Jobs in Philosophy in Asia/Africa/Australasia
Job Description:
The American University in Cairo (AUC) announces a tenure-track position in Philosophy, to begin in fall 2011. The successful candidate will be expected to pursue an active research agenda. Teaching experience an asset but not required. English is the language of instruction. Normal teaching load is three courses per semester, with two preparations, as most philosophy faculty teach two sections per semester of AUC's freshman/sophomore level Philosophical Thinking course. Generous research and conference grants, release time and a pre-tenure leave are available in support of research efforts. AOS: Open, AOC: History of Philosophy. Applicants with strong records of interest and achievement Ancient or Islamic philosophy are especially encouraged to apply.
PhD in hand at the time of appointment.
Additional Information:
For full consideration, applications should be received by Nov. 10, 2010.
Application Instructions:
All applicants must submit the following documents online: a) a current C.V; b) a letter of interest; c) a completed AUC Personnel Information Form (PIF); and d) List names and contact information of at least three references familiar with your professional background. Note: Please remember your account login enables you to respond to AUC additional questions (if required).
REFERENCE NO. 2027/0710
The Philosophy Department at the University of Sydney has internationally recognised research strengths in philosophy of science, history of philosophy, philosophy of mind, philosophical logic, metaethics, decision theory, American pragmatism, feminist philosophy and metaphysics.
We are currently seeking a Lecturer in Ethics (equivalent to a U.S. Assistant Professor) to teach an introductory ethics course to students from a wide range of backgrounds, as well as specialised higher level courses. Your experience in developing high quality teaching programmes in philosophy will also see you supervise doctoral and other postgraduate research in ethics. To succeed you will possess a PhD in philosophy, be a skilful teacher and have research expertise in ethics demonstrated through high-quality publications.
The position is full time continuing subject to the completion of a satisfactory probation period for new appointees. Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is a condition of employment for new appointees.
Remuneration package: a competitive remuneration package of $97 172 - $115 390 is available (consisting of a base salary Level B $82 112 – $97 506, leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to superannuation).
All applications must be submitted via The University of Sydney careers website. Visit and search by the reference number for more information and to apply.
CLOSING DATE: 8 December 2010
The University is an Equal Opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity and social inclusion. Applications from equity target groups and women are encouraged.
The University reserves the right not to proceed with any appointment.
Lecturer in Applied Ethics
Salary: Level B: $80,028 - $94,344 pa
A great opportunity exists in the area of Applied Ethics at UNSW@ADFA. This position will enable the School to strengthen its research and expand its teaching in areas covering practical and applied ethics. It is expected that the person appointed will teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses in military ethics and one or more of the following areas: ethics of leadership, business ethics and/or engineering ethics. You will be able to supervise research students in these fields.
The starting date for this position is Monday 31 January 2011 or earlier by negotiation.
Position description is available at:
For additional information regarding the position, please contact Professor David Lovell, on (02) 6268 88844 or email: d [dot] lovell [__at__] adfa [dot] edu [dot] au
Applications must systematically address the selection criteria and include a resume and the names and addresses of at least three referees.
Applications which do not address the selection criteria will not be considered.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for one position of Professor in the Department of Philosophy. This position will be permanent and pensionable for Lesotho nationals but full time on contract for a period of two years with a possibility of renewal for non-locals.
· PhD degree in Philosophy;
· At least 10 years’ post-PhD experience in an academic or research environment;
· Successful supervision of postgraduate (Masters and PhD) students;
· Evidence of mentorship of junior staff ;
· Sustained record of research demonstrated by publications in accredited peer-reviewed journals;
· Demonstrated ability to attract research funding would be an added advantage;
· Teaching experience especially at the university level is essential;
· Preference would be given to candidates who could also teach courses in core and Applied Philosophy;
· He/she must have attained the rank of Professor before submitting his/her application;
· He /she must be of good conduct
The successful candidate will be expected to resume duty in January, 2011.
The successful candidate will undertake teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in applied and core areas of Philosophy; supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students’ research projects; initiate and/or participate in research and seminar programmes in the department; and perform other duties including administrative, as would be required of him/her by the department from time to time.
REMUNERATION: The university offers competitive salaries and other benefits.
In their application, applicants should state qualifications, experience and provide other information to assist the University to determine their suitability for the position. They should also quote the vacancy number of the post applied for, provide CV’s (including telephone, telefax and e-mail) and certified copies of educational certificates. Letters addressed: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN will not be accepted as references. Applicants should inform their three referees to submit their references directly to the address below before the stipulated closing date to the Senior Assistant Registrar (Appointments) National University of Lesotho P.O. Roma 180. C losing date for receiving applications is 10 th September, 2010. Informal enquiries should be directed to the HOD, Dr. Paul Omoyefa through omoyefa [__at__] yahoo [dot] com
Full-Time Tenure-Track, Department of Aesthetics, College of Humanities, Seoul National University
The Department of Aesthetics at Seoul National University invites applications for tenure-track foreign faculty positions, beginning in March 1, 2011. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree at the time of appointment and should be non-Korean citizens.
Seoul National University is the top-ranking university in Korea, with 30,000 students and 2,300 faculty members. (Please visit our website at for more information.) We are highly committed to preparing students to live as responsible leaders in an increasingly interconnected world. The Department of Aesthetics at Seoul National University invites applications for a tenure track professorship in the Contemporary French Aesthetics. The field of specialty may be based on philosophical theories. And this position is reserved for those who can lecture in English.
All applicants must have a Ph.D. degree and a minimum of two publications (including the Ph.D. dissertation) at the time of appointment.
Successful candidates will teach two three-credit-hour courses per semester in English, including a lower division course in support of the liberal arts curriculum and an upper division or graduate course in the major area.
Salary and Benefit:
The salary is approximately 50,000 U.S.dollars and may vary depending on previous career.(It is commensurate with qualifications and experience.) Faculty housing on campus is available.
Application Procedure:
For consideration, please mail (1) a letter of application, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a description of research and teaching interests(The Microsoft Word files and PDF files are acceptable.), and (4) two letters of recommendation by September 20, 2010, to: meehak [__at__] snu [dot] ac [dot] kr (Fax.+82-2-877-6340.)
Vita should include educational background, teaching experience, a list of published research articles, and the names and contact information for three professional references.
Search Committee
Department of Aesthetics
Seoul National University
599 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu
Seoul, Korea 151-745
Contact Information:
If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Jinyup Kim (Associate Professor of Department) at meehak [__at__] snu [dot] ac [dot] kr or at +82-2-880-6245
AOS: History of Philosophy
AOC: Open
This position is a 3-year Lectureship (Level B) in the area of the History of Modern Philosophy, up to the end of the nineteenth century, including the rise of the rationalist and empiricist traditions, as well as the Kantian and post-Kantian era. You will be expected to research, teach and administer at levels commensurate with the level of the position. You must be a proven and successful teacher with a strong record of research.
Further details can be found online
Closing date: 15 August 2010 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Yearly Salary: Approximately 25,000 US dollars
Qualification: M.A. in philosophy preferred. B.A. in philosophy will be considered.
An assistant instructor will assist a master instructor (professor) in teaching a 100 level philosophy course. About 375 students register for the course a semester. His duty includes (1) grading exams, quizzes, term papers, and postings in online discussion boards, (2) commenting on students’ postings in the online discussion boards, (3) assigning final grades to students, and (4) responding to students’ email inquiries. He will sit in master instructors’ offline classes at least two times a week. He will not teach any offline class. So he will act more like a teaching assistant than a professor teaching an independent course. Contract can be renewed every year depending on the job performance.
Send your resume to nature [__at__] unist [dot] ac [dot] kr.
The Department of Philosophy at Istanbul Sehir University, Turkey, invites applications for anticipated full-time positions at the Assistant and Associate Professor levels available at the beginning of the Fall 2011 semester / August 1, 2011. Successful candidates, once hired, are expected to fulfill the Department’s requirements with regard to teaching, research, record of publications, and service to the institution.
Junior candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. at the time of appointment. Preference will be given to candidates with a strong record of publication and teaching experience. Senior candidates must have an excellent record in research and teaching.
Istanbul Sehir University (ŞEHİR) is a newly founded, private institution owned by the Foundation for Sciences and Arts based in Istanbul, Turkey, which has been dedicated to research and teaching in social sciences and humanities for the last 25 years. Building on a quarter-century of experience, ŞEHİR aims to be an elite research university in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. The medium of instruction is English. The campus is located in Dragos, Istanbul, on the shores of the Marmara Sea, overlooking the beautiful Princess Islands.
ŞEHİR is an equal opportunity employer, and socially and financially supports its faculty members’ housing, medical insurance and other needs. Salary is competitive and commensurate to rank, experience and qualifications. Several fringe benefits (housing and travel allowance, private health insurance, sabbatical leave etc.) will apply.
Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2010, and continue until the positions are filled. Please submit an application file that includes information about your research and teaching interests, your curriculum vitae, two samples of written work and names of three references (for senior candidates) or three letters of recommendation (for junior candidates) via e-mail to: Human Resources (ik [__at__] sehir [dot] edu [dot] tr). Short-listed candidates will be individually informed of their selection for formal interviews and job talks/lectures.
POST NO. 1712
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for one position of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy. This position will be permanent and pensionable for Lesotho nationals but full time on contract for a period of two years with a possibility of renewal for non-locals.
PhD degree in Philosophy is preferred. Teaching experience especially at the university level is essential. Candidates for Senior Lecturer must have extensive teaching and research experience (including graduate and undergraduate research supervision); must demonstrate a significant record of refereed publications comparable to senior lecturership position in NUL. Preference would be given to candidates whose areas of specialization are Symbolic Logic, Ethics, Philosophy of Education, and African Philosophy The successful candidate will commence duty in July, 2010. Applications of candidates who do no meet stipulated requirements will not be treated.
The successful candidate will undertake teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in any of the above mentioned areas of Philosophy; supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students’ research projects; initiate and/or participate in research and seminar programmes in the department; and perform other duties including administrative, as would be required by the department from time to time.
The university offers competitive salaries and other benefits.
Applicants are to address the stated qualifications and provide other information to assist university to determine their suitability for the position. They should quote the vacancy number of the post applied for, provide current CVs (including telephone and e-mail) certified true copies of educational certificates, transcripts and three typed references. All applications should be submitted to address below. Applicants should also inform their referees to submit their references directly before the stipulated closing date to: The Senior Assistant Registrar (Appointments), National University of Lesotho, P. O.Roma, 180. THE CLOSING DATE FOR RECEIVING FULL APPLICATIONS IS 31ST MARCH, 2010. Informal enquiries should be directed to the HOD, Dr. Paul Omoyefa through omoyefa [__at__] yahoo [dot] com
The Philosophy Programme seeks to appoint a Professor of Philosophy with tenure, starting February 1, 2011. Areas of specialization and competence are open. A distinguished research record and a commitment to excellence in teaching, including MA and PhD thesis supervision, are essential. Applications close March 15, 2010 and must be made online at with HR reference A032-10Z. Please visit the Philosophy website for information about the programme and its staff: Enquiries can be directed to the Head of School, Ken Perszyk, at ken [dot] perszyk [__at__] vuw [dot] ac [dot] nz.