Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Université de Neuchâtel,
Post date: February 23, 2015
4-year PhD fellowship
Deadline: March 31, 2015

The Institute of Philosophy at the University of Neuchâtel ( offers a 4-year PhD fellowship within Fabrice Correia’s SNSF Consolidator project


The project will be linked to eidos, the Centre for Metaphysics (


August 1st, 2015. A later date may be considered, depending on the availability of the candidate.


Our common representation of the world appears to involve a number of substantial metaphysical views about time and its occupants, in particular the view that there is an objective distinction between past, present and future, the view that time passes or flows, or again the view that time is occupied both by events and things, the former unfolding along the temporal dimension and the latter persisting and changing through time while remaining numerically the same. Recently, these theses have been subject to a form of scepticism, which purports to show that the very distinctions they explicitly endorse or at least presuppose are in fact illusory. Even if it is granted that the relevant distinctions do make sense, a number of arguments taken from contemporary physics have been put forward against the common sense views. The aim of the project is twofold: (1) to argue, against the sceptical stances, that the distinctions in question are robust, and (2) to assess the prospects of a reconciliation of contemporary physics and commonsense. The core working hypothesis of the project is that both aims can be achieved in terms of relevant concepts of “fundamentality”, “grounding”, “what is really the case”, and cognate notions.


The ideal candidate has a strong background in both contemporary metaphysics and the philosophy of contemporary physics. The appointee will be expected to work on a topic related to the project.


Neuchâtel is part of the French-speaking area of Switzerland, but for the purposes of the position only English is compulsory.


Applications must be sent by e-mail to Fabrice Correia (fabrice [dot] correia [__at__] unine [dot] ch) by March 31st, 2015. They should include a CV, a list of publications, a writing sample and the name of two persons who can act as referees if contacted.

For further information, please contact Fabrice Correia (fabrice [dot] correia [__at__] unine [dot] ch).

University of Aberdeen,
United Kingdom
Post date: February 22, 2015
Elphinstone PhD Scholarship in Epistemology of Perception at the University of Aberdeen
Deadline: April 30, 2015

One Elphinstone PhD Scholarship in Epistemology of Perception is available at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Aberdeen. The Scholarship covers the entirety of tuition fees for a PhD student of any nationality commencing full-time study in October 2015, for the three-year duration of their studies.

The successful PhD student will be supervised by Dr Luca Moretti (main supervisor and Dr Fed Luzzi (associate supervisor).

The applicant should select one of the following research projects:

1) Topics in Epistemology of Perception

Epistemology of perception investigates whether and how we acquire knowledge or justified belief through perception. These important questions are interwoven with a number of issues and problems hotly debated in current epistemology. Here are examples: perceptual scepticism (whether we actually know the external world through perception); basic knowledge or justification (whether perception can provide us with knowledge or justified belief even if its reliability is unwarranted); perceptual dogmatism (according to which, roughly, perceptual appearances are sources of basic justification); cognitive penetration (the awkward phenomenon that appearances’ contents somewhat depends on background mental states); epistemic entitlement theories (according to which we have non-evidential epistemic justification for accepting empirical propositions of certain types). A PhD thesis should focus on one of these issues or a combination of them (e.g. dogmatism and cognitive penetration; or epistemic entitlement and perceptual scepticism) and contribute original research results to the relevant debate.

2) Liberalism versus Conservatism in Epistemology of Perception

According to liberalism, if you have an experience as if P, you acquire prima facie justification for believing that P that doesn’t require independent justification for taking your experience to be reliable. Conservatism, on the other hand, states that you have justification for believing that P, when you experience as if P, only if you possess independent justification for taking your experience to be reliable. In current epistemology of perception, Jim Pryor for instance defends liberalism by appealing to perceptual dogmatism. Crispin Wright endorses conservatism by adducing his epistemic entitlement theory to explain why we have independent justification for taking our experience to be trustworthy. Conservatism and liberalism have different merits and problems. For example, liberalism offers a neat response to perceptual scepticism but seems to yield "easy" justification, looks incoherent with Bayesian reasoning, and is threatened by the awkward phenomenon of cognitive penetration. Conservatism is not affected by these difficulties but engenders scepticism unless a credible explanation of why we have independent justification for taking experiences to be reliable is provided. A PhD thesis should analyse this important debate and contribute original research outcomes to the conversation on this topic.

3) Epistemological Disjunctivism in Epistemology of Perception

The defining thesis of epistemological disjunctivism in philosophy of perception roughly says that only the cases of veridical perception can provide us with justification for our perceptual beliefs that is strong enough to ground perceptual knowledge. This type of epistemological disjunctivism is very often based on direct (or naïve) realism––i.e. the view that whereas veridical perceptions have mind-independent objects among their constituents, subjectively indistinguishable hallucinations have just mind-dependent objects as their constituents. Epistemological disjunctivism has been claimed to be able to avoid the threat of perceptual scepticism (e.g. by John McDowell and Duncan Pritchard) and reconcile epistemological internalism with externalism (e.g. by Duncan Prichard). These claims and the very defining thesis of epistemological disjunctivism are controversial. A PhD thesis should analyse this important debate and contribute original research findings to the conversation on this topic.

To apply for an Elphinstone PhD Scholarship, you should apply for a PhD via our online system ( stating:

- "Elphinstone PhD Scholarship" in the Intended Source of Funding section
- The name of the main supervisor in the Name of Proposed Supervisor section
- The title of the specific research project in the Outline Summary section
- Candidates should simultaneously register their desire to be considered by emailing the Graduate School Administrator, Ann Marie Johnston, at a [dot] m [dot] johnston [__at__] abdn [dot] ac [dot] uk

Eligibility for an Elphinstone Scholarship is based on academic excellence. Applicants must have the equivalent to a UK 1st class or an Upper Second (2.1) Honours undergraduate degree and/or a Masters with Commendation/Merit or Distinction.

Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva,
Post date: January 25, 2015
Poste d’assistant-e de philosophie ancienne
Deadline: March 28, 2015

met au concours :
1 poste d’assistant-e de philosophie ancienne

Conditions :
Etre en possession d’une maîtrise de philosophie ou d’une licence ès lettres. Avoir un projet de recherche en cours et s’engager à inscrire une thèse dans le domaine de la philosophie antique au Département.

Cahier des charges :
Il s’agit d’un poste à 7/10 e qui passera à 10/10e dès la troisième année.
L’assistant-e participera aux enseignements (en français) de Bachelor en assumant en particulier un séminaire de Travaux Pratiques.
- 2 h de séminaire hebdomadaires,
- correction de travaux, encadrement des étudiant-e-s,
- contacts suivis avec les enseignant-e-s de philosophie,
- tâches administratives

Traitement :
Fr 46’247.-- par an en 1ère année pour un(e) assistant(e) au bénéfice d’une maîtrise. Le maximum du traitement est atteint après 4 annuités (Fr 78'528.-- par an).

Entrée en fonction : 1er août 2015.

Durée du mandat :
Les assistant-e-s sont nommé-e-s pour une première période de 2 ans; la nomination est renouvelable pour deux périodes successives, respectivement de 2 ans et de 1 an.

Documents requis et délai pour le dépôt des candidatures :
- lettre de candidature,
- curriculum vitae accompagné de la photocopie du procès-verbal de maîtrise ou de licence,
- descriptif du projet de recherche.

à envoyer à
Mme la professeure Katerina Ierodiakonou, Katerina [dot] Ierodiakonou [__at__] unige [dot] ch
avant le 28 mars 2015

Dans une perspective de parité, l’Université encourage les candidatures féminines.

Department of Philosophy, University of Regensburg,
Post date: January 8, 2015
Postdoc position, "Reasoning with conditionals in a qualitative cognitive framework"
Deadline: February 8, 2015

The University of Regensburg is seeking applications for a Postdoctoral Position at the Chair of Theoretical Philosophy. This full-time position (tariff TV-L 13) is intended to start on April 1, 2015, but a later starting date is also possible.

The position will be devoted to "Reasoning with conditionals in a qualitative cognitive framework" and is part of a three-year project of the same title funded by the DFG. The text of the project proposal can be downloaded using the link given below.

The appointee will be expected to conduct philosophical research and participate in the organisation of the project. The ideal candidate
- has completed or is about complete his or her PhD in philosophy or a related field,
- takes a keen interest in conditionals, and
- has not only a thorough education in logic and/or philosophy, but also substantial competences in the methods used in psychology or cognitive science.

The work program of the project may be adapted moderately to the candidate's competences. A close co-operation with the DFG Special Priority Program "New Frameworks of Rationality" (SPP 1516) and the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) is intended.

The University of Regensburg aims at raising the percentage of women among its academic personnel and particularly encourages female researchers to apply. Furthermore, given equal qualification, preference will be given to severely physically challenged individuals.

Applications (including a CV, a cover letter describing how the project fits the applicant's academic history and research interests, certificates, a list of publications and of taught courses, and a writing sample) should be submitted either by email (preferred) or by ordinary mail to

Prof. Dr. Hans Rott
University of Regensburg
Department of Philosophy
93040 Regensburg

Additionally, the candidates are requested to have two confidential letters of reference sent directly to the same addresses (email preferred).

Contact for further inquiries: hans [dot] rott [__at__] ur [dot] de

Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva,
Post date: December 23, 2014
"Assistant" in philosophy of emotions and mind
Deadline: December 31, 2014

met au concours
un poste d’assistant(e) en
philosophie des émotions et philosophie de l’esprit
 être en possession d’une maîtrise ès lettres ou d’un titre jugé équivalent,
Cahier des charges Il s’agit d'un poste à 7/10e qui passera à 10/10e la troisième année.
Le/la titulaire du poste participera aux enseignements introductifs de première année et éventuellement à d'autres séminaires (2 à 4h. hebdomadaires durant l’année).
L’assistant(e) participera à l’encadrement des étudiants et aux tâches d’administration. Il ou elle consacrera au moins 40 % de son temps à la préparation d’une thèse de doctorat et/ou à d’autres publications scientifiques.
Traitement annuel
Fr 46’247.- par an en 1ère année pour un(e) assistant(e) au bénéfice d’une maîtrise. Le maximum du traitement est atteint après 4 annuités (Fr 78’528.- par an).
Entrée en fonction 1er février 2015
Durée du mandat
L’assistant(e) est nommé(e) pour une première période de 2 ans; la nomination est renouvelable pour deux périodes successives, respectivement de 2 ans et de 1 an.
Documents requis et délai de postulation
 une lettre de candidature
 un curriculum vitae
 une photocopie des diplômes de BA et MA avec compte-rendu des notes
 un projet de thèse
à envoyer dans un seul document pdf à Kevin [dot] Mulligan [__at__] unige [dot] ch jusqu’au 31 décembre 2014. Dans une perspective de parité, l'Université encourage les candidatures féminines. fd/141211

Anatolia College/ACT,
Thessaloniki (physical location or researcher negotiable),
Post date: December 22, 2014
Research Fellow (PhD/PostDoc) in Risks of Digital DIY Manufacturing
Deadline: January 31, 2015

EC Research Project "Digital Do It Yourself” (DiDIY), Horizon 2020, ICT 31-2014-644344

30 months (starting January 2015 or soon thereafter)

Anatolia College/ACT (Thessaloniki) - physical location of researcher is negotiable

Ca. 1,900 EUR/month (gross) + travel budget + office/IT budget (= 75% position)

Principal Investigator at Anatolia College/ACT: Professor Vincent C. Müller (

Project outline: Digital Do-It-Yourself (DiDIY) is a new socio-technological phenomenon that emerges from the availability of devices that allow the non-professional a digitally precise reproduction of physical artefacts (just like the digital reproduction of data): Anybody can make anything any time. These technologies together with the growing accessibility of data through open online communities lead to new roles and relations among individuals, organizations, and society; in which the distinction between users and producers of physical artefacts is blurred, and new opportunities and risks emerge. Within the larger project (7 institutions, 2.1 mil EUR), Anatolia College/ACT will work on ethical problems and risks of these emerging technologies.

Candidate Profile: We are looking for someone with expertise in applied ethics and new technologies. Some background in philosophy is desirable but other perspectives are possible. The researcher could be a Post-Doc or a PhD student. If a student, we offer the possibility to pursue a PhD programme with the University of Reading, Department of Philosophy and/or Department of Cybernetics. Cooperation with other departments, e.g. at the University of Oxford, are also possible.

Applications (Letter of interest + CV) should be sent in a single PDF file per e-mail with the subject line “DiDIY job” to vmueller [__at__] act [dot] edu. Viewing of applications will begin on January 15th but applications until January 31st are considered.

Utrecht University,
Post date: November 22, 2014
Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy
Deadline: January 5, 2015

*Job description*

Utrecht University is looking for a full professor of Theoretical Philosophy as from September 1, 2015. The chair of Theoretical Philosophy is one of the core chairs in philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies and is an important point of contact within Utrecht University for questions regarding the foundations of mathematics and philosophy of science.
The professor is to play a key role in structuring the profile of research and education in Theoretical Philosophy. Where research is concerned he/she will focus on one of the sub- sections of Theoretical Philosophy, i.e. metaphysics, philosophy of science, epistemology or logic. In her/his research, the professor is to encompass theoretical philosophy in a broader sense: starting from a his/her own research focus, he/she will relate this research to other areas in (theoretical) philosophy and in other disciplines. Demonstrable affinity with formal methods is a vital part of the profile of the Utrecht research group.

The professor is director of the team of Theoretical Philosophy and participates in the bachelor’s programmes of Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence and in the master’s programme Artificial Intelligence. He/she is to contribute substantially to the research master’s programmes “Philosophy” and “History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities”.
The successful candidate is expected to play an active leading and coordinating role in his/her research group, in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, in the Faculty of Humanities, and in the university as a whole. She/he is also expected to render a significant contribution to the Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities.
Finally, the professor is expected to contribute substantially to the administration of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, and of the Faculty of Humanities.


The successful candidate:
• is an excellent senior researcher with a good grasp of the whole field of Theoretical Philosophy in broad outlines and with a profound knowledge of Theoretical Philosophy in one of the specific areas mentioned above, and with demonstrable affinity with formal methods in Philosophy;
• has shown the ability to set up his or her own innovative line of research, to obtain research grants and to stimulate and supervise young researchers, especially PhD students;
• is capable of international and interdisciplinary cooperation, as shown by various forms of collaboration and publications;
• is a motivating and dedicated teacher who makes use of modern teaching methods and is capable of translating his/her own research projects into a dynamic education environment, and who preferably has experience in teaching abroad;
• is able to engage in, develop and maintain cooperation networks, actively participates in international fora and manages to give his/her research projects and staff members a clear profile at an international level;
• is collaborative and shows the communicative and organisational skills required for the responsibilities entailed in this position; is, in other words, a team player with a clear capacity for leadership and with social skills;
• is able and prepared to teach in Dutch and in English. (Candidates from abroad are expected to master the Dutch language in two years’ time.)


In accordance with the present regulations, the successful candidate is offered a full-time tenure-track appointment for five years, followed by tenure after positive evaluation. The salary is € 5,003 - €7,285 gross per month for a full-time appointment.

*About the organisation*

Utrecht University has a strong ambition regarding quality of teaching and study success. This also holds for the sharp research profiles with respect to four themes: Sustainability, Life Sciences, Dynamics of Youth and Institutions. Utrecht University really forms part of society and contributes to answers to the social questions of today and tomorrow.
At the Faculty of Humanities there are about 900 staff members and 7000 students. The Faculty includes four domains of knowledge:
1. Philosophy and religious studies
2. History and history of arts
3. Media and culture studies and languages
4. Literature and communication

With teaching and research in these areas the Faculty wants to contribute to a better understanding of The Netherlands and of Europe in a swiftly changing social and cultural context.
The enthusiastic and committed colleagues and the excellent amenities in the historical city centre of Utrecht, where the Faculty is housed, contribute to an inspiring working environment. In addition Utrecht University offers attractive employment conditions.

*Additional information*

Are you interested? Please ask for the profile report from the HR department of the Faculty of Humanities (003130) 2536244 or hr [dot] gw [__at__] uu [dot] nl
For additional information please contact Prof.dr. M. Düwell at m [dot] duwell [__at__] uu [dot] nl


Applications, including a covering letter (with motivation) for this position, a curriculum vitae and a list of publications may be submitted via, until 5 January 2015.
The interviews with candidates will take place by the end of January 2015. The second round in the application procedure is planned for mid-February 2015.
Giving a trial lecture, submitting a research plan, as well as an assessment may form part of the application procedure.

Application should be submitted before 6 January 2015.

Institut für Philosophie, Universität Bern,
Post date: November 17, 2014
Deadline: December 15, 2014

Promotionsstelle (Universität Bern)

Im Rahmen des Projekts „Ontology of Musical Works and Analysis of Musical Practices“ (“Ontologie musikalischer Werke und Analyse der Musikpraxis”) ist eine Promotionsstelle für drei Jahre zu vergeben.

Kontext: Das Projekt thematisiert die Metaphysik, insbesondere die Identitätsbedingungen musikalischer Werke. Wie andere Beiträge zur philosophischen Diskussion in diesem Bereich, nehmen wir als Ausgangspunkt die Entwicklung der Standard-Notenschrift im neunzehnten Jahrhundert, rund um und vor allem nach der Zeit Beethovens.
Das Projekt wird am Institut für Philosophie an der Universität Bern durchgeführt und vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (SNF) finanziert. Es soll vom Februar 2015 bis zum Januar 2018 dauern. Weitere Projektteilnehmer sind Prof. Dale Jacquette, Dr. Thomas Gartmann und Dr. Marcello Ruta.

Fokus der Dissertation: Der erfolgreiche Bewerber/die erfolgreiche Bewerberin soll systematisch die Metaphysik der Musik und die Identitätsbedingungen für spezifische Werke der Musik erforschen. Es gibt eine beträchtliche Literatur zum Thema in der Ästhetik, der Kunst und insbesondere in der Musikkritik, und das Projekt wird diese Literatur aufnehmen und einen signifikanten Beitrag zur philosophischen Diskussion über die Ontologie von Musikwerken in Bezug auf das Verständnis der Vielfalt der Musikpraxis leisten. Wir planen die Organisation zweier Konferenzen und hoffen, mit den Konferenzbeiträgen mindestens eine Sammlung von Artikeln zu den zentralen Themen des Projekts veröffentlichen zu können. Der Doktorand/die Doktorandin soll nicht nur seine/ihre Dissertation verfassen, sondern auch aktiv an den philosophischen Diskussionen teilnehmen, bei der Organisation von Anlässen mitwirken und bei der Herausgabe des Sammelbandes (oder der Bände) mitarbeiten. Die Arbeitssprache in der Forschung ist Englisch oder Deutsch.

Anforderungen: Wir suchen eine Person (Ph.D. Kandidat/in) mit:

- einem ausgezeichneten Master-Abschluss in Philosophie (der vorliegen muss, sobald die Stelle angetreten wird)
- vielversprechenden Aussichten, innert drei Jahren eine herausragende Dissertation auf dem Gebiet des Projekts vorzulegen
- guten Kenntnissen der analytischen Metaphysik
- ernsthaftem Interesse an der Musik
- der Fähigkeit, formale Werkzeuge in der philosophischen Analyse zu verwenden
- der Bereitschaft und Fähigkeit, sich an der Organisation der Konferenzen und an der Buchherausgabe zu beteiligen

Wir bieten:

- die Möglichkeit, einen Doktortitel in Philosophie in einem international ausgerichteten Forschungskontext
zu erwerben
- die Möglichkeit, eine Vielzahl von forschungsbezogenen Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen zu gewinnen, insbesondere bei der Mitarbeit an Konferenzorganisationen und der Herausgabe eines Sammelbandes
- die Möglichkeit, Philosophen/-innen kennenzulernen, die in der Forschung über Ästhetik, Philosophie der Kunst und Philosophie der Musik aktiv sind
- attraktive Arbeitsbedingungen in einer sehr kooperativen Forschungsgruppe
- die Möglichkeit, die Agenda des eigenen Forschungsgebiets durch die Mitorganisation von Workshops mitzugestalten

Die Stelle sollte im Februar 2015 angetreten werden, doch es besteht eine gewisse Flexibilität.

Bitte senden Sie folgende Unterlagen (möglichst in elektronischer Form) an uns:

– Motivationsschreiben
– Lebenslauf
– Zeugniskopien
– Arbeitsprobe (15 – 25 Seiten, z.B. Kapitel aus der Masterarbeit)
– ein bis zwei akademische Referenzschreiben (können uns direkt von dritten Personen zugesandt werden)

Bitte schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbung bis am 15.12.2014 an Prof. Dr. Dale Jacquette, Institut für Philosophie,
Universität Bern, Länggassstrasse 49a, CH-3000 Bern, Schweiz, dale [dot] jacquette [__at__] philo [dot] unibe [dot] ch.
Fragen richten Sie bitte ebenfalls an Herrn Jacquette.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

Department of Philosophy, University of Bern,
Post date: November 17, 2014
Ph.D. position
Deadline: December 15, 2014

Ph.D. position (University of Bern)

A Ph.D. position for three years is available in the project “Ontology of Musical Works and Analysis of Musical Practices”.

Context: The project addresses the metaphysics and especially the identity conditions for musical works. Like other contributors to philosophical discussion in the field, we take as our point of departure the development of standard musical notation in the nineteenth century, roughly around and especially after the time of Beethoven.
The project is based at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bern and funded by the Swiss National Fund (SNF), and will extend from February 2015 through January 2018. Other project participants are Prof. Dale Jacquette, Dr. Thomas Gartmann, and Dr. Marcello Ruta.

Focus of the dissertation: The successful applicant is expected to systematically explore the metaphysics of music and the identity conditions for specific works of music. There is a considerable literature on the subject in aesthetics and art and music criticism, and the project will assimilate and contribute to philosophical discussion about the ontology of musical works in relation to an understanding of the plurality of musical practices. We are budgeted to organize two conferences, from which we hope to edit at least one book of essays on the central topics of the project from conference participants. The Ph.D. student is not only expected to write her/his dissertation, but to participate at philosophical discussions and organization of events, editing of the book(s), and related activities. The working research language is English or German.

We seek a Ph.D. candidate with:

– an excellent master’s degree in philosophy (completed by the date the position is taken up)
– strong promise of completing an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation in three years in the project area
– good knowledge of analytic metaphysics
– serious interest in music
– ability to use formal tools in philosophical analysis
– willingness and ability to contribute to organizing the conference and book editing project

We offer:

– opportunity to complete a Ph.D. in philosophy in an internationally oriented research context
– opportunity to gain a variety of research related skills and experiences in helping to organize
conferences in aesthetics and edit the proceedings
– opportunity to meet philosophers active in research in aesthetics, philosophy of art and philosophy
of music
– attractive working conditions in a highly collaborative research group
– possibility of shaping the agenda of one’s specialized research field by co-organizing workshops

Starting date for employment: February 2015 (with some flexibility).

To apply for the position, please send us (preferably electronically):

– a letter of motivation
– your curriculum vitae
– certificates (copies)
– a writing sample (15 – 25 pages, e.g. chapter from the master’s thesis)
– one or two letters of recommendation (which can be sent to us directly by the referees)

Please send your application to Prof. Dr. Dale Jacquette, Department of Philosophy, University of Bern, Unitobler, Länggassstrasse 49A, CH-3000 Bern, Switzerland, dale [dot] jacquette [__at__] philo [dot] unibe [dot] ch.

Deadline: December 15, 2014.

If you have further questions, please contact Dale Jacquette.

We are looking forward to seeing your application!

Institut für Philosophie II, Ruhr-Universtität Bochum,
Post date: November 14, 2014
Assistant Professor: 3 years (plus ev. 3 years): Philosophy of Mind or Cognition
Deadline: December 15, 2014

JOB at the Research Unit "Philosophy of Mind": Prof. Dr. A. Newen

We are offering a full-time postdoctoral position (comparable to an
assistant professorship), beginning on 1st April 2015, with a limited
tenure of three years, renewable for a further three.

The position is installed to foster the research of young postdocs who
have already proven to be excellent in publications. It offers the
opportunity to develop one’s own research project and research profile
in the area of philosophy of mind, language or cognition. For the
candidate who would later like to continue their career path within the
German system, there will be the possibility to reach the degree of a
"Habilitation". Beside the scientific aspects of this position, there is
also the assignment to teach two courses each semester. Moreover, the
candidate will be asked to engage in some administrative tasks and to
strongly support the organization of the Center for Mind, Brain and
Cognitive Evolution.

The candidate’s research should be connected with some of the current
research projects. This includes a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary
research in the area of philosophy of mind. Part of the job will be also
to support the organization of the Center for Mind, Brain and Cognitive

These are some of the current research projects:

Philosophy of mind with the following key aspects:
- Other Minds/Understanding the other
- Self-Consciousness and Theory of Mind
- Animal Cognition: Animals, how rational are they
- Philosophy of Neurosciences

Experimental philosophy: - The attribution of moral behavior

Preferable but not mandatory for this position is a competency in the
area of philosophy of language, e.g. theory of concepts or semantics of
singular terms and propositional attitudes.

Candidates who have evidently engaged in some in-depth research in both
philosophy of mind with very good knowledge in neurosciences and some
expertise in experimental philosophy will be of particular interest for
this vacancy. It will be possible, of course, to establish one’s own
particular area of research.

Requirements: Candidates should have an outstanding PhD in philosophy
and, in the ideal case, an additional degree in psychology, cognitive
science, linguistics, psychiatry or neurosciences. Some substantial
expertise in at least one of these areas will be expected. Furthermore,
the candidate must have teaching experience and at least two papers
published or accepted by peer-reviewed journals according to the
European Science Foundation (ESF-lists).

Application documents: Please send your application to
sekretariat-newen [__at__] rub [dot] de

Your application should consist of three PDF files. The first one is to
include your personal documents: an outline of your own planned research
project of 2 pages, CV, copies of certificates and records, list of your
talks, conferences you attended and courses you held; names of 2
referees. The other PDF files to be attached should be your best two
publications (must have been published or accepted,
if accepted but not published then add the letter of acceptance of the

Deadline of application: 15th of December 2014.

For further information, please contact: Prof. Dr. A. Newen
(albert [dot] newen [__at__] rub [dot] de)

Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) is one of Germany’s leading research
universities. The University draws its strength from both the diversity
and the proximity of humanities, natural sciences and engineering
disciplines on a single, coherent campus. This highly dynamic setting
enables students and researchers to work across traditional boundaries
of academic subjects and faculties.

Ruhr-Universität Bochum is committed to promoting the careers of women
and therefore strongly welcomes applications from female candidates. As
an equal opportunities employer, we also encourage applications from
suitably qualified disabled candidates and other groups.