Jobs in Philosophy in Asia/Africa/Australasia
The Department of Philosophy at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, invites applications for a tenure track position at the rank of Lecturer (Assistant Professor). The appointment will begin in the fall of 2012.
The successful candidate must possess a Ph.D. in Philosophy with an A.O.S. in Greek philosophy, or with an A.O.C. in Greek philosophy and an A.O.S in a main period of the history of Western philosophy.
The deadline for applications is December 31, 2011.
Applications should include the following items:
• Curriculum Vitae and list of publications
• “Scientific biography” outlining research orientation and plans for the near future
• A description of four courses the candidate can teach in the field of Greek philosophy, with indication of whether the course would be taught at an introductory or advanced level (and the rationale for teaching it one way or another)
• Description of four courses in philosophy the candidate can teach outside the field of Greek philosophy, with indication of whether the courses would be taught at the introductory or advanced level (and the rationale for teaching them one way or another)
• Language of instruction: Hebrew
• Electronic copies of two recent published articles
• Cover letter stating willingness to begin teaching in the fall of 2012
• Three letters of recommendation to be sent directly to the search committee
All material should be sent to the Dean’s office, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: deanh [__at__] bgu [dot] ac [dot] il
A full-time, continuing position is available in Philosophy at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Philosophy is a key programme in the School of Social Sciences, with large first year classes, a sold cohort of majors and a modest graduate programme which is a priority for growth.
As the successful candidate, you will have the ability to teach environmental ethics and play a significant role in teaching of related philosophy subjects at the undergraduate and graduate level including: ethical theory, applied ethics and political philosophy. You must be an active researcher with proven ability to publish regularly in high quality international journals, and have a willingness to collaborate both nationally and internationally. Interdisciplinary research experience would be an advantage. You will have a PhD in philosophy, preferably specialising in ethics.
Current salary range for Lecturers is NZ$65,886 to $80,441 per year and for Senior Lecturers is NZ$82,468 to $110,614 per year.
The position is available from February 2012.
Further information about the Philosophy Programme is available at Enquiries of an academic nature should be directed to Cathy Legg, Convenor of the Philosophy Programme, email: clegg [__at__] waikato [dot] ac [dot] nz
Closing date: 30 November 2011 Vacancy number: 310288
For more information and to apply, visit
United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 2 permanent positions, Budget Pending
Start Date: August 2012
AOS: OPEN, Strong Preference for Ethics, Epistemology or Logic. AOC: Applied
Ethics, Environmental Ethics. Department has teaching needs for critical
thinking, medical ethics, professional/business ethics, international
ethics, human rights theory, citizenship theory, ethics in corporate
governance. The department does not have needs in history of philosophy,
philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, social/political philosophy or
Islamic philosophy at this time.
UAEU seeks faculty research in the area of ethics and cognitive science. The
department participates in interdisciplinary cognitive science research with
faculty in linguistics and robotics. UAEU is also developing
interdisciplinary research capacity in environmental studies, with focus on
water use. Thus, those with research interest in cognitive moral studies,
cognitive science, or environmental ethics/policy will be preferred.
Candidate must have PH.D in hand by January 2012, with preference for those
with full-time teaching experience and publication in AOS. The language of
instruction is English. Official teaching load is currently 4/4, with
possible reduction for outstanding candidates or via grants. Most faculty
are on a 3/3 load.
UAEU is located in the desert oasis city of Al Ain (population c. 600,000).
Al Ain is approx. 120km drive from the cities of Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
Benefits include: housing, private school tuition subsidies for children,
health care, annual airline tickets for faculty and family, furnishing
allowance and end-of-service gratuity. Tax-free salary is based on prior
experience and research record.
Please email applications or inquiries to philosophy [__at__] uaeu [dot] ac [dot] ae, addressed
to Department Chair. Initial application should include cover letter, CV,
short sample of research, and contact information for 3 references.
Candidates will be selected for interviews at Eastern Division Meeting of
APA. Deadline for application is 15 Nov. 2011.
Requirements: Senior Lecturer – A Doctorate in Philosophy. Lecturer – A Master’s degree in Philosophy. Junior Lecturer – An Honours degree in Philosophy (or an equal qualification on all three levels). For all post levels: A proven teaching, research and community interaction record • ability to teach effectively in both Afrikaans and English.
Commencement of duties: 1 January 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter
Closing date: 30 September 2011
Enquiries regarding this position: Prof. Anton van Niekerk on 021 808 2418 or aavn [__at__] sun [dot] ac [dot] za
Enquiries regarding remuneration and benefits: Human Resources Client Service Centre on 021 808 2753
The Philosophy Department at the University of Cape Town in South Africa wishes to appoint a Lecturer on a two-year contract post (US equivalent of Visiting Assistant Professor) for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2014.
Requirements include:
PhD in Philosophy
An excellent teacher, preferably to lecture to a large (400+ students) Introduction to Philosophy course
Epistemology as an area of specialization is preferred
Teaching competence in Business Ethics or Bioethics will be an advantage.
The annual remuneration package, is negotiable between R 210 897 and R 403 124.
Application process:
To apply, please e-mail the completed UCT Application form (download at and all other relevant documentation as indicated on the form, to Mr Gavin Matthee, Human Resources, Humanities Faculty, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700.
Email: Gavin [dot] Matthee [__at__] uct [dot] ac [dot] za ; Tel: +27 21 6504388 Website:
Department website:
An application which does not comply with the above requirements will be regarded as incomplete.
Late applications will be considered.
Reference number for this position: 2333
UCT is committed to the pursuit of excellence, diversity and redress. Our Employment Equity Policy is available at
Please take note that the advertisement of 6 September 2011 for a vacancy in the Philosophy Department at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, was sent out prematurely. Please ignore that advertisement; a corrected and official version will be sent out in a few days' time. The deadline for applications will be moved forward to 30 September 2011.
We apologise for the inconvenience.
In the case of senior lecturer and lecturer: Under- and postgraduate teaching in philosophy and applied ethics. Postgraduate supervision. Active participation in the research, publication, teaching and community interaction programmes of the Philosophy Department. Administrative tasks.
In the case of a junior lecturer: Undergraduate teaching in philosophy and applied ethics. Active participation in the research, publication, teaching and community interaction programmes of the Philosophy Department. Administrative tasks.
Minimum requirements:
For senior lecturer: a doctorate in philosophy; for lecturer: a masters degree in philosophy; for junior lecturer: an honours degree in philosophy (or equal qualification on all three levels). For all levels: a proven teaching, research and community interaction record. Adequate proficiency in Afrikaans and English to be able to teach effectively at Stellenbosch University.
Knowledge of contemporary philosophical developments. Ability and interest to effectively participate in the programmes of the Centre for Applied Ethics.
Commencement of employment: 1 January 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Closing date for applications: 23 September 2011.
Enquiries: Prof. AA van Niekerk at +27 21 8082418.
Please specify at which level(s) you are applying.
The University deals with all applications in terms of its Employment Equity Plan that acknowledges the need to diversify the demographic composition of its staff, particularly in view of the appointment of suitable candidates from the identified groups.
The University reserves the right to not make an appointment.
A competitive remuneration package and excellent service benefits are linked to this position, More details are available at +27 21 808 4829.
Application forms are available on our website at, or by sending an e-mail to ldavids [__at__] sun [dot] ac [dot] za, or by calling +27 21 808 2369.
Completed application forms, accompanied by a complete curriculum vitae as well as an example of recent philosophy writing, together with the names and contact details of at least two referents must be directed to The Manager: Personnel Provision and Planning, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, South Africa, or by e-mail to ldavids [__at__] sun [dot] ac [dot] za or faxed to +27 21 808 2484.
Applicants and their referents are requested to direct their applications and confidential reports directly to the abovementioned address.
Applications are invited for appointment as Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong, from July 1, 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter, on a three-year fixed-term basis, with the possibility of renewal. Appointees with demonstrated performance will be considered for tenure towards the end of the second three-year contract.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. or equivalent in Philosophy by the date of appointment. Preferred area of specialization: Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Social Science, or Meta-Philosophy. Area of Competence: Open. Preference may be given to candidates who also work in Chinese or Comparative Chinese-Western philosophy. Total teaching load will be three to four courses per year, including introductory first-year courses. He/She is expected to develop a vigorous, independent research programme, to excel in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and to handle the usual non-teaching duties. Information about the Department can be obtained at
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered. The appointment will attract a contract-end gratuity and University contribution to a retirement benefits scheme, totalling up to 15% of basic salary, as well as leave, and medical/dental benefits. Housing benefits will be provided as applicable.
Applicants are requested to apply on-line at Please also upload a cover letter and updated C.V. via the on-line application system. Closes November 1, 2011. Applicants are also requested to have three confidential references (quoting Ref.: 201100774) sent directly by the referees to the Assistant Registrar (Appointments), Human Resource Section, Registry, The University of Hong Kong (e-mail: senrappt [__at__] hku [dot] hk; fax. (852) 25406735). Candidates who are not contacted within 4 months of the closing date may consider their applications unsuccessful.
The University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to a No-Smoking Policy.
The Department of Philosophy, University of Fort Hare, East London Campus is rapidly expanding and has two academic vacancies; Senior Lecturer and Lecturer.
Candidates should hold a Doctoral degree in Philosophy with prior university teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, together with research experience, and a reputable publication record.
Candidates should have in-depth knowledge in phenomenology, ethics or African philosophy. We are particularly interested in candidates who are prepared to link their expertise with our research niche, which is the development of a Research Centre for Phenomenological Studies in South Africa. However, candidates are expected to lecture general philosophy at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels across both campuses, conducting research for peer-reviewed publications, supervise post-graduate research projects and assist with departmental administration.
Applications should be sent to the Human Resources Practitioner, Ms Amanda Gcukumana, University of Fort Hare, 50 Church Street, East London South Africa, or email to agcukumana [__at__] ufh [dot] ac [dot] za, telephone 043 7047188 (copy Prof Abraham Olivier: aolivier [__at__] ufh [dot] ac [dot] za). Starting date: 1 Jan 2012. The deadline for applications is Friday, the 23rd of September 2011.
REFERENCE NO. 1012/0611
The Unit for History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) of the University of Sydney is seeking to recruit a new staff member. The appointment will be continuing, teaching and administration load comparable to leading research departments.
We welcome candidates with expertise in any field related to the various sub-disciplines of HPS. However, we are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in areas that will compliment the current research efforts of the Unit and of the university. The successful candidate will be expected to cooperate throughout HPS, and ideally will demonstrate an ability to converse with scientists and scholars from other disciplines.
As a discipline, HPS at Sydney has received the highest grade – 5 – in the recent Australian Research Council’s Excellence in Research in Australia (ERA) survey. The Unit for HPS is part of the Faculty of Science, and draws undergraduate and postgraduate students from both science and the humanities. It enjoys excellent relations with departments in the Arts faculty, in particular philosophy, history and Chinese studies, as well as with medicine, leading to collaborations in research and teaching.
The position is full-time continuing (tenure track) and is subject to the completion of a satisfactory probation period for new appointees. Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is a condition of employment for new appointees.
Remuneration package: up to $109K p.a. including a base salary up to level B Step 3 of $93K p.a. (under current enterprise agreement a 2.5% increase also applies on a six monthly basis in addition to annual standard career step increments), leave loading and up to 17% superannuation. Visa sponsorship and some relocation cost support will be available for the successful appointee if required.
All applications must be submitted via the University of Sydney careers website. Visit and search by the reference number for more information and to apply.
CLOSING DATE: 16 October 2011 (11:30pm Sydney time)
The University is an Equal Opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity and social inclusion. Applications from equity target groups and women are encouraged as they are underrepresented in this field.