Jobs in Philosophy in europe

University of Warwick,
United Kingdom
Post date: June 17, 2015
Postdoctoral fellowship: experimental philosophy and empirical ethics
Deadline: July 14, 2015

The University of Warwick is seeking to appoint a full-time, one-year postdoctoral fellow based in the Department of Philosophy, as part of the research grant 'experimental philosophy and empirical ethics: a historical reconstruction and philosophical assessment' (XPHI), funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

The successful candidate will study the viability of an empirical science of ethics. He or she will join a research team working on the metaphysical and theological commitments of early modern experimental philosophers, eighteenth-century attempts to articulate an experimental moral philosophy, and recent proposals for locating moral philosophy within an experimental philosophy framework. The team is formed by Dr Alberto Vanzo (PI, Warwick), Professor Peter Anstey (Sydney) and Professor Tom Sorell (Warwick).

The successful candidate will prepare research articles, conference presentations and blog posts on his or her research, co-organise a workshop that will form the basis for a special journal issue or an edited volume, and participate in the project's outreach activities.

Start date: November 2015

For more information and to apply, please visit

Halle (Saale),
Post date: June 1, 2015
Two years fixed-term lectureship
Deadline: June 11, 2015

Two years fixed-term lectureship (Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in) in philosophy at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in Halle (Saale). AOS: (Early) modern practical philosophy (focus on Kant desirable but nor required). Two courses per semester teaching load, language of instruction is German.
For further particulars, see

Deadline: June 11, 2015.

Please direct all enquiries to Prof. Dr. Heiner F. Klemme, heiner [dot] klemme [__at__] phil [dot] uni-halle [dot] de

ILLC, University of Amsterdam,
Post date: May 14, 2015
Project assistant
Deadline: May 31, 2015

We have an open vacancy for a project assistant in the framework of the LogiCIC project on 'The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change' (ERC-2011-STG No. 283963), funded by the European Research Council and the European Community under the Seventh Framework Programme. The LogiCIC project team currently consists of two PhD candidates, one postdoctoral researcher and the Principal investigator Sonja Smets. The new Project assistant will support the team in its main organizational and communication tasks. The appointment is for 16 hours per week, and is on a temporary basis for a period of maximum 18 months, with an initial trial period of two months. All details about the job description and requirements are listed at:

Preferred starting date: 1 July 2015, but no later than 1 August 2015. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2015 (the application procedure is explained on the above mentioned website).

University of Bayreuth,
Post date: April 26, 2015
Junior Professor (W1) for Philosophy (Political Philosophy)
Deadline: May 22, 2015

The University of Bayreuth is a research driven university and leader in interdisciplinary research and teaching. The Faculty of Cultural Studies invites applications for a

Junior Professor (W1) for Philosophy (Political Philosophy)

to be appointed as soon as possible. The position is offered for an initial period of three years and will be extended by a further three years following a positive evaluation.

We are looking for an excellent candidate in the field of global justice. We are interested in candidates with a background in the intersection of philosophy and economics. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the development of philosophy in the University’s “Governance & Responsibility” emerging field and its constituent programmes and initiatives.

The candidate will be expected to play an important role in our highly successful MA and BA Philosophy & Economics degree programmes. To meet the curricular demands of these degrees, the successful candidate should be able to teach broadly in political philosophy and offer courses in the intersection of political philosophy and economics. The teaching load for the first three years is five contact hours per week, increasing to seven after a successful mid-term evaluation.

The appointment will be made in accordance with the rules governing university appointments in the State of Bavaria. Prerequisites for appointment are an excellent doctoral degree, a productive and promising research programme, as well as teaching skills at university level. The ability to teach in English is also required for this position. Candidates should not have been employed for more than 6 years in an academic capacity at a German public-sector university.

The University of Bayreuth pursues the strategic goal of increasing the diversity of its faculty. Women and international candidates who will bring an increased diversity in the research and teaching profile of the University of Bayreuth are especially encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to disabled candidates with essentially the same qualifications. The University of Bayreuth is a certified family-friendly and international employer that offers dual career support for career couples. Applicants with children are very welcome.

Applications should be sent to the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Prof. Dr. Ludwig Haag, University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth (Dekanat [dot] Kuwi [__at__] uni-bayreuth [dot] de) no later than 22.05.2015. Applications should include the usual documentation (curriculum vitae with a detailed list of your educational background, positions held, publications, and teaching record as well as copies of degree and prize certificates, names and contact details of three academic referees) and a statement of current and future research plans. Electronic applications are accepted (preferably as a single pdf file).

For further enquiries, please contact the Head of Department and Chair of the Search Committee, Prof. Dr. Matthew Braham (matthew [dot] braham [__at__] uni-bayreuth [dot] de).

Université libre de Bruxelles,
Post date: April 20, 2015
PhD Fellowship in early modern philosophy
Deadline: June 15, 2015

Within the Department of Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and in the context of the ARC project „TRANSFORMATIONS OF PRACTICAL REASON IN EARLY MODERN PHILOSOPHY PRIOR TO KANT”, directed by Prof. Arnaud Pelletier, there is a vacancy for:

One 3-year doctoral fellowship to carry out a research project titled:
„The primacy of practical reason: an archaeology of Kant’s practical philosophy”

Profile: The candidate will conduct research with the aim of writing a doctoral thesis on the origin and ensuing modifications of the idea of the "primacy of practical reason" (over theoretical reason) in pre-Kantian philosophy (addressing, for instance, authors like Thomasius, Crusius or Baumgarten as far as the 18th century is concerned). The thesis can be written in French or in English, but the candidate must be able to present his/her research and to take part in seminars in French. From the first year, active participation in the doctoral program and the activities of the Research Center in Philosophy ( and of the Research Group in Modern Philosophy, as well as contributions to journals and international conferences are expected. The candidate may have small administrative tasks (organization of conferences, etc.) within the ARC project.

Requirements: - MA in Philosophy
- Independent and self-motivated
- Proficiency in French (written/oral), German and Latin
- Good knowledge of early modern philosophy

Duration: 3 years, starting October 1, 2015
Amount: ca. 1880 EUR per month (netto)

Application deadline: June 15, 2015.

Applicants should send a cover letter to Arnaud Pelletier (Arnaud [dot] Pelletier [__at__] ulb [dot] ac [dot] be) together with a detailed CV and publication list (if any), a writing sample (about 10 pages, possibly from the Master thesis) and the names and contact details of two academic referees.

Institute for Philosophy II,
Post date: April 13, 2015
PhD Research Fellow in Nonmonotonic Logic and Formal Argumentation
Deadline: May 17, 2015

The Institute for Philosophy II at the Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) invites applications for a PhD research position in the domain of nonmonotonic logics and formal argumentation.

- Duration: 4 years (incl. trial period)
- Starting date: 1. September 2015 (latest)
- Public salary TV-L 13, 65%
- Deadline for the application: *17. May 2015*

The candidate is supposed to have an MA degree (or equivalent) in philosophy, computer science or mathematics. Candidates with a background in formal logic and/or formal argumentation are preferred.

For the sake of internationalization and gender-equality, applicants from abroad as well as non-male candidates are especially encouraged to apply. Mastering the German language is not required.

The position is part of a research project on formal argumentation and defeasible reasoning (see for details). The project is funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the context of the Sofja Kovalevskaja Prize. By means of the funding a research centre on formal argumentation and nonmonotonic reasoning has been established at the Institute for Philosophy II at the Ruhr-University Bochum (see

The candidate is expected to actively contribute to the project and to activities of the research group. Research collaborations with other team members and with external members are encouraged. The candidate will also be encouraged to participate in international workshops and conferences, for which the standard traveling expenses will be covered.

For the application, please submit the following documents:

- a CV
- a list of publications and talks if applicable
- a motivation letter
- a writing sample (e.g., a part of the master thesis, an essay, etc.)
- contact details of two possible referees (no recommendation letters necessary)

Please submit your documents electronically to christian [dot] strasser [__at__] RUB [dot] de under the subject line "Application Kovalevskaja PhD 2" by latest *17. May 2015*. For any further inquiries please contact christian [dot] strasser [__at__] RUB [dot] de.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. For candidates from abroad the interview may be held in terms of a video-conference.

Norwegian University of Life Sciences,
Post date: February 26, 2015
Postdoc Fellowships
Deadline: March 10, 2015

We are pleased to announce two 3-year positions as a Postdoctoral Fellow in philosophy at the School of Economics and Business (SEB), Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The positions are part of the project Causation, Complexity and Evidence in Health Sciences (CauseHealth).

SEB is responsible for teaching and research in philosophy and theory of science at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. SEB also offers undergraduate and graduate programs in business administration and in economics, in addition to a master’s program in entrepreneurship and innovation. The School has approx. 55 employees, of which three permanent faculty, two adjunct professors and three postdocs are in the fields of philosophy and theory of science.

The project concerns the philosophical foundations of causality and scientific methods, related to the health sciences. It is funded by the FRIPRO programme of the Research Council of Norway, with Rani Lill Anjum as the Principal Investigator.

Applicants must hold a PhD in philosophy or one of the health sciences. (Persons who have submitted, but not yet defended their PhD dissertation may apply, but may not be appointed before the PhD has been awarded.) Applicants should have documented research experience or background that is relevant for the project, and preferably within philosophy of medicine. Further information about the project is available at

We are seeking a colleague who can be both self-directed and able to work within the project group, and otherwise participate in the academic activities project and the SEB. Responsibilities, in addition to research, includes assisting with conference organization and the NMBU Philosophy of Science Forum.

The workplace will be at the SEB, located in Aas, Norway.

Applications must include an application letter, project plan (2-4 pages), CV with complete list of publications, diplomas and contact information for three referees. Applicants invited for an interview will be asked to give a short presentation.

The positions are for three years, and the preferred starting date is September 1st, 2015

The position is placed in government pay scale, position code 1352 Postdoctoral Fellow (salary grade 57-70), depending on qualifications and experience.

For questions or further information, contact Rani Lill Anjum (e-mail rani [dot] anjum [__at__] nmbu [dot] no).

Electronic application via JOBBNORGE.

Application deadline: March 10th 2015

Université de Neuchâtel,
Post date: February 23, 2015
4-year PhD fellowship
Deadline: March 31, 2015

The Institute of Philosophy at the University of Neuchâtel ( offers a 4-year PhD fellowship within Fabrice Correia’s SNSF Consolidator project


The project will be linked to eidos, the Centre for Metaphysics (


August 1st, 2015. A later date may be considered, depending on the availability of the candidate.


Our common representation of the world appears to involve a number of substantial metaphysical views about time and its occupants, in particular the view that there is an objective distinction between past, present and future, the view that time passes or flows, or again the view that time is occupied both by events and things, the former unfolding along the temporal dimension and the latter persisting and changing through time while remaining numerically the same. Recently, these theses have been subject to a form of scepticism, which purports to show that the very distinctions they explicitly endorse or at least presuppose are in fact illusory. Even if it is granted that the relevant distinctions do make sense, a number of arguments taken from contemporary physics have been put forward against the common sense views. The aim of the project is twofold: (1) to argue, against the sceptical stances, that the distinctions in question are robust, and (2) to assess the prospects of a reconciliation of contemporary physics and commonsense. The core working hypothesis of the project is that both aims can be achieved in terms of relevant concepts of “fundamentality”, “grounding”, “what is really the case”, and cognate notions.


The ideal candidate has a strong background in both contemporary metaphysics and the philosophy of contemporary physics. The appointee will be expected to work on a topic related to the project.


Neuchâtel is part of the French-speaking area of Switzerland, but for the purposes of the position only English is compulsory.


Applications must be sent by e-mail to Fabrice Correia (fabrice [dot] correia [__at__] unine [dot] ch) by March 31st, 2015. They should include a CV, a list of publications, a writing sample and the name of two persons who can act as referees if contacted.

For further information, please contact Fabrice Correia (fabrice [dot] correia [__at__] unine [dot] ch).

University of Aberdeen,
United Kingdom
Post date: February 22, 2015
Elphinstone PhD Scholarship in Epistemology of Perception at the University of Aberdeen
Deadline: April 30, 2015

One Elphinstone PhD Scholarship in Epistemology of Perception is available at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Aberdeen. The Scholarship covers the entirety of tuition fees for a PhD student of any nationality commencing full-time study in October 2015, for the three-year duration of their studies.

The successful PhD student will be supervised by Dr Luca Moretti (main supervisor and Dr Fed Luzzi (associate supervisor).

The applicant should select one of the following research projects:

1) Topics in Epistemology of Perception

Epistemology of perception investigates whether and how we acquire knowledge or justified belief through perception. These important questions are interwoven with a number of issues and problems hotly debated in current epistemology. Here are examples: perceptual scepticism (whether we actually know the external world through perception); basic knowledge or justification (whether perception can provide us with knowledge or justified belief even if its reliability is unwarranted); perceptual dogmatism (according to which, roughly, perceptual appearances are sources of basic justification); cognitive penetration (the awkward phenomenon that appearances’ contents somewhat depends on background mental states); epistemic entitlement theories (according to which we have non-evidential epistemic justification for accepting empirical propositions of certain types). A PhD thesis should focus on one of these issues or a combination of them (e.g. dogmatism and cognitive penetration; or epistemic entitlement and perceptual scepticism) and contribute original research results to the relevant debate.

2) Liberalism versus Conservatism in Epistemology of Perception

According to liberalism, if you have an experience as if P, you acquire prima facie justification for believing that P that doesn’t require independent justification for taking your experience to be reliable. Conservatism, on the other hand, states that you have justification for believing that P, when you experience as if P, only if you possess independent justification for taking your experience to be reliable. In current epistemology of perception, Jim Pryor for instance defends liberalism by appealing to perceptual dogmatism. Crispin Wright endorses conservatism by adducing his epistemic entitlement theory to explain why we have independent justification for taking our experience to be trustworthy. Conservatism and liberalism have different merits and problems. For example, liberalism offers a neat response to perceptual scepticism but seems to yield "easy" justification, looks incoherent with Bayesian reasoning, and is threatened by the awkward phenomenon of cognitive penetration. Conservatism is not affected by these difficulties but engenders scepticism unless a credible explanation of why we have independent justification for taking experiences to be reliable is provided. A PhD thesis should analyse this important debate and contribute original research outcomes to the conversation on this topic.

3) Epistemological Disjunctivism in Epistemology of Perception

The defining thesis of epistemological disjunctivism in philosophy of perception roughly says that only the cases of veridical perception can provide us with justification for our perceptual beliefs that is strong enough to ground perceptual knowledge. This type of epistemological disjunctivism is very often based on direct (or naïve) realism––i.e. the view that whereas veridical perceptions have mind-independent objects among their constituents, subjectively indistinguishable hallucinations have just mind-dependent objects as their constituents. Epistemological disjunctivism has been claimed to be able to avoid the threat of perceptual scepticism (e.g. by John McDowell and Duncan Pritchard) and reconcile epistemological internalism with externalism (e.g. by Duncan Prichard). These claims and the very defining thesis of epistemological disjunctivism are controversial. A PhD thesis should analyse this important debate and contribute original research findings to the conversation on this topic.

To apply for an Elphinstone PhD Scholarship, you should apply for a PhD via our online system ( stating:

- "Elphinstone PhD Scholarship" in the Intended Source of Funding section
- The name of the main supervisor in the Name of Proposed Supervisor section
- The title of the specific research project in the Outline Summary section
- Candidates should simultaneously register their desire to be considered by emailing the Graduate School Administrator, Ann Marie Johnston, at a [dot] m [dot] johnston [__at__] abdn [dot] ac [dot] uk

Eligibility for an Elphinstone Scholarship is based on academic excellence. Applicants must have the equivalent to a UK 1st class or an Upper Second (2.1) Honours undergraduate degree and/or a Masters with Commendation/Merit or Distinction.

Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva,
Post date: January 25, 2015
Poste d’assistant-e de philosophie ancienne
Deadline: March 28, 2015

met au concours :
1 poste d’assistant-e de philosophie ancienne

Conditions :
Etre en possession d’une maîtrise de philosophie ou d’une licence ès lettres. Avoir un projet de recherche en cours et s’engager à inscrire une thèse dans le domaine de la philosophie antique au Département.

Cahier des charges :
Il s’agit d’un poste à 7/10 e qui passera à 10/10e dès la troisième année.
L’assistant-e participera aux enseignements (en français) de Bachelor en assumant en particulier un séminaire de Travaux Pratiques.
- 2 h de séminaire hebdomadaires,
- correction de travaux, encadrement des étudiant-e-s,
- contacts suivis avec les enseignant-e-s de philosophie,
- tâches administratives

Traitement :
Fr 46’247.-- par an en 1ère année pour un(e) assistant(e) au bénéfice d’une maîtrise. Le maximum du traitement est atteint après 4 annuités (Fr 78'528.-- par an).

Entrée en fonction : 1er août 2015.

Durée du mandat :
Les assistant-e-s sont nommé-e-s pour une première période de 2 ans; la nomination est renouvelable pour deux périodes successives, respectivement de 2 ans et de 1 an.

Documents requis et délai pour le dépôt des candidatures :
- lettre de candidature,
- curriculum vitae accompagné de la photocopie du procès-verbal de maîtrise ou de licence,
- descriptif du projet de recherche.

à envoyer à
Mme la professeure Katerina Ierodiakonou, Katerina [dot] Ierodiakonou [__at__] unige [dot] ch
avant le 28 mars 2015

Dans une perspective de parité, l’Université encourage les candidatures féminines.
