen zu emotionalen Strategien in Kunstwerken oder zum ästhetischen Diskurs über Form und Emotion in Frankreich im 19. Jahrhundert. Die Arbeiten können monographisch oder vergleichend angelegt sein, sie können begriffs- oder ideengeschichtlich ausgerichtet sein. In den Projekten sollte über ihre historische Ausrichtung hinaus eine emotionstheoretische Perspektive angestrebt werden.

Die Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz ist bestrebt, den Anteil der Frauen im wissenschaftlichen Bereich zu erhöhen und bittet daher Wissenschaftlerinnen, sich zu bewerben.

Schwerbehinderte werden bei entsprechender Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Die Bewerbungsunterlagen sollten neben Ihrem CV und einer Kopie Ihrer Zeugnisse eine kurze Begründung Ihres Interesses an der Forschergruppe umfassen, eine Beschreibung Ihres Forschungsprojektes sowie zwei akademische Gutachten bzw. die Angabe und Adressen von zwei akademischen Referenzen. Bitte schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbung in schriftlicher und elektronischer Form bis zum 15.06.2010 an:

Dr. Kerstin Thomas
Leiterin der Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe „Form und Emotion“
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Institut für Kunstgeschichte
Binger Straße 26
55122 Mainz
kerstin [dot] thomas [__at__] uni-mainz [dot] de

Georg-August-University Göttingen,
Post date: April 17, 2010
20 study places and within this 7 Lichtenberg PhD scholarships for the PhD program "Biodiversity and Society" at the Georg-August-University Göttingen starting 1st. October 2010
Deadline: June 9, 2010

The Land of Lower Saxony sponsors excellent young PhD students in the course of their work towards a doctoral degree. These funds support the PhD programme “Biodiversity and Society – social dimensions of the protection and use of biological diversity” directed by the Göttingen Graduate School for Social Sciences (GGG) under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Rainer Marggraf from the Department for Agricultural Economics and Rural Development. Additionally, the programme is generously endowed with Lichtenberg scholarships (1.365 Euro per month plus 135 Euro material costs and if applicable allowances for families or studies abroad) for three years per scholar.
Research on biodiversity is a core academic element at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen. The aim of the PhD programme is to discuss the protection and use of biological diversity from the social scientific point of view.
In the PhD course, researchers from the following areas cooperate with the objective of developing an interdisciplinary perspective on protecting and sustainably using biological diversity:
Agricultural Sciences (Environmental and Resource Economics, Agro-Ecology, Rural Management, Crop Sciences), Economic Sciences (Environmental and Institutional Economics, Production and Logistics), Social Sciences (cooperative behaviour of economic, state and social actors), Biology (Didactics of biology, Social and Communication Psychology), Legal Studies (International Business and Environmental Law) as well as Philosophy (Applied Philosophy and Ethical Studies).
For further information on the core topic areas as well as on the participating scientists and scholars please go to You can also find information on the documents required there.
Göttingen University aims to increase the ratio of women in areas, in which women are underrepresented and therefore, explicitly encourages qualified women to apply. Appropriately qualified, severely disabled persons are treated preferentially.
Application is asked to be send until 09. June 2010 (incoming mail Central European Time).
Please send the application in one single file (pdf) to: biodiv [__at__] uni-goettingen [dot] de

Universität Freiburg Schweiz / Université de Fribourg Suisse,
Freiburg / Fribourg,
Post date: April 16, 2010
Doktorassistent 50% Philosophie des Menschen und der Humanwissenschaften/ Assistant docteur 50% Philosophie de l’homme et des sciences humaines
Deadline: June 11, 2010

• Doktorat in Philosophie im genannten Bereich vor dem Zeitpunkt der Anstellung
• Habilitationsprojekt in einem der genannten Bereiche
• Unterrichtserfahrung
• Lehre (1 Stunde pro Woche)
• Unterstützung der Verwaltungsarbeit an dem betreffenden Lehrstuhl
• Eigene Forschung mit Ziel der Habilitation

Bewerbungen (mit Curriculum Vitae, Publikationsliste und Forschungsvorhaben) sind bis Freitag 11. Juni 2010 an Prof. Martine Nida-Rümelin, Departement der Philosophie, Universität Freiburg, Miséricorde, CH-1700 Fribourg einzureichen. Tel. +41 (026) 300 75 24, Fax +41 (026) 300 97 86, e-mail: philosophie [__at__] unifr [dot] ch

• Doctorat en philosophie dans le domaine mentionné au moment de l'engagement
• Projet d'habilitation ou équivalent dans le domaine mentionné
• Expérience d'enseignement
• Enseignement (1 heures par semaine)
• Participation au travail administratif relié à la chaire concernée
• Recherche personnelle en vue d'une habilitation

Les lettres de candidature avec curriculum vitae, liste de publications et un projet de recherche (en vue d'une thèse d'habilitation ou équivalent) sont à envoyer jusqu'au vendredi 11 juin 2010 au Prof. Martine Nida-Rümelin, Département de Philosophie, Université, Miséricorde, CH-1700 Fribourg. Tél. +41 (026) 300 75 24, Fax +41 (026) 300 97 86, e-mail: philosophie [__at__] unifr [dot] ch

Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS),
Post date: April 9, 2010
PhD Position (Formal Philosophy)
Deadline: May 21, 2010

The Department of Philosophy and the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science ( invite applications for a four-year full-time PhD position, commencing August 2010 (date negotiable). The successful candidate will work as part of the Vidi project “A Formal Analysis of Social Procedures” led by Eric Pacuit and complete a PhD thesis within four years. The project combines logical/mathematical modeling with philosophical/conceptual analysis. Drawing on work in logics of rational agency, formal argumentation theory, and social choice theory, the candidate will develop formal models of group deliberation and decision making that are grounded in the relevant philosophical theories (see for more information). The ideal candidate will have a background in logic and/or game theory/social choice theory. The salary for a full-time employment agreement increases from 2.042 Euro gross a month in the first year to 2.612 Euro gross a month in the last year. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the project, the position is open to candidates with a Master’s degree or equivalent in computer science, economics, logic, or philosophy. Candidates are invited to submit a 3-5 page letter of motivation (mentioning the vacancy number 500.10.11) describing past research, relevant current research interests and the motivation for applying to this position), curriculum vitae, a list of relevant university courses (including grades), and two letters of recommendation. Please send your application package to PhD Position Search Committee, c/o P & O, Department of Philosophy, Tilburg University, Warandelaan 2, P.O. 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands, or email us (solliciterenGW [__at__] uvt [dot] nl). The deadline for applications is May 21, 2010. Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr. Eric Pacuit (email: E [dot] J [dot] Pacuit [__at__] uvt [dot] nl).

University of Helsinki,
Post date: April 9, 2010
Full Professor
Deadline: April 22, 2010

Full Professor in Theoretical Philosophy, University of Helsinki. Fixed term 1.8.2010-31.5.2013 (substitution). AOS: History of Philosophy, Logic, Epistemology, Systematic Philosophy. AOC: Open. PhD required, high-level academic qualifications and experience. Enclose with application four sets of: curriculum vitae, teaching statement, research statement, list of publications, max. 10 publications, language certificates. Applications addressed to the Faculty of Arts must be delivered to: Registry of the University of Helsinki. P.O. Box 33 (Yliopistonkatu 4), 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. The closing date April 22, 2010 at 15.45 local Helsinki time. Further details, Professor Gabriel Sandu, gabriel.sandu[at]