Jobs in Philosophy in europe

Post date: January 21, 2014
10 PhD-scholarships (partial and full) for Structured Doctoral Programme: Religion - Knowledge - Discourse
Deadline: January 31, 2014

Call for Applications
Structured Doctoral Programme “Religion – Knowledge – Discourse”

The Structured Doctoral Programme “Religion – Knowledge – Discourse” at the Humboldt University of Berlin has been established as part of a new initiative for German universities which encourages and rewards academic excellence. Five institutes across three faculties have come together to offer an inter- and transdisciplinary structured doctoral programme for outstanding PhD candidates.
We are now accepting applications for this three year programme, due to begin on 1st April 2014. The programme offers:
• 9 partial scholarships (covering tuition fees and travel costs)
• 1 full scholarship
The programme aims to facilitate an enriching inter- and transdisciplinary research environment. As such we are inviting applications from potential and early-stage PhD candidates from a variety of disciplines. Both German and International applicants are encouraged to apply.
Research proposals should be aimed at an investigation of communicative and discursive processes, within which the categories “Religion” and “Knowledge” become constructed and conventionalised. The relationship between discourses relating to religion and knowledge should be critically analysed with reference to specific contexts.
The programme especially encourages a broad geographical spread of topics, as well as inter- and transdisciplinary approaches. Focus may be placed either on current academic issues or on the period of the late 18th century till present day.
The programme offers:
• A structured curriculum and individual supervision to ensure timely completion of your doctoral research project within three years
• Tailored academic training to complement your individual research area (e.g. methodologies, interdisciplinary approaches etc.)
• Additional courses and workshops in key research competencies hosted by the Humboldt Graduate School
• Regular colloquia and group mentoring in self-organizing working groups
• Opportunities for continuous academic exchange and international networking, e.g. through participation in conferences
• A compulsory 3-12 month research stay abroad (e.g. for fieldwork)
• Opportunities to develop and strengthen skills important in the field of academia (e.g. organizing a conference or workshop, holding a lecture)
Course fees will be covered for all programme participants. The possibility for covering costs incurred through conference participation and/or the compulsory research stay abroad may be provided by the programme if no external funding is available.
Programme participants are encouraged to independently secure funding for the duration of the programme. Failing this, our programme offers support to participants in identifying potential scholarships or funding opportunities.
One full-time scholarship of €1.365 p.m. (plus €103 material allowance) is awarded to a promising candidate for the programme’s duration from April 2014 – March 2017. Please indicate in your application whether you would like to be considered for this scholarship. If so, you may also voluntarily refer to your financial situation in your personal statement.
• Graduates or early stage doctoral candidates must hold a university degree that formally qualifies them to matriculate as a PhD student within their desired field. This usually entails having a Masters level qualification in a similar area to which the doctoral candidate intends to write his/her thesis.
• The working language of the programme is English. For non-native speakers, a proof of proficiency (level: C1) is required. The PhD-thesis may, however, be written in either German or English. If you are planning on writing the thesis in German and you are a non-native speaker, a proof of proficiency is also required (DHS 2). If other language skills are required for conducting your research (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew etc.), a proof of proficiency must also be provided.
Application requirements
The following documents must be included in your application:
• Research proposal
• Personal Statement
• Curriculum Vitae
• Copy of Master’s (or equivalent) degree
• A recent academic reference or letter of recommendation
• Proof of language proficiency (see above)
• Statement of current secured funding and/or future scholarship opportunities (or equivalent grants)
• If you have already found a supervisor who is not affiliated with this programme, please include a statement from them concerning your research proposal
Please note that if your records and/or transcripts have not been issued in German or English, an officially translated copy needs to be included.
Applications should be submitted no later than 31th January 2014 to:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Theologische Fakultät
Lehrstuhl für Religionswissenschaft
Programmkoordination RWD
-z.Hd. Dominika Hadrysiewicz-
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

or via:

For further information or questions on the programme and the application process, please contact the Programme Coordinator:
For further content-related questions please contact the programme’s spokesman, Prof. Dr. Andreas Feldtkeller:

University of Siegen,
Post date: January 15, 2014
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Deadline: January 30, 2014

In der Fakultät I ist am Lehrstuhl für Praktische Philosophie im Rahmen eines DFG-Forschungsprojektes zur Neuedition von Kants Tugendlehre zum 01.04.2014 eine Stelle für

eine wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin oder einen wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter
(Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 65%)

mit 65% der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit für die Dauer von 3 Jahren zu besetzen. Die Beschäftigungsdauer richtet sich nach den Vorschriften des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes.

Im Rahmen einer Neuedition der Abteilung I der sog. Akademie-Ausgabe von Kants Schriften durch die Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften soll Kants Schrift „Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Tugendlehre“ neu ediert werden; das Projekt wird aus DFG-Mitteln finanziert. Der Mitarbeiter/die Mitarbeiterin erarbeitet gemeinsam mit weiteren WissenschaftlerInnen diese Neuedition. Die Tätigkeit umfasst primär die Umsetzung der eigentlichen editorischen Arbeit (u.a. Rücksetzung des Textes, Erschließung der Varianten, Kollationierung der Konjekturen, eigene Emendationen, Sachanmerkungen, Register) sowie die Mitwirkung bei interpretatorischen Vorarbeiten. Die regelmäßige Anwesenheit vor Ort ist erwünscht.

Es handelt sich um eine Stelle zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterqualifikation (Habilitation). Hierzu wird im Rahmen der Dienstaufgaben Gelegenheit gegeben.

- Promotion in Philosophie
- Besondere Kenntnisse der Kantischen Philosophie
- Grundkenntnisse der Editionswissenschaft
- Erfahrung mit Editionsarbeit
- Bereitschaft zur Einarbeitung in das verwendete Redaktionssystem (XML-Editor)

Die Universität Siegen strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an. Entsprechend qualifizierte Frauen werden um ihre Bewerbung gebeten.

Bewerbungen geeigneter Schwerbehinderter sind erwünscht.

Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugniskopien, ggf. Referenzen etc.) richten Sie bitte bis zum 30. Januar 2014 unter Angabe der Ausschreibungskennziffer 2013/I/Philosophie/WM/155 an Prof. Dr. Dieter Schönecker, Universität Siegen – Fakultät I, Philosophisches Seminar, Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2, 57068 Siegen.

University of Salzburg,
Post date: December 4, 2013
tenure-track position in philosophy of science or logic at the University of Salzburg
Deadline: December 27, 2013

The Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences at the University of Salzburg seeks applications for a tenure-track position in philosophy of science or logic. The appointment will be made within the Austrian A2 salary scheme (initial salary is at least 56.485,80 Euro per annum with automatic pay increases as detailed in the "Kollektivvertrag für die ArbeitnehmerInnen der Universitäten"). The starting date is 1 October 2014.

The Department of Philosophy in Salzburg is known for its analytic and formal approach to philosophy. The logic and philosophy of science unit is led by the newly-appointed Professor Charlotte Werndl (who is now still at the London School of Economics and will join the Department in September 2014). The Department is expanding and two additional full professors and several Assistant professors (tenure-track positions) and doctoral students will be hired in the next months and years. The appointee will join a vibrant philosophy community. There will be colloquia with international speakers as well as various other activities such as workshops, conferences and reading groups.

The main tasks of the appointee will be research and teaching in philosophy of science or logic. The research should use analytic and formal methods to address philosophical questions. The initial teaching load is four hours per semester on average (eight hours on average after tenure). The appointee will also be expected to supervise Ph.D. and Master students and to take on some management tasks. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in philosophy, philosophy of science or logic. Publications in internationally leading journals, interdisciplinary research and evidence of visibility in the international scientific community are desirable.

The employment is initially for six years. After a successful tenure procedure it will be made permanent. The conditions for tenure are either the achievement of certain aims (which will be agreed upon before the start of employment) or a habilitation. The tenure procedure usually takes place after four to six years (for advanced candidates this can be earlier).

Fluency in German is not mandatory at the time of application. However, the expectation is that the appointee will be able to teach in German from the third year of the appointment onwards. Master and Ph.D. courses can be taught in English, but undergraduate courses are usually taught in German.

Applications should be sent to the rector of the University:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schmidinger
Serviceeinrichtung Personal
Kapitelgasse 4
5020 Salzburg

by 27 December 2013 (date stamp). Please include the job reference number (GZ A 0175/1-2013) in your application. The application should include a cover letter addressing the academic background and research interests, a CV, a list of publications, a list of teaching experience, a research plan and two writing samples (10.000 word limit for each writing sample). No reference letters are needed. Interviews are expected to take place in January or February 2014.

All the information needed to apply for the job are given in this announcement, but for the official announcement from the University of Salzburg see:

The University of Salzburg especially encourages female scholars to apply. Given equal qualification, female scholars will be preferred. Severely physically challenged individuals are also especially encouraged to apply.

For informal inquiries, please contact Professor Charlotte Werndl (c [dot] s [dot] werndl [__at__] lse [dot] ac [dot] uk)

University of Oslo,
Post date: November 28, 2013
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Deadline: December 9, 2013

Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Linguistic Agency

A Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1352) is vacant at the Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (CSMN) at the University of Oslo (UiO).

The research activities at CSMN are organized in three branches: Linguistic Agency, Moral Agency and Rational Agency. CSMN is looking for a post-doctoral fellow to work within the Linguistic Agency branch.We encourage applications from candidates with a strong background in philosophy of language or linguistics who propose to work on one or more of the following topics:

Normative and applied approaches to issues in philosophy of language and semantics
Metasemantics, the de se, expressivism, and speech act pluralism.
Ostensive communication, developmental pragmatics and speaker's meaning
Lexical semantics and pragmatics, figurative utterances and metarepresentation.

The successful candidate will work on topics that can be integrated into CSMN's wider research portfolio. The candidate will be expected to have his/her residence and work place in Oslo, to participate in the various workshops and conferences organized by CSMN, and to be active members of the CSMN team in Oslo.

The post is available for a period of two years starting Spring/Summer 2014. The main purpose of post-doctoral research fellowships is to qualify researchers for work in higher academic positions within their disciplines.

Erlebniswelt Philosophie,
Post date: November 22, 2013
Entwicklung der Straße der Philosophie
Deadline: February 1, 2014

Die deutsche Philosophie - von Jakob Böhme, über Kant, Fichte und Hegel, bis zu Marx, Nietzsche, Lotze, Habermas etc. - hatte und hat enormen Einfluss auf die europäische und weltweite Kultur, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Dies gelang immer dann, wenn sie sich nicht in akademischen Elfenbeitürmen verbarg, sondern den Geist der Zeit auch praktisch inspirierte.
In Anlehnung an den ersten Satz deutscher Philsophie: "Ich vergleiche alle Philosophia ... einem köstlichen Baum, der in einem schönen Lustgarten wächst." (Jakob Böhme in "Aurora") entsteht eine "Straße der Philosophie", welche die ereignisreichsten Orte deutscher Philosophie verbindet und jeweils vor Ort für Besucher erlebbar macht.
Zur konkreten Mit-Entwicklung dieses Projekts suchen wir einen philosophisch als auch tourismuswirtschaftlich kompetenten Mitarbeiter.

FINO - North-west Italy Philosophy Consortium,
Genova, Pavia, Torino, Vercelli,
Post date: November 21, 2013
Ph.D. Philosophy_North-Western Italy Philosophy Consortium (FINO)
Deadline: December 4, 2013

The *call for applications for the public competitive examination for
Phd Program in Philosophy (29th cycle) of the Northwest Italy Consortium
for Phd program in Philosophy – FINO* (30 positions, 15 scholarships),
sponsored by the Universities of Turin, Pavia, Eastern Piedmont, Genoa,
with administrative seat at the University of Turin (published in the
Italian Official Gazette 4th special series n. 93 dated 26th November
2013), is now available.
The *deadline for applications is 4th December 2013, 12.00 a.m.
*(midday Italian local time).
PhD rules and regulations are available on the following file:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Post date: November 19, 2013
Doctoral Fellowships in Ancient Philosophy in Berlin
Deadline: January 20, 2014

Graduate Program in Ancient Philosophy

Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin

Apply by 20 January 2014 for the

- three-year doctoral program in ancient philosophy or
- one year of pre-doctoral studies

The Graduate Program in Ancient Philosophy ( at the Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin ( is pleased to offer fellowships for doctoral studies in Ancient Philosophy and Science. We especially welcome proposals addressing the dialogue between different forms and models of knowledge in ancient Greek, Roman and Arabic philosophy and science.

Two fellowships are reserved for non-German applicants because they are funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The fellowships cover the living costs at Berlin and are for full-time study only. There are no tuition fees, but there are low administrative fees amounting to ca. 250-300 Euros per semester (which include a ticket for public transportation in Berlin).

Students may also apply for a funded pre-doctoral year of studies. Typical candidates for this option are students who need one year of preparation before beginning their dissertation, for instance candidates who hold a BA but not an MA in philosophy or classics.

The Graduate Program in Ancient Philosophy
The three-year program leads to the doctoral degree in Philosophy or Classics. It includes colloquia, dissertation seminars, reading groups, international workshops, and intensive short courses. The program centers on the writing of a doctoral dissertation (in English or German). The language of instruction is English.

As part of the Berlin Graduate Program of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS)(, the program is embedded in a lively community of scholars and institutions (such as the Excellence Cluster Topoi) all devoted to ancient studies. BerGSAS offers structured programs of doctoral studies and involves the participation of the Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, the Freie Universitaet Berlin and a number of non-university research institutions.

The international Ancient Philosophy & Science Network (APSN)
Students of the program are automatically part of the international Ancient Philosophy & Science Network (APSN) founded by the Graduate Program. Its international partners are among the foremost departments in the world for ancient and late ancient philosophy and science.

The closing date for applications for the fellowships is 20 January 2014. Interviews will be held in Berlin during the first week of March. Candidates from overseas will not need to travel to Berlin for an interview.

Applications online at

Enquiries: irma [dot] handwerker [__at__] hu-berlin [dot] de

Universität Basel, Philosophisches Seminar,
Post date: November 19, 2013
Wissenschaftliche/r Assistent/in
Deadline: December 22, 2013

Am Philosophischen Seminar der Universität Basel (Lehrstuhl für Geschichte der Philosophie, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Hindrichs) ist auf den 1. Februar 2014 eine

Wissenschaftliche Assistenz (50%, ab 1. 8. 2014: 100%)

neu zu besetzen.

Zu den Aufgaben dieser Assistenz gehören:
• Forschung im Bereich der Geschichte der Philosophie (bevorzugt im Bereich der antiken Philosophie oder der klassischen deutschen Philosophie)
• Mitarbeit in der Lehre (Lehrverpflichtung von 2 resp. 4 Wochenstunden pro Semester)
• Unterstützung des Lehrstuhlinhabers in Lehre und Forschung sowie in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung.

Qualifikation: Promotion in Philosophie

Erwartet werden ferner die Bereitschaft zur didaktischen und wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung sowie Sozialkompetenz.

Bewerbungen von Frauen sind besonders willkommen, da die Universität Basel eine Erhöhung des Anteils der Frauen bei den hauptamtlichen Dozierenden anstrebt.

Die üblichen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Motivationsschreiben, Lebenslauf, Liste der bislang verfassten schriftlichen Arbeiten und evtl. Veröffentlichungen, allfälliges Exposé für ein Forschungsvorhaben) sind in elektronischer Form bis zum 22. Dezember 2013 an Frau Nadja Heller Higy (Sekretariat Philosophisches Seminar Basel) zu senden:

Nadja [dot] Heller [__at__] unibas [dot] ch

Università di Cagliari,
Post date: November 18, 2013
Joint Ph.D. Program in Philosophy, Epistemology and History of Civilization
Deadline: December 2, 2013


We welcome and highly encourage applications by international students, as well as Italian ones, wishing to pursue a research project in areas of general philosophy, logic and philosophy of science, history of civilization. We expect to admit a total of 6 students and award 6 fellowships (renewable up to completion of the program); 1 fellowship is reserved to international students. It is expected that at least 1 fellowship will be awarded to students in the Logic and Philosophy of Science curriculum.

1. Structure of the program

The program consists of 3 semesters of coursework followed by 3 semesters of supervised dissertation research. It is divided into four curricula:
a) General Philosophy;
b) Logic and Philosophy of Science;
c) History of Civilization.

2. Admission

2.1 Eligibility

Students holding a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited university are eligible to apply for admission. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the program, the backgrounds of prospective students may vary considerably, ranging from scientific disciplines – e.g. physics, mathematics, the life sciences – to the humanities – e.g. philosophy, psychology, education.

2.2 Application

Students are admitted only once each academic year, in the Spring semester. The deadline for application for the Spring semester, 2014 will be 12:00 a.m. December 2, 2013. Applications should be submitted on line at the address . Before submitting your application you must register, by cliccking on the link “Registration”. After registering, you should enter the Reserved Area --> Registrar’s Office --> Admission Test --> Registration --> Ph.D. Course. Here, you should look for “Dottorato di Ricerca in Filosofia, Epistemologia e Storia della Cultura” and click on Iscriviti --> Confirm.
After submitting your on-line application you should pay an application fee of € 21.64. You cannot pay this fee before two working daya are eplapsed from the date of your on-line application. The application fee is payable on-line by credit card, by cliccking on Registrar’s Office --> Payments. Evidence of the fee payment should be enclosed in the documentation to be submitted by post (see sec. 3.3 below).

2.3 Admission screening

International applicants should submit:

(1) printed application form (generated upon completion of the on-line application procedure);
(2) a Skype account to be used for a videocall interview (see below);
(3) double sided color copy of a valid ID. The ID picture must be clearly visible;
(4) evidence of the fee payment;
(5) official university transcript, showing the degree earned, and all the courses taken with corresponding grades. If not in English, the transcript should be translated in English or Italian. Either an original transcript or a certified copy may be submitted;
(6) a curriculum vitae (with signature) including a statement of purpose and a listing of relevant publications, activities, projects, etc.;
(7) at least one recommendation letter by a professor from the University that granted the degree;
(8) publications or documentation concerning relevant activities, projects, professional experience, etc. Publications and documentation should be submitted in either English or Italian.

All items listed above should be sent by registered mail with delivery confirmation (or equivalent means) to the following address:

Università degli Studi di Cagliari,
Settore dottorati e master
via San Giorgio, 12 (ex Clinica Aresu)
09124 Cagliari, ITALY

The complete application package must be received by 14:00 p.m., December 2, 2013.
Italian residents should submit documentation according to “Bando di Concorso, n. 128 del 31.10.2013, pubblicato il 31.10.2013”, available at

All applicants will then be required to take part in an oral selection, consisting of an interview, to be held in English or Italian (on December 10, 2014), either in Cagliari or by Skype videocall, with members of the Graduate Studies Committee. The interview will mainly focus on the applicant’s research interests. Notification of admission and financial assistance (if any) will be made shortly after the screening.

2.4 Financial assistance

All enrolled students will be granted full tuition waivers and a fellowship, renewable up to completion of the program; 1 fellowship is reserved to international students.

3. Supervision and mentoring

3.1 Graduate Studies Committee

The Graduate Studies Committee oversees all activities in the graduate program. It consists of the Graduate Coordinator and other Faculty members whose research interests are related to the topics of the program’s curricula. In particular, the Graduate Studies Committee appoints the selection board and the final examination board, as well as the students’ advisors, and monitors the students’ progress towards completion of their requirements.

3.2 Graduate Coordinator

The Graduate Coordinator is the first person a graduate students contacts upon entering the program. He/she administers regulations relating to students and monitors their academic progress.

3.3 Advisor

Each student will be assigned, within his/her first semester in the program, a member of the Graduate Studies Committee as an advisor, depending on the research interests of the aspirant. He or she will normally, but not necessarily, function also as a dissertation advisor. Since the assignment will be made in such a way that the interests of each student fall within the areas of competence of his/her advisor, the latter will be in a position to follow closely and actively the progress of the former.

4. Program requirements

4.1 Coursework

Students are required to choose one of the curricula in the program and to take a total of 4 single-semester courses during their first four semesters. After completing each course, they will submit a written report to their respective advisors; each report will be evaluated by the Graduate Studies Committee. In addition, they are required to attend all talks, seminars or conferences organized by the Graduate Studies Committee.

4.2 Teaching

Any student who is awarded financial assistance may be required to assist in undergraduate teaching, depending on the department’s needs and subject to the approval of the student’s advisor. The teaching load cannot exceed 20 hours per semester.

4.3 Research

All students must successfully demonstrate proficiency in doing highly original publishable-quality research. At the end of their third semester, they are required to specify the topic of their final dissertation. At the beginning of their fourth and sixth semester, they are expected to orally present to the Graduate Studies Committee two Midterm Reports on the advancement of their research projects. Only aspirants whose first Midterm Reports are approved will be admitted to the final two semesters of the program. The final dissertation may be written either in English or Italian.

4.4 Residency requirements

At least four semesters must be spent in resident study at the University of Cagliari. The remaining two semesters may be spent at other accredited Italian or foreign universities. All students are encouraged to spend at least one semester abroad; in particular, students receiving financial assistance may apply for a 50% grant raise for each stay at a foreign university (provided its duration is at least one month).

5. Facilities

Students may access the facilities of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy – in particular, they will share an office with other students in the program.

6. Final examination

The dissertation will be evaluated by a Board appointed by the Graduate Studies Committee. In addition, a report from an external referee will be taken into account. The candidate is expected to orally defend her/his dissertation before the Board. A Board member may vote to pass the student only if in his or her opinion the dissertation is acceptable as submitted or if it requires changes that are minor in substance or of an editorial nature. A student may pass only if a consensus is reached among the Board members.

7. Members of the Logic and Philosophy of Science research group

The aspirant will have the opportunity to actively cooperate in research activities with the following members of the Logic and Philosophy of Science research group (full, associate, or assistant professors in this list may also be chosen as advisors).

Roberto Giuntini (Full professor): quantum logic, fuzzy logic, quantum computation
Marco Giunti (Associate professor): dynamical systems, computation theory, formal ontology, philosophy of cognitive science, general philosophy of science, philosophy of mind
Francesco Paoli (Associate professor): nonclassical logics, abstract algebraic logic, universal algebra, philosophy of logic
Antonio Ledda (Assistant Professor): nonclassical logics, universal algebra, abstract algebraic logic
Hector Freytes (Postdoctoral researcher): quantum logic, fuzzy logic, categorical logic
Giuseppe Sergioli (Postdoctoral researcher): quantum computation, foundations of physics
Giuliano Vivanet (Postdoctoral researcher): learning theories, educational technologies, semantic web and ontology

Aspirants will also have the opportunity to interact with long term visiting professors from major international institutions who visit our University, often on a regular basis. Our visitor list from the recent past includes Guido Bacciagaluppi (University of Aberdeen), Giovanna Colombetti (University of Exeter), Peter Jipsen (Chapman University), Tomasz Kowalski (LaTrobe University), Constantine Tsinakis (Vanderbilt University, Nashville), Heinrich Wansing (University of Bochum).

London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom
Post date: November 13, 2013
Assistant Professor
Deadline: December 13, 2013

Assistant Professor in Philosophy

Salary: £50,387 - £61,869 (pay award pending) per annum inclusive

We are looking to recruit an Assistant Professor. We welcome applications from
candidates with research specialisations in any area of philosophy, though their
interests should fit with the type of analytic philosophy informed by the social and/or
natural sciences for which the department is noted.

The successful candidate will be expected to contribute actively to the teaching
portfolio of the BSc and MSc programmes provided by the Department, to carry out
high quality research, and to take on regular academic duties.

The successful candidate should have, or be close to obtaining, a PhD in philosophy
or in a related field. He or she should have excellent written and oral communication
skills, and an outstanding research track record and trajectory.

The other criteria for this post can be found on the person specification which is
attached to this vacancy on the LSE’s online recruitment system.

The post will start on 1 September 2014.